Re: [RBW] paul's racer brakes vs cantis questions

2010-05-13 Thread Paul Price
Hey- Thanks for that. We're pretty proud of our brakes. If you ever get a chance the braze-on version is really nice. It adds a level of stiffness and aesthetics. The Racer M(edium) is poised to kick butt on anything out there. It just adds power the stronger you squeeze it, and looks coo

Re: [RBW] Re: paul's racer brakes vs cantis questions

2010-05-17 Thread Paul Price
That is the correct, or one of the correct posts, or bosses. I interchange the terms but they both mean that thing. True, you won't be mounting cantilevers on them, but all our brakes use the same pivot setup that fits on those. There are several different styles, that one in the picture h

Re: [RBW] Bleriot should be done by week's end

2010-06-14 Thread Paul Price
Wow, I agree. Enjoy the new bike and the brakes. Huge congrats! Super impressed. On Jun 14, 2010, at 11:32 PM, Brian Hanson wrote: Scott - great story behind the photos - I salute you, Bob, and your family for making it happen! I think I'd put that frame on the wall somewhere. It's pricel