Thank you for that tip Bill! I was just feeling sad today because I was
realizing I needed to build my bike more for hills than I did (Hello
Moeser!). Leah just showed me your link so now I know that if I have to
swap out parts there is a chance to build up lighter.
On Wednesday, October 25, 2
I had a different steel frame and all I can describe is that when I was
riding I felt like I was dragging every pound of that bike along, where
with the Platypus it feels like it is leaping forward. I just don't feel
it. Even as I have added racks, bags, fenders and I keep asking when it
will f
Oh man this atmospheric river... I better make sure to get in a good ride
On Saturday, November 11, 2023 at 7:06:08 AM UTC-8 John Dewey wrote:
> Yes, I remember. The legs began to atrophy.
> Jock
> On Sat, Nov 11, 2023 at 3:21 AM Peter Adler wrote:
>> Atmospheric river headed Bay
Hi, is this frame still available?
On Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 6:48:50 PM UTC-7 Nathan F wrote:
> Bumping this down to $1150 shipped ($1100 for local pickup).
> On Monday, 16 October 2023 at 16:47:50 UTC-5 Nathan F wrote:
> I’ve decided to sell my 55cm Platypus from the original run in th
Hey RivSister, want me to got test ride the 50 for you? I know we both like
an oversize frame so this could be an interesting experiment for both of
On Sunday, November 12, 2023 at 6:55:49 AM UTC-8 Howard Hatten wrote:
> Since you already own a few step thru-step over rivs maybe you migh
I just went and rode the purple test bike at Riv the other day. I had not
really considered a purple bike but I liked it better than I thought.
However it is a bit of a polarizing color... I started to figure out how I
would make that purple color work for me, but I doubt I could convince my
I tested it the other day with wavies and they did work great for keeping
the (don't like the word but...) cockpit feeling spacious. The angle made
me feel some discomfort in my wrists, but for someone who that wrist
position those are a great call.
On Monday, November 20, 2023 at 5:54:22 AM U
Any intel on what the timeline is on the new cranks? Beyond the mysterious
sometime next year?
On Thursday, November 23, 2023 at 12:56:46 AM UTC-8 Luke Hendrickson wrote:
> Nice to have another good-looking crank option (esp since the original
> Silver cranks are rather ugly).
> On Wednesday
I think I learned what N + 1 syndrome is I have two very lovely bikes,
and Atlantis and a Platypus. Between the two I have been able to do most of
the kind of riding I can dream of. Chase around my kid on the Atlantis
which is built up as an all rounder (Because I had only road bikes and I
rides his almost? everywhere.)
> Have fun,
> Toshi in Oaktown
> On Sat, Nov 25, 2023 at 6:27 AM Sarah Carlson
> wrote:
>> I think I learned what N + 1 syndrome is I have two very lovely
>> bikes, and Atlantis and a Platypus. Between the two I have be
Okay, I love these ideas. I'm writing this down on my super nerd gearing
list. I am so curious about the triple now. I've had some advice that it's
overkill, but I'm curious now that I am hearing from people with riding
experience... people who ride like me... While on my own I am a "Party Pace
Wow, another triple recommendation, I'm so glad I read this before
splashing out! And all you guys have addressed my main question which I
didn't put out there... how to get a high and low enough gear... a triple!
I do have Rich built A23 on my Platypus, and would 100% do it again. I did
Also I had no idea a stem fit kit existed!
On Sunday, November 26, 2023 at 5:22:02 AM UTC-8 Ed Carolipio wrote:
> Congrats - new bike day is always the best day.
> +1 on Toshi's suggestion for a triple crank up front (get a light-ish road
> crank) with an 11-28 cassette in the rear - that's my
You always need a Hilly Bike... Do it!
