reopen 877418
Debian Bug Tracking System writes:
>* Clojure considers the .class file to be stale if it shares the same
> timestamp of the .clj. We thus adjust the timestamps of the .clj to
> always
> be younger. (Closes: #877418)
> - {jar,zip}.pm: Allow $options{membe
Processing commands for
> reopen 877418
Bug #877418 {Done: Chris Lamb } [dh-strip-nondeterminism]
dh-strip-nondeterminism: kills clojure performance
'reopen' may be inappropriate when a bug has been closed with a version;
all fixed versions will be cleared, and you may ne
Processing commands for
> unarchive 877418
Bug #877418 {Done: Chris Lamb } [dh-strip-nondeterminism]
dh-strip-nondeterminism: kills clojure performance
Unarchived Bug 877418
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact me if you need assistance.
877418: https://
Hi all,
Please review the draft for week 165's blog post:
Feel free to commit any changes directly to _blog/posts/ in Git:
$ git clone
$ sensible-editor _blog/post