[RBW] Re: Silver crank arm trade

2024-01-22 Thread LeRoy
There also exists a 173mm Silver crank arm size. If that would also suit your needs, you can expand your search possibilities by adding the 173 size t to your wish list. Leroy On Sunday, January 21, 2024 at 1:36:54 PM UTC-5 Luke Whitmore wrote: > Greetings, > > I have a Clem H (size

[RBW] ISO: Does Anyone Have an Available Clem Poster?

2023-08-01 Thread LeRoy
As noted in another recent post, I’m a sucker for Clem-related things of many sorts. One of those sorts would be the original Clem poster issued when the bikes were first introduced around 2017. Does anyone have one they would part with? I’ll pay a reasonable price plus postage. It will be goi

[RBW] Re: ISO: Does Anyone Have an Available Clem Poster?

2023-08-05 Thread LeRoy
Bump, if I may. Bob On Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 6:43:42 PM UTC-4 LeRoy wrote: > As noted in another recent post, I’m a sucker for Clem-related things of > many sorts. One of those sorts would be the original Clem poster issued > when the bikes were first introduced around 2017. Do

[RBW] Re: Do you ride with fenders?

2024-08-24 Thread LeRoy
I ride with all the fenders, all the time, on all my bike (singular). Unlike many on this forum, it's easier for me to say and do that since I only have one bike - a Clem 59H. And, in the interests of accuracy in counting, I'm not including my 1970s road bike because it simply decorates a wall

[RBW] Schwalbe’s Big Apple is a 10-year old tire design. What’s a newer/better alternative?

2020-05-13 Thread LeRoy
would you recommend for my combination of priorities and riding conditions? Or, should I just order another set of Big Apples and call it a day? Thanks for any insights and the patience of the reader. LeRoy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "R

[RBW] Riding on borrowed time? Or, thank you Kenda tubes, for your elasticity.

2020-06-28 Thread LeRoy
My 59 Clem H came to me second (or third) hand and I was pleased to receive it with Schwalbe Big Apple 50mm tires. It seems to be accepted wisdom that the Kenda tires originally fitted to Clems are not on many people's wish list. After a couple thousand miles in my use, and who knows how many b

[RBW] FS: Brooks B68 Saddle & Brooks MT21 Multi-Tool

2020-12-25 Thread LeRoy
cle-saddle/7251080826.html https://detroit.craigslist.org/okl/bop/d/rochester-brooks-mt21-bicycling-multi/7251087888.html I'd be happy to answer any questions, on or off the list. LeRoy [Bob Sharp] SE Michigan -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups &qu

[RBW] Re: FS: Brooks B68 Saddle & Brooks MT21 Multi-Tool

2020-12-28 Thread LeRoy
, December 27, 2020 at 8:56:42 AM UTC-5 Joel S wrote: > That B 68 would get snapped up on EBay. Some users here I am surprised > have not tried to buy it. I have one in the parts drawer, not sure what I > will do with it yet. > > On Friday, December 25, 2020 at 10:06:26 PM UT

[RBW] Re: WTB: 62 Hillborne Canti -black

2021-02-02 Thread LeRoy
Abcyclehank has a frame/bb/etc if that would help: https://groups.google.com/g/rbw-owners-bunch/c/oMmx55CCmuI On Tuesday, February 2, 2021 at 1:21:09 AM UTC-5 rusty miller wrote: > > Long shot, looking for a 62 Hillborne in Black. Preferably a Canti version. > > Got one for the wife a few years

[RBW] FS: Brooks C19, SOMA Front & Rear racks, Clem pedals

2018-07-25 Thread LeRoy
Everything is spoken for and delivered. Thanks for shopping! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. T

[RBW] Lightning bugs taste sweet. Who knew?

2018-07-30 Thread LeRoy
oddly interesting. This occasions a couple questions: 1) Who knew that a lightning bug would be so sweet? 2) Are there other tasty flying objects to be recommended? LeRoy (I think there's still something between my teeth) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Goo

[RBW] Re: Reflections On My Riv and A Weight Loss Program

2018-08-16 Thread LeRoy
nd on the left side, lift with the right hand, stabilize the front wheel with the left hand on the bars. Might there be some sort of add-on lifting handle or device that makes this part of the job easier for you? LeRoy On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 2:56:35 PM UTC-4, Kiley Demond wrote: > &

