[RE-wrenches] Old and new Radian

2023-05-10 Thread frenergy via RE-wrenches
        The wrench list has some very creative thinkers that may have a go around to be able to master/slave an old Radian's output with a new one.   Outback says this is not do-able.   We're completely off-grid out here and have been charging EVs (one at a time) with an eleven year old Radian

Re: [RE-wrenches] Old and new Radian

2023-05-10 Thread Maverick Brown via RE-wrenches
You could find a used not a version of the Radian to Parallel. Or you could make the new a version, the master, and only inverter on your main electrical panel and use the old not a version as your generator battery charger and off grid vehicle charger tied to the same existing battery bank. Th

Re: [RE-wrenches] Old and new Radian

2023-05-10 Thread Tump via RE-wrenches
What about replacing the AC board? > On May 10, 2023, at 11:22 AM, Maverick Brown via RE-wrenches > wrote: > > You could find a used not a version of the Radian to Parallel. > > Or you could make the new a version, the master, and only inverter on your > main electrical panel and use the old n

Re: [RE-wrenches] Old and new Radian

2023-05-10 Thread Darryl Thayer via RE-wrenches
Sorry if this is nonsense, but your existing Radian is your "AC grid source," It can act as the paralleling. AC coupling source. I did this about 20 to 30 years ago, using FX inverters, not Radians, to power a large motor. Can your Radian Mate 3 run in grid zero? Or if not, one inverter runs all

Re: [RE-wrenches] Old and new Radian

2023-05-10 Thread Michael Morningstar via RE-wrenches
I just pulled out an 8048 and replaced it with a 8048A due to the lack of AC boards for 8048s. I didn't know any better and put in a new 8048A board and learned the hard way that they aren't cross compatible. Smoked it. If you think you can find a board for it, it's yours. On Wed, May 10, 2023 at