Re: [RE-wrenches] midnite AIO

2025-02-23 Thread Jason Szumlanski via RE-wrenches
Jay, Prepare to be even more impressed: Jason Szumlanski Principal Solar Designer | Florida Solar Design Group NABCEP Certified Solar Professional (PVIP) Florida State Certified Solar Contractor CVC56956 Florida Certified Electrical Contractor EC1301320

Re: [RE-wrenches] midnite AIO

2025-02-22 Thread Jay via RE-wrenches
Hi Logan. I am super impressed with what the AIO can do. Question. What happens if something breaks inside. Is it field repairable?ThxJayOn Feb 22, 2025, at 2:07 PM, William Bryce via RE-wrenches wrote:Everyone wants to compare the AIO inverters to the older low frequency inverters when it comes