[RBW] Re: Need 'dark' theme parts recommendations for MIT Atlantis

2018-08-16 Thread LeRoy
Sadly, Bert's Bikes (noted above) does not have the B68 Brooks saddle, in spite of what their web site indicates. I inquired about a month ago and this was the status at that time. LeRoy (who obtained a B68 after an extended Craigslist search) On Monday, August 13, 2018 at 7:18:15 AM

[RBW] I'd like some 'splaining: Clem H vs. new Riv MTB

2018-08-16 Thread LeRoy
Here are two snippets from Rivendell; the first from the "Big Ol' Seasonal Blowout Sale" email, the second from the Clem Smith Jr. page: *"...a new mountain bike planned for next year. Still about six months off for both of those. The new bike will kind of replace the Clem H, which is still the

[RBW] WTB: Completely knackered Brooks B68 (Going to try re-hanging a leather top)

2018-09-16 Thread LeRoy
e link to the auction and the website of the purveyor of replacement leather saddle tops.I'd welcome your thoughts and related experiences. https://www.ebay.com/itm/153149535312 www.Obsidianmonarch.com Thanks in advance, LeRoy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to

[RBW] Re: Heron again

2018-09-16 Thread LeRoy
sale. The bad news: it now had a naked lady mural on the gas tank, extended forks and other distasteful modifications. It was no longer of interest to me. Years later, I still shed a tear for that bike. LeRoy (who still hasn't gotten over it) On Thursday, September 13, 2018 at 11

[RBW] Heard my first "Hey, nice Riv!" today. Felt chuffed

2018-10-01 Thread LeRoy
I've only had my Clem Smith Jr since late spring of this year and have put about 750 miles on it. Rivendells of any sort are thin on the ground in my Midwestern home. Most of the guys I ride with are only vaguely aware of the brand. They do recognize my bike as an interesting curiosity. It's so

[RBW] Re: New Rosco Cargo Mixte

2018-10-01 Thread LeRoy
Please don't be offended, but I'm going to have a hard time un-seeing that. LeRoy, without malice On Friday, September 28, 2018 at 5:35:01 PM UTC-4, Drw wrote: > > Just finished converting my rosco mtn mixte with a crust cargo fork. I > think it came out perfectly weird. Sha

[RBW] FREE* Schwalbe Inner Tube SV19A (Presta) NIB - 650B x 54-60mm / 700c x 38-60mm

2018-10-02 Thread LeRoy
When something is offered for "Free" with an asterisk (*), you have to ask, "What's the catch?" So, the catch here is that you get the new-in-the-box tube for free *if you pay the shipping*. I made a rookie mistake and bought a spare tube in the right size, but with a Presta valve instead of Sc

[RBW] Re: WTB: Completely knackered Brooks B68 (Going to try re-hanging a leather top)

2018-10-02 Thread LeRoy
Bump, remaining optimistic. LeRoy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To post to

[RBW] Re: WTB: Completely knackered Brooks B68 (Going to try re-hanging a leather top)

2018-10-05 Thread LeRoy
Thanks for the tip and the link. I expect that your riveting hints will prove very helpful. Now all that I need is a candidate saddle! Anybody? (Update: I have a current eBay auction in my sights; fingers crossed.) LeRoy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

[RBW] Re: New SimWorks rack

2018-10-06 Thread LeRoy
ne of these and give the alternative four-legged mount a try. $150 doesn't seem unreasonable. LeRoy On Saturday, October 6, 2018 at 12:33:51 PM UTC-4, Justin, Oakland wrote: > > This looks fantastic. > > https://www.instagram.com/p/Boj0WokBQai/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&

[RBW] Re: FREE* Schwalbe Inner Tube SV19A (Presta) NIB - 650B x 54-60mm / 700c x 38-60mm

2018-10-14 Thread LeRoy
A deal has been done. (And thanks, Reed, for the tip on the adapter nut included on Schwalbe tubes with Presta valves. I wasn't aware of that but, even so, I'm going to go for an all-Schrader fleet.) LeRoy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google G

[RBW] Re: Finding out how a Bike's Performance Changes with Changes to Components

2018-10-28 Thread LeRoy
But wait, you've left us hanging! Your story had a fine beginning, an enticing middle, but no ending. What happened? How did the switch to Bullmoose bars suit you? I'll not be able to sleep tonight unless you run on a bit longer... Leroy -- You received this message becau

