Mud Wasps can move in pretty dern quick up here. I fish the little squatters out as best I can (Yes, with a sheet rock screw), dose them roundly with contact cleaner (or isopropyl from the old unisolar install box), and finish things up with a Qtip and a good eyeballing.. If I don't like what I see
Hey Gang,
What does the hivemind think about using a pressure washer on solar PV
modules? Any experience or insights would be appreciated.
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Not sure about power washers specifically, but I have seen frame damage from water collecting in frame voids and freezing.. splitting the frame. Seems I've had to create (Drill) weep holes.. can't recall the manufacturer.dbDan BrownFoxfire Energy Corp.Renewable Energy Systems(802)-483-2564www.Foxfi
We've always used canned air for cleaning any connectors left exposed even
overnight since condensation's always up before me.
And since connecting them causes a metal-to-metal interference fit a layer
of dust would seem to be of little consequence unless disconnected and
re-connected. Moisture o
I wonder if a squirt of No-Alox into the connector when unpacked would
provide sufficient protection until mated?
Don't know if it would degrade the O rings providing the weather seal or
not, however.
-Glenn Burt
Probably silicon gel would be a better choice.
[] On Behalf Of Glenn Burt
Sent: Saturday, November 24, 2012 10:38 AM
To: 'RE-wrenches'
Subject: Re: [RE-wrenches] Protecting/Cleaning un-connected MC C
I would think good old CRC contact cleaner, as the connectors have a
grease coating that collects dust if left unconnected.
Follow up by regreasing with silicon gel as Glenn suggested.
I've been playing around with using unterminated connectors to
temporarily seal up the dangling connectors. Th
I suspect with some modules a pressure washer could cause problems and
possibly damage module's integrity. There's a product (which I do not sell,
by the way) called PowerBoost (
which you stick on a hose like a lawn fertilizer squirter; you spray
Just returned from Phoenix where I saw an article in one local paper that
Suntech is cutting production down to 1 MW and laying off 50% of the work force
at the Goodyear AZ facility. Too many tariff fees they claim... Another one
bits the dust
All Solar
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