Hi All,
I apologize if this has been covered already.
In the wiki it says "If keys=stream, the response will be transferred using
chunked-encoding, where each chunk is a JSON object" (on
This doesn't seem to be the case, sometimes a json object is b
A node won't adapt its settings when it joins the cluster. It is recommended to
have the same settings for options like the storage_backend as well as any
specific settings for the backend (such as in the case of Innostore) to provide
consistency across the cluster, but settings like "riak_wep_i
Must all nodes in a cluster have the same configuration (same
app.config) or does a node adopt the configuration from the
node/cluster it joins?
riak-users mailing list
Hey All -
Hope the weekend was good. For today's recap: some Riak + node.js
info, a pointer to a presentation, a hefty discount code, and a Riak
review from Linuxfr.org.
Enjoy -
Mark Phillips
Community Manager
Basho Technologies