[RBW] Re: Work Stand Suggestions

2018-11-14 Thread LeRoy
On fasteners with unusually high torque, and no available torque wrench, a good approximation is to tighten it until you fart. LeRoy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiv

[RBW] Re: Stein's 'Hypercracker' Tool and Riv Dropouts

2018-11-14 Thread LeRoy
When it comes to fasteners with really high torque values, and when no torque wrench is available, a good approximation is to tighten it until you fart. LeRoy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe

[RBW] How I came to own, and enjoy, a Clem Smith Jr

2018-05-28 Thread LeRoy
amble on, and on… LeRoy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To post to this group, se

[RBW] Re: How I came to own, and enjoy, a Clem Smith Jr

2018-05-31 Thread LeRoy
No, but that sad specimen certainly puts a damper on any visions I might have had regarding the value of mine. The GoodWill Kettler is a naked bike compared to mine but is similar in terms of frame geometry and layout. LeRoy On Tuesday, May 29, 2018 at 1:39:31 PM UTC-4, Virgil Staphbeard wrote

[RBW] Re: FS: NOS Rosco Bubbe v.5 frameset (the green one) $1000/shipped

2018-06-20 Thread LeRoy
I've done some spelunking on the internet but haven't found anything with the original build details on this version of the Rosco Bubbe frame. Would you, or another member, be able to direct me to details that go beyond those noted? Maybe maximum wheel/tire size and such? LeRoy

[RBW] FS: Brooks C19, SOMA Front & Rear racks, Clem pedals

2018-07-16 Thread LeRoy
The Brooks C19 is spoken for and the front SOMA rack is in discussion. Any interest in the rear rack or Clem pedals? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an e

[RBW] I tarted up my Clem

2018-07-16 Thread LeRoy
over 300 miles of use on my bike, the only sign of this interference is a slight burnishing of the rack from the cable contact. It isn’t like the cable will saw through the rack, but it’s just a wee bit sub-optimal. LeRoy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google

[RBW] Re: Lighten Up: Clem Edition

2020-04-07 Thread LeRoy
Here is your basic question: *"Has anyone built a Clem up with lighter parts? Does it make a big difference? As in, is it worth the money?"* To pick an analogy, in the world of race cars, the adage is that *"Speed costs money."* The question of how much money it costs can be turned on its head

[RBW] Re: FS: Acorn Tool Roll/Bag and Lone Peak Micro Rack Pack

2019-06-08 Thread LeRoy
The Acorn Tool Roll is spoken for, pending payment. The Lone Peak small bag remains available. LeRoy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an ema

[RBW] Re: Bump! FS/ FT 58cm Joe Appaloosa

2019-06-11 Thread LeRoy
Where are you located? On Tuesday, June 11, 2019 at 3:00:51 PM UTC-4, Michael Williams wrote: > > Hey group, just seeing if someone might be interested in a 58 Joe App( > Silver) or a trade for your 59 Clem H. Looking for more tire clearance! > It has disc tabs/ Canti bosses.I’m thinking

[RBW] Re: FS: Acorn Tool Roll/Bag and Lone Peak Micro Rack Pack

2019-06-13 Thread LeRoy
And the Lone Peak bag is spoken for. Thanks to all who inquired. LeRoy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunc

[RBW] Whare to Buy Platscher Easy-Fix Adapter and/or Basket? [in the USA]

2019-06-17 Thread LeRoy
I have the Clem Smith Jr. I have installed the Pletscher "Clem Rack." I'm entirely pleased with both. But I pine for a Pletscher basket that uses the Easy-Fix attachment system. I'd even be satisfied with the Easy-Fix adapter plate. But I have yet to find a US seller of this kind of Pletscher acc

[RBW] Where to buy Pletscher Rack Easy-Fix adapter and/or basket? [In the USA]

2019-06-17 Thread LeRoy
I have the Clem Smith Jr. I have installed the Pletscher "Clem Rack." I'm entirely pleased with both. But I pine for a Pletscher basket that uses the Easy-Fix attachment system. I'd even be satisfied with the Easy-Fix adapter plate. But I have yet to find a US seller of this kind of Pletscher acc

[RBW] Re: Where to buy Pletscher Rack Easy-Fix adapter and/or basket? [In the USA]

2019-06-21 Thread LeRoy
l. Thanks again for the helpful replies. Leroy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. T

[RBW] Re: Economical Clem

2019-06-22 Thread LeRoy
ost" and that density is not uniform across all bikes. To complicate that however, however, assigning greater density to a very expensive bike would also seem, under certain circumstances, to violate the N+1 state. Leroy [Math is Hard] -- You received this message because you are sub

[RBW] A Lesson: When buying a vehicle that will transport a Clem, measure twice and buy once.

