[RBW] Re: Low riders on the Saluki

2017-01-19 Thread Kieran J
If you're considering the Tubus Tara, you might go another step and look at the Tubus Nova. Instead of the odd oversized tubing of the Tara, it has a more std diameter construction that makes mounting some panniers easier (not sure about Ortlieb ones specifically). It's also stainless, whereas

Re: [RBW] Re: Low riders on the Saluki

2017-01-19 Thread Kieran J
Tim Gavin wrote: > > Ortlieb panniers come with hook inserts for "standard" (I think 9 mm) > tubing, like Nitto racks, and "oversize" (I think 10 mm) tubing, like on > Tubus racks. > > On Thu, Jan 19, 2017 at 8:46 AM, Kieran J > > wrote: > >> If y

[RBW] Re: F/S 62cm Proto- Hunqapillar/Bomba

2017-02-27 Thread Kieran J
OH DANGGG! If only ... :-) KJ On Monday, February 27, 2017 at 4:07:03 PM UTC-5, Kurt Manley wrote: > > > > Up for sale is my awesome Ri

[RBW] Re: Wide drops for loaded Hunqapillar

2017-03-17 Thread Kieran J
And I want a 52cm wide version of their Wild Honey Bar. Can we add that to the list of demands please? :-) KJ On Friday, March 17, 2017 at 6:06:44 PM UTC-4, Patch T wrote: > > Ya'll think that if enough of us email SimWorks they would maybe convince > Nitto to make a version of the RM-13 with

[RBW] WTB: Sugino XD2 or XD600 triple 170mm

2017-03-20 Thread Kieran J
Hi All, Looking for a good example of this crankset in 170mm length. New or close to it. Should have 46/36/26t rings or thereabouts. Anyone have a spare one? Let me know. Kieran Toronto, Canada -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" g

[RBW] Re: WTB: Sugino XD2 or XD600 triple 170mm

2017-03-22 Thread Kieran J
Since this is the Riv board, I was focused on finding a used set from a lister rather than a cut-rate deal from a 3rd party online vendor. Looks like I've done so. Thanks, list! KJ On Monday, March 20, 2017 at 10:11:56 PM UTC-4, Kieran J wrote: > > Hi All, > > Looking for

[RBW] WTB: 110BCD 44t Chain Guard - Salsa Crossing Guard or that Sugino one

2017-07-29 Thread Kieran J
Anyone have one of these items? Needs to be silver, 110mm BCD. Thanks! Kieran Toronto, Canada -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bu

[RBW] Re: WTB: 110BCD 44t Chain Guard - Salsa Crossing Guard or that Sugino one

2017-07-29 Thread Kieran J
The Salsa one in black would be fine, actually. KJ On Saturday, July 29, 2017 at 5:26:48 PM UTC-4, Kieran J wrote: > > Anyone have one of these items? Needs to be silver, 110mm BCD. > > Thanks! > > Kieran > Toronto, Canada > -- You received this message because y

[RBW] Re: WTB: Nitto 32R rear rack

2017-08-02 Thread Kieran J
Re-looking once again for one of these for a project. Missed out on one FS the other day. Anyone else got one? KJ On Sunday, December 18, 2016 at 6:27:08 PM UTC-5, Kieran J wrote: > > Hi All, > > I'm scoping for one of the MED Nitto 32R rear racks, as per below. > Drop m

[RBW] Re: WTB: Nitto 32R rear rack

2017-08-03 Thread Kieran J
Thanks for the tips. I ended up ordering a Racktime Foldit Adjustable rack from Germany last night. CAD$60 shipped, we'll see how she does! KJ On Wednesday, August 2, 2017 at 6:27:16 PM UTC-4, jjss wrote: > > I was going to bid on that but then one popped up for slightly cheaper. I > communi

[RBW] Re: Dyno hub wiring

2017-08-03 Thread Kieran J
Shoe Gooers: Any thoughts on using the Goo to hold heavier wires, like the Schmidt Coax type one? I've been using aluminum HVAC tape lately for the run of wire under the rear fender on my own bike with no issues, but I'm getting ready to attach a full run of (external) wiring to my wife's updat

[RBW] Re: Cable/Housing Cutter Suggestions

2017-08-09 Thread Kieran J
That's what I was going to say. The Jagwire Pro housing for both brake and shift cuts cleanly and squarely without all this side business. I use the Park tool and one cut, put on the ferrule and that's it. KJ On Wednesday, August 9, 2017 at 10:19:29 AM UTC-4, Justin, Oakland wrote: > > I've fo

