web-based javascript shell

2010-08-28 Thread Mingfai
hi, I have created a JavaScript shell for accessing Riak from a web page. http://github.com/mingfai/riak-shell http://mingfai.ma/2010/08/29/riak-javascript-shell/ It is basically a single html page that you could upload to any bucket and then access it to run Javascript commands. regards, mingf

Re: Any performance comparison / best practice advice for choosing a riak backend ?

2010-08-28 Thread Sean Cribbs
Your choice should be dictated by your use-case. In most situations, "riak_kv_bitcask_backend" (the default) will work for you. It stores data on disk in a fast (append-only) log-structured file format. If your data is transient or doesn't need to persist across restarts (and needs to be fast)

Any performance comparison / best practice advice for choosing a riak backend ?

2010-08-28 Thread Neville Burnell
Hi, I'm new to riak, and have been busily reading though the wiki, watching the videos, and catching up on the mail list, so I will have lots of questions over the next few weeks - so sorry To begin, I'm curious about the characteristics of the seven backends for riak [1] 1. riak_kv_bitcask_