Re: [RE-wrenches] SI 5048 and replacement Lithium Ion battery bank

2020-01-07 Thread Mac Lewis
Hi Carl, We replaced an older set of HUPs on a quad stack of SI5048 system with the 3 cabinets of Blue Ion product about a year ago. Its working fine. The Sunny Islands SOC algorithm becomes worthless with the Blue Ion but SOC can be viewed through the eGauge interface. If you are auto starting

Re: [RE-wrenches] SI 5048 and replacement Lithium Ion battery bank

2020-01-07 Thread Jay
Hi Carl, As you are using Schneider products, I’d recommend Discover lithium. They communicate with Schneider products using the standard xanbus protocol. Jay > On Jan 7, 2020, at 2:01 PM, Carl Adams wrote: > >  > Thanks Jerr

Re: [RE-wrenches] SI 5048 and replacement Lithium Ion battery bank

2020-01-07 Thread Carl Adams
Thanks Jerry, Please forward any contact info you have on this product. On Tue, Jan 7, 2020, 4:05 PM Jerry Shafer wrote: > Carl > Blue planet Energy has a LFP solution that works well, the SI5048 is one > of the units that Blue Planet has tested there batteries on and has the set > points neede

Re: [RE-wrenches] SI 5048 and replacement Lithium Ion battery bank

2020-01-07 Thread Ray
I recently contacted SMA about their requirement that if the LI+ battery isn't on their list, that we must use Lead acid.  I consider that to be a really poor answer;  just because they haven't tested it, we should not be forced to use a much worse alternative.  Yes, they would prefer to have a

Re: [RE-wrenches] SI 5048 and replacement Lithium Ion battery bank

2020-01-07 Thread Jerry Shafer
Carl Blue planet Energy has a LFP solution that works well, the SI5048 is one of the units that Blue Planet has tested there batteries on and has the set points needed, if you are interested I can put in touch with the powers that be Jerry On Tue, Jan 7, 2020 at 9:09 AM Carl Adams wrote: > Hello

Re: [RE-wrenches] SI 5048 and replacement Lithium Ion battery bank

2020-01-07 Thread pgiroux
Carl Oh the joy of Fla’s. I looked at the battery list. Several are only available in Europe and some are no longer in business. Take a look at Fortress Batteries. Great LI tech, warrantee, price point, several models and a long service life ( 6000 full cycles ) in the meantime you might