I had an injury (shoulder) last year and had what I would call total
fitness depletion so I have been building back up from what feels like
The hill situation is just most rides involve some sort of hills, probably
not big deal hills to people who r
And it was a beginner ride with a avg 12 mile posted pace. I almost told
him i hoped I hadn't held him back from making a personal best time on that
My other bikes are set up perfect for what I do, so no stripping! Although
I might have to consider that myself to bring in money for my bik
So this is where I run into my issue... When I'm uphill I want an easier
gear because I feel myself pushing hard and I feel it in my knees, and then
on the long downhills I feel ungrounded spinning through nothing for a long
time. So maybe a triple is the answer! On my Atlantis I find I'm riding
Yes, those big ring jumps along with my learning how to shift effectively
lead to some Ca- CHONK moments. Also I did index shifting for my rear
gears, and friction in the front and I am learning how to do that
gracefully. And I think I will be doing all index next time because it's
less ca-chon
f interest to you I can put you in touch
> with her. I will see if I can attach a pic…
> [image: image0.png]
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Nov 26, 2023, at 11:29 AM, Sarah Carlson wrote:
> And it was a beginner ride with a avg 12 mile posted pace. I almost tol
Bike nerd input is heartily welcomed. Gearing has been a challenge for me
to understand but from spending hours reading and trying things out I'm
starting to understand... thanks to other bike nerds!
The outcome is I will likely be giving a triple a try. The 34 is my
favorite chain ring to live
Thank you for bringing up the redundant gears... in my brain I'm telling
myself maybe it's overkill... but is it really such a terrible thing?
On Sunday, November 26, 2023 at 5:27:48 PM UTC-8 Jason Fuller wrote:
> You bring up a good point Ted about so-called redundant gears, which is
> somethi
d small cogs and back.
> Yes, your small/small and big/big combos will give you those redundant
> gears, but who cares? You don’t need to use them anyway.
> Eric
> Who lives the 1x life in flat central Ohio
> On Monday, November 27, 2023, Sarah Carlson wrote:
ive you those redundant
>>> gears, but who cares? You don’t need to use them anyway.
>>> Eric
>>> Who lives the 1x life in flat central Ohio
>>> On Monday, November 27, 2023, Sarah Carlson
>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Monday, November 27, 2023 at 6:55:19 AM UTC-8 Eric Daume wrote:
>>>>>> IMO redundant gears are more of a conceptual or theoretical concern
>>>>>> than a real issue. If you’re setting up a triple, you really end
All these responses have given me so much to think about, I appreciate all
the help. Thank you!
On Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 7:01:05 PM UTC-8 Joe Bernard wrote:
> My low on a 650B bike in Lake County, CA., is 26 x 50. It's useful!
> On Thursday, November 30, 2023 at 1:25:54 PM UTC-8 pi..
I love seeing someone else's bike dream fulfilled! Congratulations on your
new bike day and what color did you paint your bike??! (I promise
you all your RivSisters want to know...)
On Saturday, December 2, 2023 at 8:19:18 PM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
> Since starting this thread, I di
I have already let Leah know, and we will be holding our breath for the big
reveal wherever it shows up first. This is not even our first conversation
about bike colors today, and won't be the last... because that's how we
are. Your RivSisters are waiting!
On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 7:13:08
Okay, still learning the bike terms... but what are lawyer lips? Because
the image that comes to mind is someone who has indulged in too much botox
and fillers and I am sure that is not what we are talking about here...
On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 2:48:57 PM UTC-8 JohnS wrote:
> Hello Bill,
Minh, I love both. I have albatross on my more compact bike, but I sized up
on my Platypus and got Billie's and it feels so spacious. People say there
are more hand position options, but I realized I never change positions,
but I do like to put stuff all over my handlebars so there is more space
Paint and Custom fender color! You may be even outdoing your RivSisters
this time! I am so looking forward to your reveal day! (And also you may
have given at least some of us new ideas about where we can splash color on
our bikes... I learned something today)
On Thursday, December 7, 2023
Your Atlantis is living life right !
