As well as all those other good ideas, don’t forget to teach energy
efficiency/energy savings methods.
Quote from Homepower, “It is easier to save a watt than it is to create one”
cheers,John V.
From: RE-wrenches [] On Behalf
All great ideas!!
We do have S-5 both for racking and the PV kit. To Great point we do cover
efficiency, passive solar, load shifting... We do have internships with install
companies and the utilities. We have 5 different racking types and one ballast
mount for hands on work. We have 4 on camp
Your intent was laudable, but simple trigonometry just flat out fails with the
complexity of solar geometry. PVWatts is so easy to use that anyone, without
any knowledge of trigonometry, can use it with far more accurate results. Take
advantage of nice, free software that your tax doll
I would suggest a Solar Edge inverter system, some lithium batteries, an Aqueon
battery system, a variety of safety equipment and trying to partner with a
local installation firm for site visits, and possibly hands on work.
Glenn Burt
Sent from my 'smart' phone so please excuse gramma
Jason mentioned S-5 clamps... adding to that, it might be interesting to
have samples of many different racking system components. It would be
interesting to see all the different rail profiles and attachment methods
(racking system to roof and module to rail) that are out there.
*Benn Kilburn *
I went over and looked at my calculations whereby I arrived at the simple
expression that the change in harvested solar energy is bounded by the sin
of the angle of tilt to the North.
As I was doing it however, it became clear that the reason this simple
result popped up, is simply because
That looks pretty good! Note sure if it's within the scope, but computer
software for design and shading analysis might be good. I didn't see a 72
cell module or a Sunpower on the list. S-5 clamps and various roof panels,
shingles, and tiles maybe.
Jason Szumlanski
On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 5:05 P
I would add,
1. Battery Monitoring with logging capability
2. Remote monitoring and control over the web
3. Lion battery and battery manager, (open format manager circuits so that
it can be seen how things work).
4. GFCI's and ELCI's on AC circuits
5. Generator and automatic generator start
I ran across this article titled "Efficient East-West Orientated PV
Systems with One MPP Tracker". by Dietmar Staudacher
He tested thin film and crystalline PV. It's a pretty good read. He
found that the V on t
Hello all,
I was recently hired to be the full time electrical instructor at a local
community college. In the second year of the class there is a 6 credit
"renewable energy and habitat house" course. I have been teaching at this
college as an adjunct instructor since 2009 teaching for 3 of the
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