Hi Germain,
It's difficult to say if 3 GB of RAM is not enough. Bitcask maintains an in
memory structure called a keydir. The bitcask intro describes the keydir as
"A keydir is simply a hash table that maps every key in a Bitcask to a
fixed-size structure giving the file, offset, and siz
Hi, Dmitry. There are some gaps in the information you included here that
might help clarify what's going on so I'm going to just rattle off some
questions for clarification.
Is your test driver only making requests of a single EC2 instance? Or are
you querying all 7 nodes directly in so sort of
Morning, Afternoon, Evening to all,
A short recap to take you into the weekend: A new Java Protocol
Buffers Client, some questions from #riak, and conversation about
throughput and latency.
Enjoy your weekend.
Community Manager
Basho Technologies
I tried running Riak with bitcask backend on 7 Amazon EC2 standard
large instances (7.5 GB RAM, 4 EC2 CPU units) and performed some
For comparison, I built up the following Riak clusters:
7 physical nodes ring
1 physical node ring (on one of the 7 instances, but I ran the tests