Re: [RE-wrenches] Outback OpticsRe

2015-12-18 Thread Lou Russo
Bob, Yes I am referring to to the old My Midnite. I saw the firmware update last week, but I have not had a chance to check it out. My biggest gripe was the lack of a admin setup, so that I could have all my systems in one place and give my clients logins to see their own system. The data actual c

Re: [RE-wrenches] Silicon energy

2015-12-18 Thread Solar
No, they had a batch of the cascades delaminate last year. They were replaced. We will see if anymore blow apart after this winter. I only have a few modules out there of the old style and they have been installed for 3 years, so as for me personally I will be fairly safe. Some contractors had a

Re: [RE-wrenches] Outback OpticsRe

2015-12-18 Thread
Lou, are you referring to the My Midnite web interface ? We are just changing over to our My Midnite version 2 which you might want to take a look at. I'm not all that familiar with it but I know it also shows more stuff in addition to State Of Charge % Or are you wanting to have more contro

Re: [RE-wrenches] Silicon energy

2015-12-18 Thread Bill Hoffer
WA Silicon Energy has been shut down for almost a year now, leaving behind a lot of warranty claims for delaminated modules. Not a pretty picture at all. Hope you have only the first generation modules, before they went to a thinner lamination.. Bill On Dec 18, 2015 3:51 PM, "Solar" wrote:

[RE-wrenches] Silicon energy

2015-12-18 Thread Solar
Hello, I just read in the paper that the SiE plant here in MN just got rid of all its top management and only has two people left in the plant. It has halted manufacturing and doesn't know if it will reopen. Not shocking, it also says the plant in WA shut down recently. Any WA wrenches have new

Re: [RE-wrenches] 4 ways to keep a battery for a long time

2015-12-18 Thread Ray Walters
Hi Larry; LFPs definitely have some internal resistance and therefore are subject to Puekert's law, they just have an exponent that is closer to 1. Yes, they also have a higher operating temperature, but it still has a limit. My point is that if you develop software to better model FLA batte

Re: [RE-wrenches] 4 ways to keep a battery for a long time

2015-12-18 Thread jay
HI Ray, I think you are right. But for example, lithium have a really flat voltage curve, and then drop like a stone. And mostly can handle extreme C/D rates with no issue. VS LA which have much more of a actual curve on voltage and extreme C/D rates really impact capacity and wear. And for

Re: [RE-wrenches] 4 ways to keep a battery for a long time

2015-12-18 Thread Starlight Solar Power Systems
On Dec 17, 2015, at 11:55 AM, Ray Walters wrote: ...but as far as I can tell, every other storage chemistry has similar characteristics: lower capacity at low temps, a high temp limit, non-linear cycle life depending on DOD, Puekert's exponent relating capacity vs charge/ discharge rates, vol