Correct. DT Swiss TK 7.1 rims. The precursor to the TK540. I have the
same DT240/TK540 combo on one of my Rosco Bubbe's. Great Wheelset is
really an understatement.
On Friday, November 25, 2022 at 3:16:11 PM UTC-6 Mr. Ray wrote:
> Congratsyour rims look like DT Swiss TK540 (double eyele
Own a wide selection of Road Runner bags and they have been my go to for
the last 5 years for sure. Burrito bags, tool rolls, backpacks. All great
Don't miss the Comrad lightweight packable backpack. I bike everywhere and
travel everywhere with that packable bag. Folds up and can fit
If you look for a good condition old stock XT M737 or LX M563 you should
have a perfect match for your ring sizes, a small/short enough cage to not
hit the stays and enough range for the triple. I am currently using this
setup with a 110/74 Ritchey Triple that I run with a Phil ~119mm BB. But
Jim: Correct, however if you see the original post, he is running 42/32/22
which is not compatible with 110/74bcd. Until I see otherwise or those
gear numbers change, we have to assume he is really running the Compact
94/58 Ritchey Logic and 110-113mm is the correct recommend. His issue
I know. Conflicting info. Hopefully all good teaching moments and good
Justus in Mpls ;)
On Sunday, December 4, 2022 at 10:36:20 AM UTC-6 Jingy wrote:
> I was going off what Jacob said in a later post- "just checked and it’s a
> 110 BCD on the big ring."
> So Jacob will need to
All good! You are on the right track. As Scott stated earlier, you can
likely even go lower with the spec of 110-113mm and I am sure I am running
a touch shorter on mine just for the reduced Q and good chainlink for gears
I use.
BTW great cranks you have and love the finish on them. I have t
chainline not chainlink
On Sunday, December 4, 2022 at 11:28:53 AM UTC-6 Justus G wrote:
> All good! You are on the right track. As Scott stated earlier, you can
> likely even go lower with the spec of 110-113mm and I am sure I am running
> a touch shorter on mine just for the redu
Standover is generally a non-issue and should be of limited consideration
for fit purposes, all things being equal.
I do believe your saddle height has been very low based on the fact that I
have an 83cm PBH and run a height of 72cm. The Riv guidance looks to be
within expected range.
I think Greg is actually referring to the SS model, which is an early Ibis
bike, as opposed to meaning single speed.
As someone with a couple of Scorchers, I will only say that the one thing
that is more fun than an Ibis Scorcher is a Willits Scorcher with Schwalbe
2.35" Big Ones. Fixed and Pl
his way is
great! Hope to see more opportunities like this. Thx!
On Tuesday, December 13, 2022 at 6:26:14 PM UTC-6 Justus G wrote:
> I think Greg is actually referring to the SS model, which is an early Ibis
> bike, as opposed to meaning single speed.
> As someone with a couple of
10 matches
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