Re: [RE-wrenches] Lithium batteries

2024-02-08 Thread Jason Szumlanski via RE-wrenches
For what it's worth, B&S has a stellar reputation around here for dealer warranty support on their generators. I know that doesn't always translate when companies acquire others (a case in point is the disastrous ADT/SunPro mess). How battery manufacturers will handle LiPO warranty claims is still

Re: [RE-wrenches] Lithium batteries

2024-02-08 Thread Jay via RE-wrenches
Hi RayI’m going more and more with same oem for systems with lithium. Specifically so I don’t have an issue with finger pointing between OEMS. But that sure sucks. JayOn Feb 7, 2024, at 10:17 PM, Ray Walters via RE-wrenches wrote: We just had a complete failure of a set of four

Re: [RE-wrenches] Lithium batteries

2024-02-08 Thread Michael Morningstar via RE-wrenches
I've been having the same thoughts about Li and off-grid systems. It used to be that I would install a system and then hear back from the clients a decade later when it was time for new batteries. Now, almost every other week I'm dealing with Li related issues (that I feel obligated to pay for). Sa

Re: [RE-wrenches] Lithium batteries

2024-02-08 Thread Richard Nicol via RE-wrenches
Hi Ray We had a complete failure of 6 Simpliphi batteries with the same symptoms you found. Another installer had replaced the inverter with an XW and appeared to leave the charger programing on factory defaults along with temp compensation so when the generator was called for it would rise to abso

Re: [RE-wrenches] Lithium batteries

2024-02-08 Thread Chris Schaefer via RE-wrenches
Ray, Oddly enough we're getting ready to replace our 22 year old 48v bank of Rolls Surrette batteries at our offgrid Design and Training Center in Western NY with a set of Lithium batteries.The reason for the jump to Lithium is because of the numerous request by clients for them over the past 5 ye

Re: [RE-wrenches] Lithium batteries

2024-02-08 Thread Darryl Thayer via RE-wrenches
About 4 years ago I wrote about my failure of Simplify in service 3 years. after much delay, I took each unit to shop and charged each one on bench power supply, all returned to full function and are still working today off grid system. I agree with the comments they are tricky, MorningStar knows

Re: [RE-wrenches] Lithium batteries

2024-02-08 Thread Ray Walters via RE-wrenches
The auxiliary charger was only used after Simpliphi recommended it.  This was also a requirement before they would even issue an RMA: charge each battery individually for 2 hours with a separate DC power supply or battery charger.  That's 8 hours total on site by the way, and another problem I

Re: [RE-wrenches] Lithium batteries

2024-02-08 Thread Ray Walters via RE-wrenches
Hi Richard; Off list, what was your outcome from Simpliphi?  Did they make any deal with you?  What did you put in as replacements? Thanks, Ray Walters Remote Solar On 2/8/2024 7:35 AM, Richard Nicol via RE-wrenches wrote: Hi Ray We had a complete failure of 6 Simpliphi batteries with the s

Re: [RE-wrenches] Fwd: Re: Cantilevered array

2024-02-08 Thread Sky Sims via RE-wrenches
I’ve designed and installed several thousand cantilevered arrays over the last three decades and never had a single issue. Unfortunately, code changes have taken a turn for the worse in most jurisdictions and oftentimes disallow cantilevering. Sky SimsHttps://EcologicalSystems.org732-462-3858On Jan