[RE-wrenches] MLSD module level shutdown

2021-01-29 Thread sky
So far the module level shutdown requirements have been a real blow to our industry. The reliability and cost from a maintenance and installation standpoint has been very hit or miss so far. It feels like this requirement was rolled out far too quickly without enough forethought to its impact on

Re: [RE-wrenches] MLSD module level shutdown

2021-01-29 Thread Kristopher Schmid
Sky, I, for one, totally agree. While I agree with the need to keep firefighters safe, it seems to me that rules regarding solar conduit would serve the same purpose; required labeling of rooftop conduit beyond the array boundary, required distance below roof deck for attic conduit, etc. I am sur

Re: [RE-wrenches] MLSD module level shutdown

2021-01-29 Thread frenergy
Andrew,             If these are the only two examples of justification of MLSD and not knowing the details of the examples you've cited, I suggest there is a more effective, equal in labor to apply, less expensive, durable solution.  For the squirrel problem, an alternate solution is one of

Re: [RE-wrenches] MLSD module level shutdown

2021-01-29 Thread Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
Hi Sly, The small part of the industry ( Offgrid ) mostly uses ground mounting and is not using MLSD. On some new offgrid homes I use rapid shutdown at MPPT level to get the permit if the AHJ can't be reasoned with. The Schneider rapid shutdown has a nice 600 vdc disconnect in it, that is useful

Re: [RE-wrenches] MLSD module level shutdown

2021-01-29 Thread Ray
Yes, I would like more info too.  I'm all about safety, but it needs to be based on reality not theory.  For instance, would string level shut down have stopped the arcs you mentioned?  Also, I second the screening.  Even if MLSD stops the fire, the rodents have still won the day by taking out

Re: [RE-wrenches] MLSD module level shutdown

2021-01-29 Thread Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
Hi Ben, Dave had to go on a service call up into the high county. No cell ! I expect him back before dark. Probably will get back in the AM Thanks, Ingrid Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar "we go where powerlines don't" http://members.sti.net/offgridsolar/ e-mail offgridso...@sti.net text 209 813 0060

Re: [RE-wrenches] MLSD module level shutdown

2021-01-29 Thread Solar Energy Solutions
Dear All, I have been an outspoken critic of module level shutdown for all the reasons folks do.  However, I have come around.  We have witnessed too many systems where rooftop wiring has been chewed up by critters... mostly squirrels.  We have seen everything from residential fires to holes in

[RE-wrenches] Bonding of metal PV guards

2021-01-29 Thread William Miller
Friends: Recently it was posited here that metallic scrims or wire guarding is required to be bonded. This is not technically correct. Section 250.4(A)(4) states bonding is required for …*non–current-carrying electrically* *conductive materials that are likely to become energized…* If it c

Re: [RE-wrenches] MLSD module level shutdown

2021-01-29 Thread Sky Sims
Ray, That's a great point it seems like people are really concerned about squirrels and I simply don't understand how adding more components and more potential points of failure helps to address a potential rodent attack, If anything it seems like MLSD just increases the amount of risk of damage fr

Re: [RE-wrenches] MLSD module level shutdown

2021-01-29 Thread Jay
I agree with the MLPE concept. It is safer, period. There are no high voltage ground faults, series or parallel. Fire danger is significantly reduced from just a single module. The danger to firefighters is almost 0 with MLPE. Probably greater danger slipping on them than shock. But other a

[RE-wrenches] MLSD module level shutdown

2021-01-29 Thread Hilton Dier
There’s a buried-in-plain-sight issue here that has bugged me for years. In the bad old days we had to hard wire into J-boxes on the backs of modules. A pain, but it meant that, if necessary, we could install conduit from the module to the combiner box. Now we have convenient pigtails. Howeve

Re: [RE-wrenches] MLSD module level shutdown

2021-01-29 Thread Ray
I totally agree; where else does the NEC allow loose single conductor cables to run unprotected? outdoors?  All because the module manus and industry in general has made no effort, zero, to accommodate any type of electrical industry standard K/Os for conduit, or TEK 90 (great stuff BTW).   If