Re: [RE-wrenches] Ideas and racking systems for "stowing" ground mount PV array during snowy winter?

2022-03-30 Thread Tump via RE-wrenches
I have found that after the first year the customer, after fighting w/ tilt up legs, that the array will usually end up in a single angle. It would seem to me w/ the # of proposed modules you look at a motorized tilt option. There are companies, that design & build this type of rack for commer

Re: [RE-wrenches] Small Industrial Propane Generators

2022-06-29 Thread Tump via RE-wrenches
Wildcat Generators in Kansas, you can call Kandi, CCed here. Recently they said that the smaller air-cooled gen motors are impossible to get. But things may have changed. Kandi Roeser Director of Customer Service (480) 677-0737


2022-07-10 Thread Tump via RE-wrenches
How many folks require UL listing to install, this may expedite delivery? > On Jul 8, 2022, at 3:09 PM, Dana Orzel via RE-wrenches > wrote: > > The question was – When might these units be available? > > The first request from the manu. was to get a survey of how many units might > get sold p

[RE-wrenches] MPPT voltage changes

2022-08-18 Thread Tump via RE-wrenches
Schnieder MPPT 100/600 charge controllers have in their menu a place to change the “MPPT” voltage setting from 600VDC down to 195VDC. In doing so all it seems to do is disable the controller and displays the screens; operating , not charging. I was trying to use this setting as I have a small ar

Re: [RE-wrenches] SMA alternative?

2022-09-29 Thread Tump via RE-wrenches
Id like to have your contact at Fronuis for tech support. Im not having much luck. Off list is fine. THANKS > On Sep 29, 2022, at 3:40 PM, Sky Sims via RE-wrenches > wrote: > > Fronius is a quality string level inverter with strong tech support, warranty > and service. > > Sky Sims > Https:/

Re: [RE-wrenches] Radian / Flexmax issue

2022-10-28 Thread Tump via RE-wrenches
ISOLATE ISOLATE ISOLATE. The first thing I would do id disable the Flex net DC, next isolate each 12 v battery, ck voltages, load test, use any automotive battery tester find 4 decent batteries and try again. Have you replaced all the com cables? Cheap and w/ the possibility of Lightning strik

Re: [RE-wrenches] XWPro produces noise at low (<50 W Power)

2022-12-06 Thread Tump via RE-wrenches
I have heard this too. Eric from SE has been cced here and the first thing I was told to due was: Set inverter to bypass (someone needs to be on site, as the inverter will shut off during reboot) Check & update firmware, RESET ALL factory defaults and reenter your grid code. If you find this a

Re: [RE-wrenches] XWPro produces noise at low (<50 W Power)

2022-12-06 Thread Tump via RE-wrenches
t; T: 250.703.6004 > T: 888.386.0116 > VIRIDIANENERGY.CA <> > <> > > > On Tue, 6 Dec 2022 at 11:45, Tump via RE-wrenches > <>> wrote: > I have heard this too. Eric fro

Re: [RE-wrenches] SMA inverterters with SPS

2022-12-12 Thread Tump via RE-wrenches
Been waiting on a Fronius for a 3.8kW for 2 months have an older system that had a low voltage array that is below the strike voltages of their “replacement” inverters…… Ahhhn the joys of Solar installation. > On Dec 12, 2022, at 10:23 AM, Kirpal via RE-wrenches > wrote: > > Good morning folks

Re: [RE-wrenches] Old Trace SW inverter connected to the grid.

2022-12-19 Thread Tump via RE-wrenches
I have neve heard that but I would connect the utility to the AC1 input as the window is quite narrow then the grid. The GTI was a piss poor way for trace to regulate “sell” current would ramp up & back down all day long. NOT necessary. BUT then again that old duffer; SH probably has more brain

Re: [RE-wrenches] RE-wrenches] replace part of rolls battery bank

2023-04-05 Thread Tump via RE-wrenches
I would suggest that adding additional batteries to increase battery voltages is fine 48 to 54V or what ever, I too have used this many times on very remote sites. Please also increase your inverters hi voltage cut out settings, as this can be a real bummer having the system shut down in full su

Re: [RE-wrenches] Old and new Radian

2023-05-10 Thread Tump via RE-wrenches
What about replacing the AC board? > On May 10, 2023, at 11:22 AM, Maverick Brown via RE-wrenches > wrote: > > You could find a used not a version of the Radian to Parallel. > > Or you could make the new a version, the master, and only inverter on your > main electrical panel and use the old n

Re: [RE-wrenches] Retail price lists

2023-05-19 Thread Tump via RE-wrenches
We are in Biz to make . I do not concern myself w/ what others or internet pricing, can you say AltE? You are a professional we have insurance, equipment , inventory & CE requirements. The client is covering those unseen costs too, as well as the equipment you are selling. We/you have to inc

Re: [RE-wrenches] Fwd: Schneider SCP / MPPT 80 600 / XW+ / Gateway questions

2023-06-13 Thread Tump via RE-wrenches
Greg its a pain, i agree, a few things I have done to help me w/ Schnieder’s love of passwords. In my phone, my personal “Insight Cloud" log in info, and the password for the client’s system on location Insight, so that site is accessible to you. I will also take a picture & file the info, MAC

Re: [RE-wrenches] Thermal paste for battery connections

2023-06-21 Thread Tump via RE-wrenches
Sanchem NO-OX-ID "A SPECIAL” is what Ive been using for years. It is conductive and works great. it is available from Wesco, Graybar, Amazon I usually get the tubes and fill tins for the toolbox, warm the tube prior to filling the tins. > On Jun 21, 2023, at 1

Re: [RE-wrenches] Fronius USA available 2023 & 2024 ?

2023-08-25 Thread Tump via RE-wrenches
Mick, I would avoid trying to use a manufacture that has little NO support OR product availability. IF your using the Schnieder Pros, I would suggest you consider the 600/100 CC. This product is more then capable of handling 7kW of input. They are available, compatible w/ their (Schnieder’s) ba