strip-nondeterminism 1.7.0-1 MIGRATED to testing

2020-04-10 Thread Debian testing watch
FYI: The status of the strip-nondeterminism source package in Debian's testing distribution has changed. Previous version: 1.6.3-2 Current version: 1.7.0-1 -- This email is automatically generated once a day. As the installation of new packages into testing happens multiple times a day you

Bug#884095: stretch

2020-04-10 Thread Chris Lamb
Hi Hans, > * This link 404s for me. Can you help? Regards, -- ,''`. : :' : Chris Lamb `. `'` 🍥 `- ___ Reproducible-builds mailing

Bug#884095: stretch

2020-04-10 Thread Hans-Christoph Steiner
Here are the APKs from that failed diff: * * And the Janus example provided in before still stands, unless you've implemented detection based on file extension. That verification box is


2020-04-10 Thread Nassir Bechara
I would like to be sure that your email is active please respond to me as soon as possible. Have a great day. Thanks, Nassir Bechara ___ Reproducible-builds mailing list

Zdarma půjčka do 24 hodin

2020-04-10 Thread Katarzyna Obijiaku
Dobrý den, hledáte legálního a spolehlivého věřitele? Potřebujete půjčku? Potřebujete naléhavou finanční pomoc? Potřebujete naléhavou půjčku na splacení dluhu nebo potřebujete kapitálovou půjčku na zlepšení svého podnikání? Nabízím všechny typy půjček fyzickým a právnickým osobám s úrokovou sazbou


2020-04-10 Thread 邮箱管理员
亲爱的用户     您好,我们将对邮箱系统进行一次升级,每个用户需进行升级审核,为了不影响您的正常使用,请点击立即审核!(一个工作日内完成) 逾期该账号将无法正常登录。谢谢合作! (C)2020。 版权所有. NMLSR ID 399801 which, though I cannot repeat in the same wordsthat he spoke it in? yet I remember I made it into an Englishproverb of my ow