On Thursday, December 7, 2023 at 3:25:49 PM UTC-8 John Rinker wrote:
> On a recent road trip in the Southwest, I rode my beautiful Atlantis along
> the rim of the Grand Canyon from Desert View to Hermit's Rest. At one point
> I stopped at a viewpoint, leaned
Or a picture of the bike in a small pretty box she can open... That would
be a really fun way to learn you are getting a Platypus... Can you talk to
my husband please??!
On Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 5:44:45 AM UTC-8 Josh C wrote:
> I was just going to ask if anyone had received theirs ye
Joe! Don't get shiny ball syndrome! You have a most excellent frame on its
way to you!
On Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 9:50:23 AM UTC-8 Joe Bernard wrote:
> It's so exciting! I can't wait to see your new Purple Platy and all the
> other new bikes out there. Gosh, now I kinda wish *I* was gettin
Please keep us posted with pictures as your bike comes together. I agree
with Leah that planning the bike is part of the fun. Having people to
bounce ideas off of has been such a fun way for me to consider new things.
I've always been an Albatross/Billie bar person and am about to try Choco
Tim, that is exciting news! And please post pictures because we need more
men on mixtes! Every time I find one I show my fiance and say, "see, this
is a great men's bike!" And he looks at me side eyed. Which makes me want a
"Men on Mixtes Calendar" Maybe it's a project for next year.
On Su
Thank you Patrick, that was a wonderful way to start this morning!
On Friday, December 22, 2023 at 5:25:54 AM UTC-8 wrote:
> MARVELOUS!!! Thank you Patrick for sharing this.
> On Friday, December 22, 2023 at 5:59:04 AM UTC-5 ascpgh wrote:
>> That was wonderful.
>> If y
I found a youtube video that is exactly how I want to ride
On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 5:04:42 AM UTC-8 Sarah Carlson wrote:
> All these responses have given me so much to think about, I appreciate all
9 AM UTC-8
> wrote:
>> I found a youtube video that is exactly how I want to ride
>> On Sunday, December 3, 2023 at 5:04:42 AM UTC-8 Sarah Carlson wr
Roberta, Leah has been working on me about Apple Fitness too. I think she
should be getting commissions from Rivendell AND Apple fitness! I know
strength training is the missing piece... maybe it's time we sign up all
together... RiveSister fitness
On Friday, December 22, 2023 at 11:25:39 A
Really gorgeous bike Roberta! I can look at those heart lugs all day, and
those mud flaps. I love how you have combined function with all those
little touches that bring day to day joy. And it fits on Amtrak and public
On Monday, December 25, 2023 at 5:40:01 PM UTC-8 Robe
What a wonderful and sparkley way to kick off the New Year! Can't wait to
hear about the rides this bike embarks on in it's next chapter!
On Monday, January 1, 2024 at 10:06:32 PM UTC-8 Joe Bernard wrote:
> Leah: It's a wonderful bike whose journey I've followed for years, it
> feels lik
Can I put in a plug for the Platypus? I've been riding mine on group rides
and it's been a delight. The bike is gorgeous. The price took away my
breath one time when I made the payment, but I get a little flutter every
time I see my bike, and the joy I feel when I ride it takes away any memory
Yes, did you know when you you get your lady a Riv she has an immediate
community of RivSisters? Pam has brought up the most wonderful point!
On Wednesday, January 3, 2024 at 8:40:34 PM UTC-8 Pam Bikes wrote:
> Leah, aka Bicycle Belle Ding Ding would be a good person to comment since
> she has
t; On Friday, December 22, 2023 at 7:53:19 AM UTC-8
>>> wrote:
>>>> I found a youtube video that is exactly how I want to ride
>> Bill Lindsay
>> El Cerrito, CA
>> On Friday, December 22, 2023 at 7:53:19 AM UTC-8
>> wrote:
>>> I found a youtube video th
If you paint your bike a fast color, your bike goes faster.