Re: [RBW] Re: Cable/Housing Cutter Suggestions

2017-08-09 Thread Kieran J
Jagwire Pro is the housing, the Park Tool CN-10 is the cutter. After using compressionless brake housing, I will never go back to the traditional spiral stuff. KJ On Wednesday, August 9, 2017 at 12:30:36 PM UTC-4, Clayton wrote: > > I am unfamiliar with the Jagwire pro housing cutter. It won't

[RBW] Re: PSA: Richard Sachs(!) Rivendell on CL

2017-08-10 Thread Kieran J
Those seat stay caps are classic Sachs. Very cool! KJ On Wednesday, August 9, 2017 at 5:39:20 PM UTC-4, Beaverton Bob wrote: > > > https://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/bik/d/richard-sachs-built-custom/6238145416.html > > Thought it would be interesting for the group to see this! > > Ride Safely,

[RBW] Re: Anyone have a sub-25lb. complete Rivendell?

2017-08-23 Thread Kieran J
My 68cm Ram is 25lb right on the dot! Shimergo drivetrain, Compass tires, Titanico boat-anchor saddle and Nitto stuff. That also includes two small canvas bags. Not bad for such a lanky beast. KJ On Friday, August 18, 2017 at 6:45:49 PM UTC-4, lum gim fong wrote: > > With 10+ gears, that is...

[RBW] Re: What do Rivendell Riders use for thumb shifters?

2017-08-27 Thread Kieran J
Agreed. I have two sets of the Deore DX MT60 version, and they are so great. Nice crisp, soft click indexing action. I also wish that Microshift had modelled their thumb shifters on these rather than the kludge of Shimano BE shifters mounted on the Paul units. The ergonomics of this design is f

[RBW] Re: 200 miles on 10 bikes, an essentially pointless self-challenge

2017-08-29 Thread Kieran J
Keep the updates coming, Bill. Us desk jockey chumps are awaiting them with baited breath :-) KJ On Monday, August 28, 2017 at 6:04:14 PM UTC-4, Bill Lindsay wrote: 911 miles is the running total, with three more days in August. Bill Lindsay El Cerrito, CA -- You received this

[RBW] Re: Soma Shikoro 700 x 48

2017-08-30 Thread Kieran J
Nice! I ordered a set of the Supple Vitesse EX 48s in terra cotta to try on my monstercross. Should arrive soon. KJ On Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at 10:14:40 AM UTC-4, Jay Connolly wrote: > > I had Compass Snoqualmie Pass ELs on my Joe, but I wanted something with a > little more width and som

Re: [RBW] Re: Soma Shikoro 700 x 48

2017-08-30 Thread Kieran J
I bought mine from Bike Tires Direct. On sale for $49 with free shipping. Use this coupon for another 10% off: ULGW-PXYQB KJ On Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at 2:15:35 PM UTC-4, William! wrote: > > Try Uni

Re: [RBW] Re: Soma Shikoro 700 x 48

2017-08-30 Thread Kieran J
I bought mine from Bike Tires Direct. On sale for $49 with free shipping. You'll get a 10% off your next purchase coupon as well. KJ On Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at 2:15:35 PM UTC-4, William! wrote: > >

[RBW] Re: How Do you like the XD2 wide/low double crank RBW sells?

2017-09-01 Thread Kieran J
I recently put what is essentially the Riv package on my wife's updated city bike, using 170mm XD2 arms, 40/28t rings and a bashguard from Spa Cycles (http://www.spacycles.co.uk/m2b0s210p3655/SPA-CYCLES-Alloy-Chainguard-110-BCD). One thing to keep in mind about the XD arms is that they are qui

[RBW] Re: 10x200 update. An eleventh bike, and blast(s) from the past

2017-09-19 Thread Kieran J
Bill, your mention of a $$$ bike on a $ car reminded me of an photo article in one of my Mountain Bike Action issues back in the 90's. The premise of the photo spread was a bunch of riders that had bikes worth multiple times the value of the cars they used to transport them. The photos had them

Re: [RBW] Re: WTB 54 Rambouillet

2017-09-21 Thread Kieran J
I don't think he called you a liar - I think he flagged what sounds like misleading (or wrong) information. KJ On Thursday, September 21, 2017 at 10:06:36 AM UTC-4, lum gim fong wrote: > > Just reporting what was told to me when I asked RBW if they knew Alex was > selling them. Wish I still ha

[RBW] Re: What's the least expensive 650b slick tire?

