Re: [RE-wrenches] Volcanos, reduced solar production and kWh performance warranties

2010-04-26 Thread Bill Loesch
Hi Marco, I hope this query does not divert response to your original question. How is the situation of the reduced performance due to the volcano (or other "acts of God" or the like) approached in the Power Purchase contract? Perhaps this could be titled "Reduced Solar Production As a Result

Re: [RE-wrenches] Volcanos, reduced solar production and kWh performance warranties

2010-04-26 Thread Exeltech
Consider adding a "Force Majeure" clause to your contract to cover "Acts of God" and other aspects not under your control. On the other hand, auto manufacturers evade this issue with "Your mileage may vary." Dan --- On Mon, 4/26/10, Bill Loesch wrote: From: Bill Loesch Subject: Re: [RE-

Re: [RE-wrenches] Volcanos, reduced solar production and kWh performance warr...

2010-04-26 Thread SOLARPRO
Marco: At what point (kW or cost) does a weather station with online monitoring make sense? What (or who ) defines "normal weather?" Defining expectations for the large (> 1M) installations must be particularly vexing - what constitutes normal or expected downtime due to mechanical failu

[RE-wrenches] Xantrex GT30

2010-04-26 Thread Jim MacDonald
Anybody have any stories on this one yet? The great lightweight hope!$File/h505258_0.pdf 182 watts AC per pound... [[SB5000 @ 32 Wac/lb.]] Hesitant to spec XTRX straight grid tie inverters, ha

Re: [RE-wrenches] Roof anchors and proper rigging

2010-04-26 Thread Hans Frederickson
Rebecca, Petzl makes the Navaho Bod harness with ANSI/NFPA certification. It's my understanding that this harness meets OSHA requirements. At some point I read a blurb from Petzl about how OSHA approved gear is actually self-certified by the manufacturer, which they disdain. Apparently there was no

[RE-wrenches] Volcanos, reduced solar production and kWh performance warranties

2010-04-26 Thread Marco Mangelsdorf
Bill, If, a big IF, I were to agree to a performance warranty, I would want to agree to an annual production figure 90 or less percent of the estimated output along with a bunch of caveats, like the one you suggest, to render any performance warranty relatively toothless. Otherwise, I see i

[RE-wrenches] Reduced solar production and kWh performance warranties

2010-04-26 Thread Dana
Our last two winters in SW Colorado have been off sun-wise. Two winters ago we got gobs of snow [200%+ of normal] & this winter we had lots of Seattle type grey overcast. We hear from clients on extended generator run time [off grid] and reduced SHWE output. Living with it ourselves, I see t

[RE-wrenches] rigging

2010-04-26 Thread Dana
Check with PK , we got Tower Full body Climbing Harnesses with bags, front and rear attachment D rings, VERY COMFORTABLE and move well. We bought 3 and the price dropped to $290 each from $325 each. Ask for a discount on Qty. Thanks, Dana Orzel Great Solar Works, Inc E - d...

Re: [RE-wrenches] Volcanos, reduced solar production and kWh performance warr...

2010-04-26 Thread Keith Cronin
Friends Having had some experience in this genre, after selling my company to SunEdison in '07, here are my takeaways. 1. The financing community want assurances. My hunch is their expectations or what they were sold compared to what the production is, could be falling short. 2. Risk management

Re: [RE-wrenches] Volcanos, reduced solar production and kWh performance warranties

2010-04-26 Thread Max Balchowsky
We've had a lot of people asking about "performance" warranties and I stay very far away from any language that hints at a performance guarantee. I think this especially important in the "PPA" I give them all the product specifications, run the production charts and then explain how little contr

Re: [RE-wrenches] Volcanos, reduced solar production and kWh performance warranties

2010-04-26 Thread Dave Click
Something you can do is guarantee a kWh amount given a certain amount of irradiance. Offer X annual kWh given 2000 sun-hours, perhaps. If you're in a snowy area, just make sure the irradiance meter keeps snow on it as long as the modules would. Of course you wouldn't just take 0.8 into PVWatts

Re: [RE-wrenches] Volcanos, reduced solar production and kWh performance warranties

2010-04-26 Thread Dan Fink
If you think providing a PV energy output warranty is scary, imagine trying to provide one for a small wind turbine! Fortunately, the Small Wind Certification Council will be giving us wrenches a big boost over the next few years as their turbine certification program moves forward. At least

[RE-wrenches] Splash!

2010-04-26 Thread holtek
Modules on pallet face down. Rain over weekend. Modules filled to the brim with water. Consequences? (besides to the hide of the crew) Holt E. Kelly Holtek Fireplace & Solar Products 500 Jewell Dr. Waco TX. 76712 254-751-9111 www.holteksolar.com___ List

[RE-wrenches] direct grid micro inverters?

2010-04-26 Thread Greg Egan
Wrenches, I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this company and/or it's products. We have a client looking to put in a bunch of modules. I don't believe the other micro inverter companies warrant their inverters down to -40 so these guys have got my attention. Thanks! Greg NA

Re: [RE-wrenches] direct grid micro inverters?

2010-04-26 Thread benn kilburn
Greg, not sure about the direct grid inverters, but i do know that the Enphase M190's are rated from -40˚C to +65˚C.Benn DayStar Renewable Energy Inc. b...@daystarsolar.ca780-906-7807 HAVE A SUNNY DAY CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE:This email, including any attachments, contains information from

Re: [RE-wrenches] direct grid micro inverters?

2010-04-26 Thread Exeltech
Off-list reply: Hi Greg, Exeltech's AC Modules are warranted to -40C. How many is "a bunch"? Dan --- On Mon, 4/26/10, Greg Egan wrote: From: Greg Egan Subject: [RE-wrenches] direct grid micro inverters? To: Date: Monday, April 26, 2010, 2:53 PM Wrenches,

Re: [RE-wrenches] Volcanos, reduced solar production and kWh performance warranties

2010-04-26 Thread R Ray Walters
I think to make any energy production warranty fair, it would have to include an on-site monitoring package that tracked cell temp, insolation, and grid conditions. Then the installed system would be off the hook if the grid was out of spec, insolation levels were low, cell temp too high, etc. T

Re: [RE-wrenches] Volcanos, reduced solar production and kWh performance warranties

2010-04-26 Thread Dave Click
Good call Ray to incorporate out-of-spec grid in areas where that's an issue (and probably a good idea to include just in case!). If you need justification on future projects as to why you can't just guarantee a flat #: "For

Re: [RE-wrenches] Volcanos, reduced solar production and kWh performance warranties

2010-04-26 Thread Jeff Yago
I would never contract for a guarantee minimum performance for a very simple reason - weather!   I think the only reasonable guarantee is to state the "nameplate" output of the array provided under test conditions, and make it clear that  air temperature, clearness factor, dust, cloud cover, and ou

Re: [RE-wrenches] Volcanos, reduced solar production and kWh performance warranties

2010-04-26 Thread Jeff Yago
I would never contract for a guarantee minimum performance for a very simple reason - weather!   I think the only reasonable guarantee is to state the "nameplate" output of the array provided under test conditions, and make it clear that  air temperature, clearness factor, dust, cloud cover, and ou

[RE-wrenches] FM60/rectifier for gen charging

2010-04-26 Thread Mendocino Solar Service
Hi Wrenches, If I may, I'd like to forward this from a Wrench formerly on the list, now semi-retired: "I know this subject has been discussed, but I couldn't find the archive. I'd like to know pros and cons of using the Outback FM 60 or FM 80 as a charger - using a 7000 watt (6000 prime) gener