On Thursday, December 28, 2023 at 2:35:08 PM UTC-8 Patrick Moore wrote:
> This is hardly a new question for me or for others, but it is a question
> that strikes me anew when I ride the 1999 Joe Starck and find, once again
> as always
Leah, did you see that Analog had the (I think Jaguar) in pink? It's
sold out now but maybe they might have one stashed for you!
On Monday, April 17, 2023 at 12:29:43 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
> Johnny - I know! Maybe it’s the swept-back bars?
> Garth and anyone el
;>> might fall in love with and wish to ride more often. The Platy complete
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> a great deal, and if she’s a 50, they are in stock. And like Pam said,
>>>>>> let
>>>>>> her choose the color. If she falls
What a delight for your wife to see this under the Christmas tree!
On Monday, January 8, 2024 at 11:13:52 AM UTC-8 Josh C wrote:
> [image: IMG_0972.jpg]
> Should have reported back sooner but the bike did come in time for
> Christmas.
> On Monday, December 11, 2023 at 8:59:06 AM UTC-5 sa
Every ride is going to be like Valentines Day on that gorgeous bike!
On Thursday, January 11, 2024 at 5:28:30 PM UTC-8 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
> I have never had Paul anything. I’ve had whatever brakes and levers came
> with my bikes and didn’t think any more about it. I did get my VO b
Leah, now you will probably chime in with me and Joe on the conversations
when we discuss how a crank can also be beautiful. Because once you
recognize it you won't be able to unsee it!
On Sunday, January 14, 2024 at 4:04:25 AM UTC-8 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
> You guys are g
I would definitely make an appointment because these dudes are busy and
that way they can pencil in some time to give you attention. Otherwise you
might show up when they are unloading a truck. I agree with Joe that it's
great to find a couple things to order that you can pick up on your
And in all fairness my aesthetic is like crossing a classy Rivendell bike
with a Lisa Frank Trapper Keeper from the 90s... so his observations are
On Monday, January 15, 2024 at 3:55:13 PM UTC-8 wrote:
> Hey y'all
> I am planning a trip to SF in March, and was thin
I did finally order my triple! 24-34-44. I was captivated by the idea of 22
for the smallest chainring but that wasn't an option. I really appreciate
all the feedback and pictures of the bikes!
On Saturday, November 25, 2023 at 6:27:06 AM UTC-8 Sarah Carlson wrote:
> I think I learne
Just watched the RAGBRAI documentary and can totally understand how you
could be called to join a community of riders who support each other
through an exciting challenge. It makes me want to go too except for
when I heard one of the guys commenting, "It's 105 degrees." That gave me
Any RivSister can tell you that the way to a woman's heart is her own shiny
On Friday, January 19, 2024 at 7:57:43 AM UTC-8 Drurad (Sacramento) wrote:
> I recently found a new home for my 60 Cheviot (wonderful guy: J Imler -
> see his post:
Brian, it has been rainy and dreary here in Riv Country for DAYS so don't
worry, it is a fantasy for us here as well!
On Saturday, January 20, 2024 at 6:16:44 AM UTC-8 wrote:
> The weather is shit where I am (oddly enough, the Gulf Coast), so this
> video is what's giving me s
I do love Mt. Diablo but would recommend sticking to Spring nights or
timing your arrival so you minimize the time sitting out in the sun as the
campsites are up high in an exposed area (unless you know a spot with more
tree cover). We had a couple hours baking in the sun in 90 degree weather.
This Riv Sister is sitting here with stars in her eyes imagining this bike!
The update just made my morning. Waiting happily for the big reveal!
On Friday, February 2, 2024 at 1:22:43 PM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
> Only the RivSisters are allowed to read this update:
> Today, Rick emailed me a
I'm building a Homer now, also to be my endurance bike. I don't do drop
bars because of a wacky shoulder, and what was recommended to me was the
Choco bar which has some of qualities of a drop bar, but also a swept back
quality. I have not tried it yet, but that's what I'm aiming for.
