Re: [RE-wrenches] Outback efficiency?

2013-08-18 Thread jay peltz
Hi Ray, #1, I don't see any improvement. But then I find it rarely used anymore with many small loads ( cell phone chargers etc), coupled with cyclic loads and 4 watt LED's etc. Its got to be a really small system to have this be active. I find that if people really want to use this that I'll wi

[RE-wrenches] Outback efficiency?

2013-08-18 Thread Ray Walters
I have a couple of Outback questions. On my load analysis sheet, I include 20 w x 24hr/ day for the inverter's no load draw. In the past I had very poor luck with the search mode on most inverters, and found that when I adjusted it so that it came on with efficient lighting, that the no load dr

Re: [RE-wrenches] Reading material for Off Grid client

2013-08-18 Thread Ray Walters
My all time favorite is "the Solar Electric Independent Home Book" by New England Solar. Its dated at this point, but does the best job I've seen of conveying the overall design philosophy and life style. Very simple easy read. R.Ray Walters CTO, Solarray, Inc Nabcep Certified PV Installer,

Re: [RE-wrenches] Reading material for Off Grid client

2013-08-18 Thread All Solar
Definitely for learning Thanks, Jeremy Sent by Jeremy's iPhone. Sorry for typos and shorthand! On Aug 18, 2013, at 12:22 PM, Exeltech wrote: > Jeremy, > > It depends on whether she's reading for enjoyment .. learning .. or both. > > To solve both, I recommend the CD (or is it DVD?) back is

Re: [RE-wrenches] Reading material for Off Grid client

2013-08-18 Thread Dan Fink
Power With Nature by Rex and LaVonne Ewing, Pixyjack Press. Entertaining and friendly read, but has all the essential tech info. Dan Fink, Executive Director; Otherpower Buckville Energy Consulting Buckville Publications LLC NABCEP / IREC accredited Continuing Education Providers 970.672.4342

Re: [RE-wrenches] Reading material for Off Grid client

2013-08-18 Thread Exeltech
Jeremy, It depends on whether she's reading for enjoyment .. learning .. or both. To solve both, I recommend the CD (or is it DVD?) back issues of Home Power Magazine. If she's reading for fun .. point her to Kathleen's past "Home and Heart" columns. The world of off-grid living from a woman

[RE-wrenches] Reading material for Off Grid client

2013-08-18 Thread All Solar
I am looking for recommendations for some books that I could pass along to a single gal that recently built a new home at which we have installed an Off Grid PV system. Thanks in advance ! Jeremy Rodriguez All Solar Sent by Jeremy's iPhone. Sorry for typos and shorthand! __