Re: [RE-wrenches] Cable tray

2013-03-27 Thread Andrew Truitt
Bill - What is your take in conductor insulation degradation over time when exposed to UV? Regardless of the "sunlight resistant" labeling, USE-2 (and I assume PV wire though I haven't seen it yet) does show wear after years of exposure to direct sunlight. Maybe best practice would be to use ca

Re: [RE-wrenches] P1 micro performance

2013-03-27 Thread Bill Brooks
Carl, Just to be clear, the performance tests mandated by the California Energy Commission, that all products in the U.S. follow, require that the maximum power rating is continuous (24/7). Actually, continuous means that it can operate for 3 hours straight at 40C (104F) (really hot). This does

Re: [RE-wrenches] Cable tray

2013-03-27 Thread Allan Sindelar
Andrew, We have used #10 USE-2 for about 16 years, and our high-elevation New Mexico sun is quite intense. I have yet to see any degradation exceeding fading discoloration on any conductors from that far back, even when directly exposed to sunlight. No cracking,

Re: [RE-wrenches] Cable tray

2013-03-27 Thread John Berdner
Exposed single conductor sunlight resistant cable in cable trays are widely used in PV systems outside the US. There is a very large installed base of systems with good long term performance data using this type of construction. We should not discount the advantages of wire cable trays just becau

Re: [RE-wrenches] Shunt question

2013-03-27 Thread Allan Sindelar
Wrenches, Here's one of those threads to save if you expect to do large multi-inverter battery-based systems. This is a thread from last August, with recent updates. Bottom Line: in a large system with Sunny Islands, use a 1,000A/50mV shunt, not a 1000A/100mV shunt. I

[RE-wrenches] Auto Gen on Outback

2013-03-27 Thread Drake
Hello Wrenches, We are adding a Generac EcoGen to an existing Outback VFX 3648 system. It was the recommendations from those of you on this list who have installed them that led to this choice. Your testimonials are very much appreciated. I've read, on this list, that people have had issues

Re: [RE-wrenches] Auto Gen on Outback

2013-03-27 Thread penobscotsolar
Hi Drake, We used to have problems with the Outback gen-start s/w, but it seems, at least over the last year, that Outback has gotten the software corrected. No complaints from customers over the last year (winter) say so. Time will tell, but I'm feeling more comfortable with them. Daryl > He

Re: [RE-wrenches] Auto Gen on Outback

2013-03-27 Thread Randy Brooks
Drake, If the generator has a two wire auto start/stop, then a relay connected to the master FX AUX output, that opens and closes the auto start circuit, has worked reliably for us on a number of systems. No need for a GSCM. Just be sure all the FX charger settings, and MATE AGS settings are a