I hope yo
Love a Platypus with Billie Bars. Happy riding!
On Saturday, February 10, 2024 at 1:31:06 PM UTC-8 Tim Bantham wrote:
> Took advantage of the rare warm weather we are having to take my new
> Platypus out. I purchased this 60cm Sergio's Green as a complete bike. At
> first I thought I'd ride it
Have you snuck over for even the littlest peek? I wouldn't be able to stop
Am very much anticipating this pink bike reveal!
On Wednesday, February 14, 2024 at 7:50:24 PM UTC-8 Bill Lindsay wrote:
> Mark tells me my frame is sitting in his stand right now...
> I'm going to pick it up T
Any news if this was your bike?
On Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 12:34:15 PM UTC-7 Adrianna T wrote:
> I am hoping this is my bike. Waiting to hear back!
> On Thursday, June 22, 2023 at 8:28:56 AM UTC-7 Cyclofiend Jim wrote:
>> Ha... you beat me to it.
>> Thanks Eric.
>> On Thursday,
Thank you! This yellow makes me ridiculously happy!
On Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at 8:07:32 PM UTC-7 wrote:
> Great color. It may be my favorite, enjoy.
> On Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at 8:06:52 PM UTC-4
> wrote:
>> Yes, this is the dream realized Yellow
I love that! And Blue Heron is my other favorite bike shop, they built up
the bike that got me to love riding again.
On Monday, July 3, 2023 at 3:23:56 PM UTC-7 maxcr wrote:
> Another colorful Platy build! 🔥🔥🔥
> Max
> On Thursday, June
I would love to do a RivSister ride. If I ever go that way I'll let you
On Monday, July 3, 2023 at 6:55:21 PM UTC-7 JAS wrote:
> Welcome, RivSister! Your Platy is beautiful. Best wishes for many happy
> miles together!
> Do you live on the West Coast? I'm in the NW, on Whidbey Island.
That is such a fun bike! Many happy rides to you!
On Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 12:06:47 AM UTC-7 Matthew Miller wrote:
> Finished getting this Rosco Platypus together last month and took a few
> photos on my ride today :) Picked up the frame, bars, and crank at the
> Rivendell garage sale.
Thank you for posting! I have been trying to find these to encourage my
boyfriend to love riding... but I guess I'll have to keep waiting!
On Tuesday, June 13, 2023 at 6:28:43 AM UTC-7 wrote:
> Yeah, sorry for any confusion! As of this writing, 13 June 2023, they are
> out of
The matchmaker at work again!
On Monday, July 31, 2023 at 11:18:26 AM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
> I’ll do some digging and see if I can find you one, Justin. But I’m so
> curious - I know you loved that Clem and you used to have a Cheviot. Are
> you missing your old Chev? I have bo
Such a beautiful bike and kind of lovely to see him on his grandpa's frame.
Looks like it fits him really well. I have no good insight into this, other
than it would be really sad to see that bike turn into a "garage queen"
when he looks so natural on it. Is there room for him to stash this
It's not very glamorous, but when I wear wide leg pants I just roll it up
ridiculously high and take off. With the other stuff going on in the bay
area I'm sure my rolled up pant leg is not going to catch anyone's
attention. No bike grease yet!
On Saturday, September 9, 2023 at 7:13:39 AM UTC-7
As a lady who also wanted a yellow bike... and custom painted one Make
it happen! Say goodbye to barf green!
On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 1:40:39 PM UTC-7 Joe A. wrote:
> Hey All,
> I wanted to share a special ride report from this past Saturday.
> Originally, my wife and I planned
OOOooo! That moment when you got the notification that your bike was in
stock! What a feeling! Congratulations on your not barf green bike and the
beginning of new adventures!
