[RE-wrenches] Third Radian

2017-04-20 Thread William Miller
Friends: I am designing our first three 8K Radian stack. I think I have a good handle on the plumbing and wiring but I was wondering about one thing: With three Radians and a PV recombiner, we are out of shunt ports on the Flexnet DC. Have any of you dealt with this? My proposal is to gang

Re: [RE-wrenches] Disposal of large scale PV installation?

2017-04-20 Thread Ray
I've been involved with re-purposing modules a few times; back at the turn of the century, the idea of selling modules for $1/ watt even used, was exciting. Now a days with some cheap brands going for 50 cents/ watt new, its getting harder to make it work. Labor, transportation, and storage co