Re: [RE-wrenches] Arc Fault problem in FM100

2025-03-08 Thread Dana Orzel via RE-wrenches
Pull the ground jumper in the FM100. Double check all terminal connections in the Power center related to the FM100. Do the pull test carefully, I once missed tightening a neutral that was passing current & then not. I finally heard a slight crackle sound as I turned the array input & battery br

Re: [RE-wrenches] 40 Degree tilt array

2025-03-08 Thread Dana Orzel via RE-wrenches
MTSolar _ Dana OrzelGREAT SOLAR WORKS! C - 208.721.7003 E - W - www. "Responsible Technologies for Respons

Re: [RE-wrenches] 40 Degree tilt array

2025-03-08 Thread Dana Orzel via RE-wrenches
One thing I have done with solar hot water racks to spread out the weight per connection point to the roof and to give the upper and lower connections a stable point to connect to instead of just the roofis to do a uni-strut type frame that is parallel with the roof and then attach the actual ti

Re: [RE-wrenches] Seeking DC breaker to fit ancient AEE/ Gudgel enclosure for Trace PVGFP

2025-03-12 Thread Dana Orzel via RE-wrenches
My iPhone popped up with Northern Arizona solar electric known as NAZ as having one Dana Orzel C: 208.721.7003 E- On Mar 11, 2025, at 2:48 PM, Ray Walters via RE-wrenches wrote:  Hi Mick; I have a 100 A model with the mechanical lugs, low profile, made for surface mount,

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