On Monday, September 18, 2023 at 5:30:31 PM UTC-7 Kiley Demond wrote:
> I did it! I received the “BIS” (back in st
Leah helped me with process of finding and then going through the process
of custom painting my Platypus. If I was a super cool technology person I
could direct your right to that conversation. There is also someone who
custom painted an orange bike...
On Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at 10:19:5
Thank you for sharing! That's a great post and great example of how to
respond to well earned wear and tear. I still fret a little bit over marks
but maybe I'll learn to relax about it.
On Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 12:28:16 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding
Ding! wrote:
> Wes, Pam’s bike
I held my breath when I got the Paul Motolites for my Atlantis and I'm glad
I did every time I ride it. I decided to save money by not getting the
levers and I regret that. "Saving money" now means that I will upgrade
my levers and pay for more labor putting them in (I am no bike mechanic).
Love the fall accessory swap out! I have zero comments about your seatpost
setback because I am so captivated by those new autumnal grips. Did you
even ask for input about your riding position because I don't recall seeing
that in your makeover post
Pink Gravel King tires? YES PLEASE!!
Yes Plumber, please share your wife's bike photos! You won't be stealing
Bill's pink bike thunder if you make your own post...
On Monday, February 19, 2024 at 10:58:41 AM UTC-8
> Lovely custom and selection can’t wait to see the finished project! I too
> recently pi
Another vote for the Platypus. It is such a versatile bike, you can really
take it in so many different build directions without compromising your
experience. When I think of all the ways I've seen the Platypus built up,
it's king of mind boggling. People smiling out on trails with lots of bags
Thank you for the Bivo suggestion, those are just what I have been looking
for. I ordered two and am going to give them a test run soon!
On Sunday, February 25, 2024 at 9:23:42 PM UTC-8 wrote:
> +1 for king cages and I’ve recently discovered Bivo water bottles. They’re
This bike is only one million dollars, see honey, I'm trying!
Joe you nailed it.
On Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 10:25:11 PM UTC-7 Luke Hendrickson wrote:
> Hahahaha yeah, that makes sense, Joe 😂
> On Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 10:14:51 PM UTC-7 Joe Bernard wrote:
>> I call it "spouse/SO s
Hi Linda,
I "temporarily" put my B67 on my Platypus and I think it's going to live
there now. The springs make a squeaky noise, and I take this bike on club
rides so sometimes it gets some comments, but I am so comfortable now I
don't know that I need to "upgrade." There are ways to make the s
Hey I watch your videos pretty much everyday! Great to see you pop up on
On Sunday, April 21, 2024 at 10:10:28 AM UTC-7
> Just realised my channel was shared on here. Thank you!
> On Tuesday 12 March 2024 at 10:09:34 UTC+9 wrote:
I'm signed up but weighing the enjoyment/risk with the wind and rain. I
just stuck my head out the window to get the "weather report" and was met
with a gust of wind to the face and rain. My gut instinct for myself is to
take the rain check, and go ride this route on a clear day.
My yellow Pla
Valerie, I want to hear the answers to all the questions! You are one of
the few people riding this rare unicorn bike I want to know all the
On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 11:03:19 AM UTC-7 Valerie Yates wrote:
> Jason - - Hi! I am glad you agree. I was really surprised what an
Thank you for this Valerie, your post made my morning!
On Monday, May 6, 2024 at 1:30:11 PM UTC-7 Valerie Yates wrote:
> Thanks for the kind words! I've been enjoying yours and Bill's and many
> others' posts for years but I only rarely chime-in.
> I have loved riding bikes since child
I just built a lovely Homer that fills that riding gap, but I do plan to
watch other people build theirs LEAH!
On Wednesday, May 8, 2024 at 10:20:33 AM UTC-7 Valerie Yates wrote:
> Sarah - thanks! Are you thinking of getting one?
> On Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 6:30:15 AM UTC-6 sarahlik...@gm
Valerie, I am also looking forward to your photos. I love show and tell!
