retitle 904685 diffoscope: RuntimeError when trying to extract an encrypted
file within .zip
tags 904685 + moreinfo
Hi Ricardo,
> Is this expected behaviour or is there a cmd line parameter which I
> could use to prevent this?
Oh, not at all the expected behaviour. diffoscope should "nev
Processing commands for
> retitle 904685 diffoscope: RuntimeError when trying to extract an encrypted
> file within .zip
Bug #904685 [diffoscope] diffoscope: RuntimeError when trying to extract an
encrypted file (.bmp)
Changed Bug title to 'diffoscope: RuntimeError when
Package: diffoscope
Version: 51
Severity: normal
Dear Maintainer,
I was trying to diff two versions of a windows installer directory, and
encountered a RuntimeError due to diffoscope not being able to extract
an encrypted file.
I would have expected for the system to maybe report that such files