Re: [RE-wrenches] SMA connection box access

2019-12-04 Thread Tump
You might find the Arctic flex or similar product from cobra w/ adequate ampacity rating using your #8 awg/ 85 A @30c 

Re: [RE-wrenches] SMA connection box access

2019-12-04 Thread Jason Szumlanski
I'm not sure what you're using for raceway, but if using PVC you could come out of the inverter with 3/4 and immediately transition to 1" with a 1"-3/4" PVC adapter. You can get (4) #6 THWN-2 in a 3/4" PVC conduit at 40% fill. Rega

Re: [RE-wrenches] SMA connection box access

2019-12-04 Thread Bill Hennessy
Bill--We enlarge knockouts often. The biggest watch out is if the knock out is close to the enclosure wall, it can be a hassle trying to fit the larger lock nut.It's a little harder trying to drill an offset hole with a step bit, but if there's room, we'll just make a new hole for the larger con

Re: [RE-wrenches] Schneider support?

2019-12-04 Thread drake . chamberlin
My quandary is "who is supposed to pay for this time?"  How many free hours/ days are we supposed to spend? What is a reasonable amount for a client to pay? - Original Message - From: "RE-wrenches" To: "Glenn Burt" , "RE-wrenches" Cc: Sent: Tue, 3 Dec 2019 14:33:30 -0500 Subject: Re:

Re: [RE-wrenches] Schneider support?

2019-12-04 Thread Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
I tell my offgrid clients this is new and you need to have knowledge to operate a Schneider or Outback system manually. They both have control panels that can do this without being in the "cloud" The inverters and chargers are very reliable and the client needs to take some responsibility and be

Re: [RE-wrenches] Schneider support? / Insight2

2019-12-04 Thread Kevin Pegg
Insight2 has just released a new version, think 2 days ago - check it out. It is improved in terms of displaying performance data, but still doesn't seem to be as tight and intuitive as Insight1 is. With Insight1's data being completely unreliable, it's good this new platform is starting to stab

Re: [RE-wrenches] Schneider support? / Insight2

2019-12-04 Thread Dave Angelini Offgrid Solar
Yes I see it thanks Kevin. They must have heard Howie I attached a troubleshooting summary like Howie or Drake was asking. Insight2 has been out quite some time BTW. This is an update to it. I have been remote configging here since January. Insight1 was for COMBOX and was not cloud based for