I purchased delivery confirmation with your priority package. The
tag is at home and I can send you the number later today. No worries
here! :-)
Kathryn Hall
Eugene, OR
On Oct 8, 3:11 pm, cyclotourist wrote:
> I find it ironic that as I was reading and responding to this thread, I wa
One thing I didn't see mentioned is making sure the pads are
equidistant from the rim. If one pad is firmly against the rim but
the other isn't it will make a racket until you squeeze harder - then
it stops.
On Oct 11, 10:50 am, Seth Vidal wrote:
> I have a set of the shiman br550's on my bike
Those quilts are a really cool idea, but I have a hard time seeing how
they would cover as well as a sleeping bag.
On Oct 13, 12:16 pm, usuk2007 wrote:
> Take a look at
> www.jacksrbetter.com
> They do a nice line of down sleeping quilts. They pack down small and
> don't cost as much as many
Watch for Eric Estlund of Winter Bicycles, Eugene, Oregon. He is
doing stunning work.
On Mar 30, 11:44 am, Esteban wrote:
> Just a reminder that the San Diego Custom Bicycle Show will be this
> weekend in Mission Valley:
> http://www.sandiegocustombicycleshow.com/
> Many of the exhibitors m
Not only that, but USPS will deliver free of charge as many flat rate
boxes of whatever size you want.
On Apr 21, 9:22 pm, Lynne Fitz wrote:
> Hi James,
> Quite frankly, no, you don't have to do all that shipping stuff. USPS
> Click n Ship is the greatest thing ever. Maybe you have to locate
3K is pretty darn good in my book. I check my tires frequently for
wear and picking out bits that are stuck in them. When I start to see
cracks that's my indicator that a new tire is needed, and I almost
never get a flat. My last flat was about 3 years ago - a tedious
experience that I do not w
In my opinion there is very little out there that can beat the ride of
the Pasela, but it's only my opinion. :-)
On Apr 29, 10:15 am, EricP wrote:
> Was just checking the Riv website to see if there were any updates to
> the Sam Hillborne. Yup. There are now photos of three (th
Back problems can be caused by a number of different factors. The
joints might be arthritic, The disc might be bulging. The nerves
might be irritated. The muscles might be tight. And all these things
lead to each other. Bottom line, is that what works for one may not
work for another because
You may have made too much change all at once - too much change in the
handlebars, and it might have been better to do lots of smaller rides
to allow your back to get used to it. Baby steps are the key when
making changes like this.
For now it seems like you've sorted things out, which is great,
Another thing to consider is stretching your hand to open up the
carpal tunnel since it's the nerve that passes through there that gets
constricted and goes numb. Simply open your hand in a starfish shape
stretching the thumb especially as far as it will go back and down.
It's important to do thi
I am in the process of having a fabulous custom mixte, low trail,
front loader, commuter made. I put the wheels together mystelf, he
front using a Schmidt dynohub, and the rear using a White Industries
eccentric. All the mod-cons. And I'll be using Hetres on it, at least
in the summer when I can
IMO the Paselas are by far and away the better quality tire. I run
them exclusively on my commuter. The non-TG version is, I believe,
even nicer, but for commuting I need the flat protection. BQ did
their own version of rolling resistance, and if I remember correctly
the Pasela came in only sli
A lot of people like the Acorn bags - a nice tan color with a kind of
buckle that's easy to use on the fly. I am very fond of my Bertoud -
a standard one with stretchy pocket closures.
As for the new racks - proto one looks ungainly to my eye, proto two
looks the business! Consider using the Ni
Try contacting Jude Kirstein here: http://tinyurl.com/lwx75y
She went to NZ last year, but I think she took a trailer. Anyway, she
could give you some current information about touring there.
Eugene, OR
On Jun 9, 6:17 pm, Gino Zahnd wrote:
> I'm considering heading to NZ for several we
The cyclotourist is indeed a very beautiful crank but it is best
suited to those with narrow hips because of its low Q factor. If you
have narrow hips your feet will naturally fall closer together on the
pedals. Watch people from behind as they pedal and notice where their
feet are rel
Also, I have an old Suntour Superbe Pro front derailleur, which works
well with both models of cyclotourist. I started with 115mm bb as
recommended, but it turns out to work better with a 118mm bb - not
sure but that might be because the frame was built for a 42mm tire
with fenders.
With regard to puncture resistance, I highly recommend spending $4 on
a roll of one inch Gorilla tape and applying it to the inside of the
tire in the same way you'd apply the now very expensive Panaracer
Flataway. I have it on my Hetres and it's doing a fine job.
On Jun 13, 11:24 am, GeorgeS w
I highly recommend the Hetre, although I have to admit to complete
lack of experience regarding the narrower tire. The Hetre has changed
the way I ride in that it gives so much more stability. Descent is no
longer a white knuckle affair, but a joy. It is a very fast tire,
depending only on the e
Just my opinion but the Hetre is the center of its own universe. The
only tire that could even dream of revolving in its golden orbit would
be a 40mm Pasela. Failing that, we have the CdlV which is alternately
praised in dulcet tones or vilified back to the primeval muck it came
from. I believe
lat resistance and durability - that is
> > > > > to say, in commuterland.
> > > > Schwalbe are justifiably popular with distance tourers, mountain
> > > > bikers, and among specialty bike - folders, recumbents, adult trikes -
> > > > owners.
Why not some Velo-Orange aluminum fenders for about $50?
On Jul 20, 7:46 pm, reidplum wrote:
> Thanks for the replies, everyone. Yes, those are the Soma brass
> fenders. A set would be a perfect addition to my blue Romulus, but the
> price is just a bit steep - $101! Hmmm. I will probably settl
So who is this gal and when is she going into business?
On Aug 18, 6:43 am, Seth Vidal wrote:
> Saw this on one of the flickr people I
> follow:http://www.flickr.com/photos/shortpants51/383284/
> Just a stunning, and quite large, front bag made from wool and canvas.
> Riv related-conten
I am tentatively looking to purchase an Atlantis 54.5 cm. frame or
complete Please contact off list. Thank you.
On Aug 25, 1:33 pm, skpedaler wrote:
> Ali, et. al.,
> Just wanted to clarify, the blue Ramb. is being offered as a frame
> only, most parts will be going to the new Riv. frame I am
Second tentative toe in the water. FS: Complete 54 cm Rambouillet,
blue. Please contact off list.
On Aug 26, 6:42 am, clevewheel wrote:
> I am tentatively looking to purchase an Atlantis 54.5 cm. frame or
> complete Please contact off list. Thank you.
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