[RE-wrenches] Batt Cap AGM

2018-11-20 Thread Drake
Hello Wrenches, An owner of an existing system has a bank of twenty, 100 AH, 12 V Deep cycle batteries of the Batcap brand. The bank is made up of four sets of 5 batteries in parallel to

Re: [RE-wrenches] Batt Cap AGM

2018-11-20 Thread jerrysgarage01
Wrenches, DrakeYou may consider contacting "Batcap" and bank if they have a best practice for the battery configuration, this might be it but at least a starting point. I have had multi string batteries that seamed to like being rotated through the bank, sounds like alot of work and it is but th

[RE-wrenches] Batt Cap AGM

2018-11-20 Thread Mick Abraham
Hello, Drake & All~ Drake described his service dilemma about batteries bought elsewhere & whether to correct the original hinky pack wiring (copied below). My reply below may seem cynical & I may seem too eager to declare the existing battery as: "Failed". Call me jaded. Mick's $0.02 is: If ther