2019-10-29 Thread LeRoy
When I bought my Clem 59 in the Spring of 2018, I carried it back from New Jersey to Michigan *inside* a very sub-compact Jeep Renegade, along with three guys and enough luggage and gear for a long weekend. Granted, the Clem was reduced to its smallest sub-units: frame, wheels, handlebar, fende

[RBW] 59cm Clem barely fits in car, thus will be caried on the outside. I like the 1UP rack, but what about others...?

2019-10-31 Thread LeRoy
As detailed in a recent post (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rbw-owners-bunch/BMwnMT8KlG4), my be-fendered 59cm Clem is an awkwardly tight fit in my recently-acquired Jeep Cherokee. As a result, I'm hitch-mounted bike-rack shopping (and hitch shopping as well!). My requirements in a ra

[RBW] Re: 59cm Clem barely fits in car, thus will be caried on the outside. I like the 1UP rack, but what about others...?

2019-11-05 Thread LeRoy
er 1, 2019 at 12:00:05 AM UTC-4, LeRoy wrote: > > As detailed in a recent post ( > https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rbw-owners-bunch/BMwnMT8KlG4), my > be-fendered 59cm Clem is an awkwardly tight fit in my recently-acquired > Jeep Cherokee. As a result, I'm hitch-mounted

[RBW] Re: Thought this was funny

2019-11-05 Thread LeRoy
I'm reluctant to click on a blind link. Perhaps a description would be helpful. Otherwise it will remain unclicked regardless of how funny it might have been. Bob On Tuesday, November 5, 2019 at 12:19:22 PM UTC-5, masmojo wrote: > > https://youtu.be/5EE8m8mmq1k > > There's an advertisement atta

[RBW] Re: It's getting to be that time of year again: Time to order stuff from Rivendell

2019-11-13 Thread LeRoy
a regular addition. Bob [LeRoy] -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To view this discuss

[RBW] Re: Did you have a 2018 cycling goal? Did you achieve it?

2018-12-06 Thread LeRoy
rtunities to ride. I must add that, to it's immense credit, the Clem was a big part of my riding satisfaction. I'll almost certainly do more miles next year. More importantly, I'll almost certainly enjoy riding more as well. What's not to like about all that? LeRoy -- Y

[RBW] Re: Nice plaid bags!

2019-01-10 Thread LeRoy
You know what would really complete the plaid bag outfit? This: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rbw-owners-bunch/Axzt7YjFTMk LeRoy On Thursday, January 10, 2019 at 10:21:36 AM UTC-5, tc wrote: > > https://www.instagram.com/surlybikes/p/BsdVStznzt1/ > > Tom > -- Yo

[RBW] Re: Atlantis touch-up paint, Testors #2135 Russian Naval Interior

2019-01-13 Thread LeRoy
Squadron.com seems to have it available for order: https://www.squadron.com/Testors-Interior-Blue-Green-TS2135-p/ts2135.htm And, while shipping might cost you a bit, there's apparently availability in the UK: http://www.greenmodels.net/testors-2135-russian-interior-blue-green-14-7ml/ On Sunda

[RBW] Re: Joe Appa vs. new Atlantis?

2019-01-26 Thread LeRoy
's available. In the frame sizes you're considering, both bikes will come with 650B wheels. Good luck, it's likely that you'll enjoy wichever you pick/ LeRoy On Saturday, January 26, 2019 at 3:39:19 PM UTC-5, Doug Van Cleve wrote: > > Howdy folks. > > Apparently

[RBW] Re: Brooks c19

2019-02-19 Thread LeRoy
Here's a spare decimal point (.). it looks as though you might have lost track of one. ;^) LeRoy -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send a

[RBW] Buy a Clem (from Rivendel) and get a $750 store credit(!)

2019-03-15 Thread LeRoy
Yep, just like it sounds. Here is what Grant Peterson says in his latest Blahg (emphasis in bold added). If I didn't have one, I'd get one. Act now! *CLEM H's are incredible bikes, Hillybikes, All-Rounders, tourers, commuters. Dialed in, super values, and they aren't selling. We're not going to