Re: pipeline | WIP: Integrate atomic reprotest into salsa-ci pipeline (!168)

2019-09-03 Thread Holger Levsen
On Tue, Sep 03, 2019 at 05:11:16PM +0200, Santiago Ruano Rincón wrote: > To give you an example of atomic results, see the current salsa ci > pipeline of konsole: > > > > and debugging it with atomic-reprotest > > https://salsa.debia

Re: pipeline | WIP: Integrate atomic reprotest into salsa-ci pipeline (!168)

2019-09-03 Thread Santiago Ruano Rincón
(Replying by mail and CCing to get their opinion). Reproducible builds folks: please see and the merge request I am working on to include this idea into the salsa CI pipeline: https://salsa.debian.