Thank you for your posts which I have started looking forward to.
On Friday, May 10, 2024 at 5:32:29 AM UTC-7 Johnny Alien wrote:
> I think the big thing is that the gallop was designed for sweptback bars
> and th
Oh wow Valerie! These photos were a treat to wake up to on mother's day,
thanks for sharing!
Slowly we are all getting more information on what this mysterious CHG bike
is and I'm glad this thread is here for it.
On Saturday, May 11, 2024 at 9:45:40 PM UTC-7 Valerie Yates wrote:
> D
Hey there!
You have lots options and an easy to get to fun one is Wildcat canyon. You
can get off at Del Norte BART and go a little ways on the Ohlone Greenway
before taking some streets to connect up with Wildcat Canyon (sorry I can't
fill in the gaps on that one, this is where we need google
When "too much" is "just right." This bike will make you (and anyone who
sees it) smile. Who could not smile at the sight on a My Little Platy
coming down the road! I hope you have many joyous miles riding, and that
some of them are in California so we can see it in person!
On Wednesday, May 22
I keep waiting for someone to roll it onto BART. It is so distinctive and
seems like a crime of opportunity that the thief is unlikely to realize
they have stolen an instagram recognizable bike.
On Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 8:36:53 AM UTC-7 tio ryan wrote:
> Shocked this hasn't turned up yet (
YES, you should get one. It's a lovely bike and capable of so many things.
If you want to be able to go from road to gravel and wherever you want you
should get this bike!
On Wednesday, May 22, 2024 at 8:44:35 AM UTC-7 wrote:
> First: I realize I am asking this to an entirel
Thank you for bringing this up! I have had only baby chonks chopped out by
my dermatologist but I recently had a friend pass away from skin cancer. I
just bought Da Brim in a festive pastel ribbon look. While it feels a bit
derpy, it is preferable to the alternative.
I feel like the Bike Prett
Those ARE the perfect shoes that bike!!
On Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 5:41:36 AM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
> Time to revive this thread. Because…well, when you have the perfect shoes
> for your bike, you gotta let people know.
> On Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 10:28:46 PM UTC-5 Bicy
Looking forward to a someday CA meetup so you can come ride with me and our
little brother! Will the travel gravel platy be up to the task? Only one
way to find out!
On Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 1:13:57 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
> Yay for Ben and his first post!
> So, bac
I love seeing this thread come back. And I approve of coordinating bike
bags to shorts! Love it!
On Monday, May 27, 2024 at 1:54:59 AM UTC-7 Nicholas A wrote:
> My new fave riding clothes, merino t-shirt, Amundsen shorts and the good
> old Eric Marth designed kerchief.
> [image: 0.jpg]
> On
Thank you for this exciting news! I was preparing for a long wait. Now I'm
hopeful to be ready for summer riding!
On Saturday, April 15, 2023 at 11:52:07 AM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding!
> Ah! What a thrilling answer, Matthew! I am so happy and relieved that it
> seems to be weeks and
Yes, this is the dream realized Yellow Platypus! And I have been very very
absent from social media because I cannot stop riding this bike!
On Friday, June 2, 2023 at 2:27:41 PM UTC-7 Bicycle Belle Ding Ding! wrote:
> Yes! Good eye, Max! And Ryan, good memory! My RivSister (we met on
> Instagr
I'm so sorry these happened to you! It's starting to feel like we just
can't have nice things in the Bay Area. Have your friends check the Oakland
Colosseum flea market. A lot of bikes end up there. Someone I know went
there after their laptop was stolen out of their house and was able to
In my opinion goose poop is way worse! It's more sloppy and GREEN. Horse
poop is more grassy and solid and less likely to splatter. (I am a nurse
who deals with a lot of poop professionally, and I have opinions)!
On Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at 1:35:01 PM UTC-7 wrote:
> I'm curiou
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