Hmmm, that doesn't look right; it says $1,500 maximum credit??
Cobalt Power Systems, Inc.
Here is the draft version of the new 2009 Form 5695 Federal Personal Tax
Credit (Residential):
Pat Redgate
Ameco Solar
Can someone tell
I think we can assume that the $1500 cap listed is a mistake. However, I seem
to recall reading an early PR of the expected new laws and it said that you
could take the FULL cost of system to calc the 30% and other incentives (State,
City and Utility) would not be deducted allowing for a "double
This form is trying to be all things for all residential energy
Part one is for non-business Energy Property and Part two is for Energy
Efficiency Property. The tax wonks classify these improvements separately
for their own purposes.
In a message dated 9/9/2009 9:5
Read it more closely. $1,500 is an aggregate limit on the 30% credit for
energy-efficiency expenses. That credit is a substantial improvement over
the preceding item-specific credits, in that it lets you combine an
aggregate of energy-saving measures. The residential solar 30% uncapped
In a message dated 9/9/2009 6:34:01 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Hmmm, that doesn’t look right; it says $1,500 maximum credit??
Cobalt Power Systems, Inc.
Check out part 2. The first page covers basically efficiency stuff. Page 2
is for equ
Allow me to reiterate. You will have the best luck discussing tax credits
and other incentives on the RE-Markets list. There are some experts there
that are not qualified for the Wrench list.
Contact me off list if you have any questions.
List spo
Canadian Electric Code rule 84-030 states that a direct power source connected
through an inverter shall not be grounded unless the inverter AC power is
separated from the supply authority system by an isolating transformer.
Our proposed system would be separated by a step up transfor
We need to buy about 92 Sharp ND-187U1F to match some obsolete inventory we
Anyone have some older inventory they want to sell?
Please contact me off list,
Cobalt Power Systems, Inc.
List sponsored by H
check out the Unirac Fast Foot.
Jim Duncan
North Texas Renewable Energy Inc
- Original Message -
From: "Carl Adams"
Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 3:04 PM
That¹s what came to my mind, as well, based on the description.
David Brearley, Senior Technical Editor
SolarPro magazine
On 9/9/09 7:14 PM, "North Texas Renewable Energy Inc"
> Carl
> check out the Unirac Fast Foot.
> Jim Duncan
> No
hello wrenches.
I was wondering if any of you have any data on what the losses would be if you
had your string split with 2 different angles, but at the same azimuth. For
instance, string of 11 with 8 facing 180 south at 30 degrees, and 3 facing
south 180 at 45 degrees. I have heard that the vo
11 matches
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