2017-09-21 Thread Kieran J
Panaracer Col de la Vie are pretty cheap - around $20 each if you look. You can often find them second-hand as well. I've had a pair lying around since forever that I'll never use but have not sold because they are too expensive to ship and are a bit of a ho-hum tire anyways. KJ On Wednesday

[RBW] Re: Saluki Re-Tired

2017-10-03 Thread Kieran J
Cool bike! Are those vintage Paul Stoplights you are running there? Any issues with weeping on the EL sidewalls? KJ On Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 11:45:21 AM UTC-4, Tony DeFilippo wrote: > > Perhaps the better word choice would be 'renewed'... if you are tired of > gushing about Compass tires

[RBW] Re: Ibex shutting down?!?!?!

2017-12-03 Thread Kieran J
Damn, a real shame. Their Shak Lite jersey is one of my favourite pieces of clothing, I never want to take that thing off. I looked back in my Ibex order receipts and saw that I paid $60 for that one sale a few years ago. I should have bought ten of them. KJ On Friday, December 1, 2017 at 7:

[RBW] FS: Various parts - Shimano, Nitto, Suntour, etc.

2019-01-22 Thread Kieran J
Hi all, Another effort to clean out some unused items from parts bin. Prices include shipping in Canada/USA unless indicated otherwise. Sorry if prices seem high but they include $$ Canadian shipping :-/. Also, customary sorry for the cross-post to iBOB list. - MKS Sylan touring pedals. Goo

[RBW] FS: Various part - Shimano, Nitto, Suntour, etc.

2019-01-22 Thread Kieran J
Hi all, Another effort to clean out some unused items from parts bin. Prices include shipping in Canada/USA unless indicated otherwise. Sorry if prices seem high but they include $$ Canadian shipping :-/. Also, customary sorry for the cross-post to iBOB list. - MKS Sylan touring pedals. Go

[RBW] Re: FS: Various part - Shimano, Nitto, Suntour, etc.

2019-01-23 Thread Kieran J
Sales pending on the Suntour FDs, Nitto stem and chainguard. KJ On Tuesday, January 22, 2019 at 8:51:24 PM UTC-8, Kieran J wrote: > > > Hi all, > > Another effort to clean out some unused items from parts bin. Prices > include shipping in Canada/USA unless indicated otherwis

[RBW] Re: Heads Up: NOS Wilbury on cList

2019-01-23 Thread Kieran J
Gorgeous On Wednesday, January 23, 2019 at 9:58:28 AM UTC-8, Justin, Oakland wrote: > > TLDR: 52cm, $2000 > > > https://westernmass.craigslist.org/bik/d/rivendell-mixte-wilbury-glorius-frame/6798662656.html > > > From the ad: > “Rivendell Mixte - Wilbury - Frame & Fork 52 cm New In Box > > I

[RBW] Re: Rambouillet Refresh

2019-01-26 Thread Kieran J
Lovely! Great choice on the colour :-) KJ On Saturday, January 26, 2019 at 1:37:49 AM UTC-8, Fullylugged wrote: > > Let me know if this one is better: > > https://photos.app.goo.gl/5pMUAKTpHnkArUKs7 > > I used the "create link" function this time. Put the headset on > yesterday afternon and

[RBW] Re: daily post ur riv

2019-02-02 Thread Kieran J
Aftermath of a wet Ram ride a few weeks back. Love this bike. [image: IMG_5731.JPG] KJ On Friday, February 1, 2019 at 11:29:13 AM UTC-8, Adam Leibow wrote: > > hi all, i want to create a thread where you just post a picture of your > rivendell(s) whenever you feel like it. hope this is OK w/ th

[RBW] Re: daily post ur riv

2019-02-02 Thread Kieran J
Aftermath of a wet Ram ride a few weeks back. Love this bike. KJ -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.c

[RBW] Re: FS: Hanford Custom (in the Riv / Compass tradition)

2019-02-06 Thread Kieran J
WOW. Very nice. A fair price and then some! KJ On Wednesday, February 6, 2019 at 5:22:29 PM UTC-8, Eric Karnes wrote: > > Hi guys- > > > So I don’t know if there is any interest in this bike. But if so, I > figured this (and iBob) would be the forum for it. > > > Up for sale is my Hanford all-r

