[RE-wrenches] Fronius replacing

2013-05-11 Thread William Miller
Friends; Coincidentally I had to replace a Fronius IG2000 on one of my own installs today. It was refreshing experience for two reasons: 1. I think it is the only install where I had not previously replaced the inverter (although I could be wrong) and 2. I always installed a DC disconnect s

[RE-wrenches] Consumption limiting meter

2013-05-11 Thread Benn At DayStarSolar
Wrenches, This is a request for a colleague. Anybody have suggestions where I could access a consumption limiting kWh meter with the following characteristics? > 120VAC 30A > Displays accumulated wattage and turns off power access at a preset point. > Resettable after 24 hours. It is for a camp

[RE-wrenches] Battery Boxes

2013-05-11 Thread Jesse Dahl
Hello, I visited a site on Friday to do some trouble-shooting on a system and noticed the battery box was homemade by the installer of the system. Made from lumber. Seems to me like there may be some safety and liability issues with a homemade/lumber battery box. Maybe I'm getting gun shy afte

Re: [RE-wrenches] Battery Boxes

2013-05-11 Thread Allan Sindelar
Jesse, We have made many battery boxes for flooded batteries of wood, although not "lumber". Years ago I made them, as I had been a carpenter in a previous life, but then I found a woodworker who could build to suit. We have long used "Baltic Birch" cabinet

Re: [RE-wrenches] not sure what's going on here

2013-05-11 Thread don
Ron et al-The firmware in the controller sounds likely, but a faulty shorted bypass diode does not. Isn't that what bypass diodes are supposed to do-- turn on and short (bypass) a shaded row of cells?We use to see this half-panel voltage as a failure mode with the old Kyocera 120's when they were s