Dear Chris,
On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 10:58:03PM -, Chris Lamb wrote:
> The diffoscope maintainers are please to announce the release of
> version 145 of diffoscope.
> diffoscope tries to get to the bottom of what makes files or
> directories different. [...]
> Version 145 includes the fo
control: retitle -1 reprotest: should not default to vary time and date
Hi James,
thanks for your bug report!
On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 02:49:58PM -0400, James Valleroy wrote:
> time(): 1631998736
> touch($cacheFile);
> clearstatcache(); // has no effect
> filemtime($cacheFile): 1589907896
Processing control commands:
> retitle -1 reprotest: should not default to vary time and date
Bug #961064 [reprotest] reprotest: use of faketime causes newly created file to
have very old modified time
Changed Bug title to 'reprotest: should not default to vary time and date' from
'reprotest: us