[RBW] Re: Wide range 3-speed QB refurbished

2019-02-07 Thread Kieran J
What a wacky arrangement, I love it. How many tooths in the back? KJ On Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 8:48:52 AM UTC-8, James Warren wrote: > > > I first set this up this way in 2005. I recently made it better with a > Suntour microdrive crank with chainrings of 42-32-20 and an old (AF) front

[RBW] Re: WTB Shimano 9 speed STI shifters

2019-03-03 Thread Kieran J
I can't vouch for them personally but I have read that the Sora R3000 9spd shifters are pretty good considering their price point. Not fancy looking but they do apparently perform well. KJ On Friday, February 22, 2019 at 5:08:27 PM UTC-8, dylan alverson wrote: > > Looking to try out integrate

[RBW] Repair and Wet Paint Services on West Coast?

2019-03-14 Thread Kieran J
I've stripped down my very grimy orange Rambouillet for a post-winter makeover. Another frame I bought recently that arrived in near pristine condition really highlighted how tired looking the Ram is. It has collected many chips and scratches. It also has some light damage in the form of chain

Re: [RBW] Repair and Wet Paint Services on West Coast?

2019-03-14 Thread Kieran J
Thanks Eric! DeKerf sounds like a decent option. A local-ish option in CAD$ is obviously a big plus. D&D also sounds good and very reasonable, especially considering his extensive Riv history. Does Rick also do any repair work (?). Seem like maybe not. It would be ideal to send it to one place

Re: [RBW] Repair and Wet Paint Services on West Coast?

2019-03-14 Thread Kieran J
ht also look up Ed Litton, he did a tube replacement > and repaint on my bro's vintage Bianchi years ago. Not sure what he is up > to these days... > > Doug > > On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 9:18 AM Kieran J > > wrote: > >> I've stripped down my very grimy

[RBW] Re: Repair and Wet Paint Services on West Coast?

2019-03-15 Thread Kieran J
the real thing. We also use the DuPont fleet color book. We are also very familiar with all the colors Rivendell uses. * *Turnaround is around 5-6 weeks."* Given their Riv experience, I might actually go this route. KJ On Thursday, March 14, 2019 at 9:18:30 AM UTC-7, Kieran J wrote: > >

Re: [RBW] Enable my bicycle buying issues!

2019-03-19 Thread Kieran J
Looks like drop bars would be more at home on this bike. As others have said, the Alba backsweep makes the cockpit look a bit tight. The bike would probably handle as intended with a drop bar-type riding position too. Of course, it really just depends on what you find comfy. KJ On Tuesday, Ma

[RBW] Re: Toronto Recommendations.

2019-04-02 Thread Kieran J
Toronto is a great city to visit for many reasons, but bike-related stuff and cycling is arguably not one of them. When I lived there I did a lot of commuting, but nearly all good riding is outside of town. That said, using a bike to get from place to place in the downtown area and waterfront is

[RBW] Re: Toronto Recommendations.

2019-04-03 Thread Kieran J
x27;ll be in several locations in the downtown area. > Thanks, > David > > On Tuesday, April 2, 2019 at 9:30:30 PM UTC-5, Kieran J wrote: >> >> Toronto is a great city to visit for many reasons, but bike-related stuff >> and cycling is arguably not one of them. When I li

[RBW] Re: PSA: Slick go-fast Rambouillet on Seattle CL

2019-04-06 Thread Kieran J
Dang that is nice. Somebody buy that! KJ On Friday, April 5, 2019 at 10:31:40 PM UTC-7, DarinM wrote: > > Pretty slick Ram on CL here: > https://seattle.craigslist.org/see/bik/d/seattle-rivendell-rambouillet/6857239982.html > > Looks like a really fun go-fast build at a good price. Did they eve

[RBW] Re: Roadeo/STI bars

2019-04-08 Thread Kieran J
The main consideration for changing to STI shifting with the Noodles is reach. The Noodles have a longer reach than most modern bars and some modern shifters (Shimano notably) are quite 'long'. If you ride on the hoods a lot and are used to using your Noodles with smaller brake levers, the bigg

[RBW] Re: Cold weather hats with brims that keep your ears warm

2025-01-26 Thread Kieran J
My winter daily is the Ornot Decadent Winter Cap. Not particularly cheap but very cozy and well-made. https://www.ornotbike.com/products/decadentwinter-cap KJ Victoria, BC On Sunday, January 26, 2025 at 1:45:06 PM UTC-8 Patrick Moore wrote: > The Snek and Swrv hats also look very good; thanks

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