I have 3 of those old Arco 16-2000s. They were purchased new back in the
day by my Dad, for what I remember as a really, really high price. But
they sure were handy! All are somewhat browned as they have been in the
sun at 8200 feet elevation since the early 1980s. Power output is still
just fi
For a few years around 1980, Windy Dankoff was US distributor for
Photowatt. I think these were French modules; same name and likely same
corporate ownership as the Photowatt that assembled modules in
Albuquerque 20 years later. But these were very different modules than
what appeared later: th
Hello Drake,
(silicon not silicone) Good question about thickness. I recently inspected a
circa 1996 solar array with 300 micron thick, 6-inch round cells encapsulated
behind 3 mm thick glass and found a few cracked cells and impact fractures.
Today, some cells are 260 to 200 microns and even d
A good argument against ever increasing PV sizes and a great argument against
big PVs on RVs and other mobile mounts.
Thanks, Bob-O
On May 22, 2010, at 4:42 PM, Joel Davidson wrote:
Hello Drake,
(silicon not silicone) Good question about thickness. I recently inspected a
circa 1996 sola
Ive gotten a few replies from MC in Petaluma today, but they were all to make
me revise my PO? I've never worked with a company that was so difficult and
un-interested in my business.
Nick Soleil
Project Manager
Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC
PO Box 657
Petaluma, CA 94953
You got that right.
Ive gotten a few replies from MC in Petaluma today, but they were all to make
me revise my PO? I've never worked with a company that was so difficult and
un-interested in my business.
Nick Soleil
Project Manager
Advanced Alternative Energy Solutions, LLC
Your message gave me pause, as I just last week specified this setup,
so I checked into it with our Grundfos rep. He said he had never heard
anything recommending against the flex in a pressure system. He said
the SQF doesn't know the difference between 40 psi and 100' of head. At
the end
This is all Dwight at Genpro could tell me. . .sorry to be vague! I agree,
it seems like it would not know the difference.
I would love to shed some light, however this was shared with us at the NGWA
show by a Grundfos Engineer. It has something to do with the thrust load
bearing o
Great info Joel, thanks!
are cell and glass thickness somehow encoded into a modules' spec sheet? or do
you have to dig deeper and hope to get a reply from a mfg?
DayStar Renewable Energy Inc. b...@daystarsolar.ca780-906-7807 HAVE A SUNNY DAY
From: joel.david...@sbcglobal.net
To: re-wrenc
About half the spec sheets that I see list glass thickness, but only a few
companies mention cell thickness unless it is in a press release. For example
Even if they do mention cell thickness, it
I need a 5 kW grid-tie inverter with 110VAC/50Hz output for a job in the
Caribbean. SMA 50Hz inverters are sold out for the rest of the year.
Suggestions please?
Best regards,
Joel Davidson___
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Great, Bill. Now let's think about wind blowing
across the peak of the structure. The upwind side receives different
cooling than the downwind string. Of course this also depends on
module tilt, module spacing, presence or absence of flashing around the
skirt of the sub-array . . . This coul
I'm with you on keeping modules modular. Years ago, Mobil Solar made Ra modules
that were approx 5 ft x 5 ft. Big and heavy. You could hear the cells crack
when the module was flexed. Big modules require more than one person to handle
and require special shipping which adds cost. Another
Fronius 50 Hz unit with a stepdown transformer?
Dick Ratico
Solarwind Electric
Bradford, VT
--- You wrote:
I need a 5 kW grid-tie inverter with 110VAC/50Hz output for a job in the
Caribbean. SMA 50Hz inverters are sold out for the rest of the year. Suggestions
Best regards,
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