Re: [RE-wrenches] Transformer Nomenclature/Protection/Grounding

2018-04-10 Thread Darryl Thayer
hi I have copied your text. My comments are in red - Is there any consensus on what circuit is considered the "primary" and which is the "secondary" in this type of scenario? Yes, the energy supply side is the primary, so the solaredge side is the Primary - NEC 690.9(D) speaks of "considering

[RE-wrenches] Transformer Nomenclature/Protection/Grounding

2018-04-10 Thread Corey Shalanski
I'm seeking some guidance on how to treat transformers when included in a PV system. Specific system details: - (3x) SolarEdge 33.3 inverters combined in a 200A panel - 480/208 transformer to be installed between 200A panel and main distribution panel (service is 208 wye) My questions: - Is ther

Re: [RE-wrenches] generator search

2018-04-10 Thread Jerry Shafer
Jay we have used the Cummins machines and have been very happy,you will need a battery charger to maintain the SOC as the cpu has a 350 to 500 ma draw. Jerry On Mon, Apr 9, 2018, 10:15 AM David Katz wrote: > Check to see if it has a 120 vac requirement to float the battery. The 20 > kw one I hav

Re: [RE-wrenches] generator search

2018-04-10 Thread Ray
My experiences were mostly with Kohler and Generac water cooled models.  I had not heard about low temperature lockout.  I would probably disable that or use a generator without. Cars have essentially the same type of engine, and they do not need preheating except in extreme conditions. How lon