[RBW] Re: Today's brevet.

2011-03-14 Thread RayO
I think I remember getting too hot on the Birkie once, or maybe it was just wishing. On Mar 14, 8:06 am, Mike wrote: > After we left Birkenfeld there was this thick light steady rain that > hung over us until Vernonia. When we got back on Timber Rd it cleared > up but we were all just feeling a l

[RBW] Re: Rivendell Vindicated Once Again

2010-12-23 Thread RayO
Tool kit of the ages: Duct tape, WD/40, magic marker, Leatherman multi- tool and zip ties. But my elitist leather mudflaps are attatched to my fancy pants stainless steel fenders with frou-frou hardware. On Dec 23, 6:56 pm, Ray Shine wrote: > Wow!  I've always used zipties for fendres and basket

[RBW] Re: Friction shifting with Dia Compe bar end “Silver Shifters”

2010-08-17 Thread RayO
On two different bikes I use Silver downtube shifters with 7 speed IRD freewheels and Campy Mirage and a Champ rear derailleur. I can't believe how well this works in comparison to 70's-80's top end Campy (Record/Super Record). I stil have to ease off a little to down shift while climbing but, a

[RBW] Re: Sugino XD cranks/chainring question

2010-02-10 Thread RayO
indle. (Unless you want the wider Q factor, that is) RayO On Feb 9, 6:22 pm, Mike wrote: > I'm in the process of changing out cranks on my Hilsen. I'll be > switching from a Sugino triple to a Sugino compact double. The double > has 48/34 rings but I think what I want is 46/34. My

[RBW] Re: 650B dead or alive?

2010-05-13 Thread RayO
Ken, What does industrial mayonaise taste like? On May 13, 10:17 am, Ken Mattina wrote: > Right now I have four pairs of hetres that are hermetically sealed in an > industrial mayonnaise jar in my basement.  I also have four pairs of pari > motos on the way.  I eventually will hoard 4 pairs of ev

[RBW] Re: S24O: tent or no tent?

2010-07-19 Thread RayO
Go with a bivy sack. OR (Outdoor Research) has one that's 2lbs and will fit in a Carradice. Goretex with a mosquito net at the head end. On Jul 17, 7:27 am, Mike wrote: > So tent or no tent for an S24O? This is actually more of a +24O where > I'm gonna do approx 60 miles the first day and maybe

Re: [RBW] Holy Moly. 30 minute Drone Delivery from Amazon. Need a bike part "real soon"?

2013-12-02 Thread RayO
If it walks like a duck and flaps like a duck...shoot it! On Monday, December 2, 2013 4:25:56 PM UTC-8, dougP wrote: > > My earlier suggestions of this service being used for tour support were > made with tongue firmly planted in cheek. Bicycle touring is about > self-sufficiency and independen

[RBW] Re: Cover of Bicycle Times Magazine

2014-07-24 Thread RayO
I just can't get into reading on a "device". It is so much better to slop my breakfast on on paper. On Friday, July 18, 2014 10:39:05 AM UTC-7, blakcloud wrote: > > I subscribe to Bicycle Times as mentioned and Momentum Magazine in digital > format. I just started a subscription to BQ and have y

[RBW] Re: 650b and the MTB crowd.

2012-02-16 Thread RayO
You have Stronglight chainrings?! On Feb 16, 4:28 pm, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery wrote: > In the oddball little Rivendell niche, a shop could conceivably stock most > of the parts of interest, most of the time. In the broader world of bikes, > however, it's impossible. There's just too much, an

[RBW] Re: Unique Hillborne for sale on the Bay

2012-02-24 Thread RayO
I feel just the opposite. On Feb 24, 11:38 am, Jim Thill - Hiawatha Cyclery wrote: > There's nothing odd-looking about v-brakes to anyone who has been around > mountain bikes in the past 15-20 years (but before everything had discs). > I've never understood the claim that cantilevers have superio

[RBW] Re: ISO right-side silver shifter

2013-03-08 Thread RayO
Riv sells the innards. On Mar 8, 2:04 pm, Garth wrote: > Have you tried cleaning/lubing it ?   I find it hard to imagine the little > ratchets are word, but they could get gunked up, not unlike what can happen > to  freewheel pawls with old thick grease.   Otherwise I have a set of ST > Power Shi

[RBW] Re: 17/20 Dingles: $18 shipped CONUS or TRADE? Other things too!

2013-06-12 Thread RayO
I thought I knew bicycles...but what is a "Dingle" and do I need a shiny one? On Wednesday, June 12, 2013 1:46:45 PM UTC-7, Patrick Moore wrote: > > I have two 17/20 Dingles that are refractory to my ring/stay/cog > desiderata. Both used, both show no signs of wear X/C dirt, both $18 > shipped

[RBW] Re: Interesting blog entry (and comments/replies) from Jan Heine's blog

2012-08-07 Thread RayO
I just rode my 28 year old Pinnarello 70 miles...my Ford is 7 years old. On Aug 6, 4:53 am, Steve Palincsar wrote: > On Mon, 2012-08-06 at 01:56 -0700, Matt Beebe wrote: > > Bicycles are open, while modern automobiles are black, disposable > > boxes. > > How long do most riders keep the same bic

[RBW] Re: Silver Downtube shifters and 10-speed cassette?

2012-08-16 Thread RayO
I have found that using DT friction shifters on anything with more than 7 cogs is too fussy due to the reduced space between the cogs. I have the Silver DT's on a bike ith a 9 speed and I am always overshifting. 6 and 7, no problems. On Aug 16, 4:43 pm, lungimsam wrote: > 3rd review down on lin

[RBW] Re: First Dixie Mtn ride of 2013.

2013-02-21 Thread RayO
You came close to my house, Mike. On Feb 21, 8:07 am, Mike wrote: > Yesterday my friend Ed and I rode Dixie Mtn, a local ride here in Portland > that takes in miles of dirt climbs. We did what I consider to be the > "classic" route which goes out to Scappoose and takes in Otto Miller Rd. > Dixie