Biggest I found was Fronius 15kW.
Chad Waits
On Sat, Feb 8, 2020 at 6:48 PM jay wrote:
> HI All,
> I’m wondering what the largest GT battery less inverter (and what people
> recommend) for 240v 60hz is out there.
> I don’t need MLPE, as project would be ground moun
If this site requires a new service, another option would be to have
the utility install 3-phase transformers and use higher capacity
inverters. Now we're back to the CPS 60 kW...
On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 8:39 AM Chad Waits
> Biggest I found was Fronius 15kW.
> Chad Waits
> President
Here are a few answers to ( thanks) the comments.
1. its already has a 400 amp 240v service, I don’t see that changing, loads are
not going up, they just want to add solar.
2. I would rather do 4 Primo 15’s at 1000v than, 8 SMA 7.7 at 600v, unless
someone can convince me otherwise.
This proje
Definitely far easier with less strings and BOS for 1000 vdc. I have
been begging for a 1000 vdc charge controller for offgrid!
Dave Angelini
Offgrid Solar
"we go where powerlines
don't" [1]
text 209 813 0060
On Mon, 10 Feb
Hey Folks,
I'm coming into a least a couple small load 200 Amp/240 Vac
single phase commercial jobs that need a Meter/main panel change-out
that I can backfeed ~96 amps of solar onto. Been using a Sq. D 'Solar
Ready' panel for residential jobs but can't find equivalent for this
Hello Wrenches.
I have a friend in need of a way to keep stock tanks free of ice during
winter months. Has any one had any experience with direct solar options
for this?
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This application comes up on this list from time to time over the years.
You may be able to review previous discussions by searching the Wrenches
archives as well as responses you may receive. I know that Keeton
Fisheries has been mentioned as a resource in the past.
about 30 years ago I fought this problem, Insulated the outside of the
tank, 2" floating blue styrofoam, cattle learn to pushdown to drink. I
used a solar thermal collector with I don't remember the rest, but today I
would use a PV Panel.
On Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 3:30 PM gary easton wrote:
> He
I have looked into this with solar thermal/electric & did not get any takers
after clients looking at the overall cost most folks opted for a LPG fired unit
or hauling water & or moving the stock closer to the grid.
There is a pretty cool unit that uses a geo thermal loop to 10’[?not sure & y
Using an air bubbler works well.
It will make a hole in the ice formed overnight
> On Feb 10, 2020, at 1:30 PM, gary easton wrote:
> Hello Wrenches.
> I have a friend in need of a way to keep stock tanks free of ice during
> winter months. Has any one had any experience with dire
Try these folks. They're based in Wisconsin and make almost everything
in house.I'm sure they have something that can work for you.
They know a lot about aeration and de-icing.
US Solar Mounts
Roy Butler
Four Winds Renewable Energy, LLC
8902 Route 46,
11 matches
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