[RBW] FS: Wald medium basket

2015-10-17 Thread Eddie Flayer
Just like this: http://www.niagaracycle.com/categories/wald-1372-front-basket-gloss-black-md?gclid=CImGtd6wysgCFQOSfgod_PcKbQ except I carefully removed the mounting hardware. Hardware comes with it. As new. $15 picked up at my house in Berkeley, CA -- You received this message because you ar

[RBW] Re: FS: Wald medium basket

2015-10-17 Thread Eddie Flayer
I fibbed. Just like the one in the link only mine is silver. On Saturday, October 17, 2015 at 1:53:39 PM UTC-7, Eddie Flayer wrote: > > Just like this: > > > http://www.niagaracycle.com/categories/wald-1372-front-basket-gloss-black-md?gclid=CImGtd6wysgCFQOSfgod_PcKbQ > &g

[RBW] Re: Keven

2015-10-20 Thread Eddie Flayer
where is he going next? On Monday, October 19, 2015 at 3:17:16 PM UTC-7, Zack wrote: > > Just read the newsletter, I see that Keven is moving on to different > pastures, just wanted to take a moment to publicly acknowledge that he is > one of the nicest people I have ever come across in my life,

[RBW] Re: rear racks for long chainstays

2015-11-27 Thread Eddie Flayer
I don't know about the subtleties of long chainstay racks. I do know the Racktime Fold It is good fitted to the rear of my New Albion Privateer and is steady with two full Ortlieb grocery panniers. Well made, highly adjustable, priced right: http://www.amazon.com/Racktime-bike-rack-Foldit-fix/d

[RBW] Re: Prayers for all effected by violence

2015-12-04 Thread Eddie Flayer
status quo is good since it constantly feeds the 24 hour news cycle until you want to puke. On Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 6:54:00 AM UTC-8, Deacon Patrick wrote: > > I often pray the rosary as I ride, and especially now for all effected by > violence. Paris, Colorado Springs, Redlands/San Ber

[RBW] Re: Prayers for all effected by violence

2015-12-04 Thread Eddie Flayer
more than 75% of the voting population is in favor of stricter laws. we must have a truly representative democracy. On Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 6:54:00 AM UTC-8, Deacon Patrick wrote: > > I often pray the rosary as I ride, and especially now for all effected by > violence. Paris, Colorado S

[RBW] Re: Prayers for all effected by violence

2015-12-04 Thread Eddie Flayer
Grant should write a book: Pray, ride, eat bacon. On Thursday, December 3, 2015 at 6:54:00 AM UTC-8, Deacon Patrick wrote: > > I often pray the rosary as I ride, and especially now for all effected by > violence. Paris, Colorado Springs, Redlands/San Bernardino. May all hearts > turn to peace be

[RBW] Re: Do you ever find yourself tempted by brifters?

2015-12-10 Thread Eddie Flayer
tongue in cheek, but to some degree I think the term Luddite is apropos in this conversation. Of course bar ends and downtubes are just fine, but the dual control lever is a work of engineering art all to itself. Maybe we should call them paddle shifters. Me thinks a great invention. To each th

[RBW] Re: Getting comfortable on the Noodle

2015-03-14 Thread Eddie Flayer
You are describing two radically different sets of bars. This isn't about your PBH as much as it is about trusting what works for you and what doesn't. I'd say if something on the bike feels like it is too far away, then the obvious answer it to move it closer = shorter stem. On Thursday, March

[RBW] Re: New bicycle brand from Merry Sales = New Albion

2015-03-25 Thread Eddie Flayer
it says 1 inch headset, so must be 1 inch threadless steerer. If in doubt, send them an email. On Friday, February 14, 2014 at 7:40:06 PM UTC-8, eflayer wrote: > > http://newalbioncycles.com/ > > Makes me wonder if, or the degree to which, Grant Peterson may be > associated with these bikes. N

[RBW] Re: aghast by Rivendells aeropressing technique.

2015-04-20 Thread Eddie Flayer
I stood on my head this morning while using the inverted method and I got confused about which end was up. I then went back to Costco French roast, same old grinder, non-scientific steep and stir, and gotta another great cupa outa the Aero. If you try too hard you can screw it up. On Wednesday,

[RBW] Re: Next challenge - fenders for Cheviot

2015-05-15 Thread Eddie Flayer
If you can install Longboards in less than an hour without the Riv video, you are a better man than I. On Thursday, May 14, 2015 at 8:13:08 AM UTC-7, KC wrote: > > We have a trip to the pacific northwest planned that I think will call for >> fenders on my (50) bike. Does anyone have a suggesti

[RBW] Re: Brilliant Bicycle Company

2015-06-02 Thread Eddie Flayer
Wow. A beautiful website and rich guys starting a bike company that sells really common bikes. What's the attraction? Granted, I'm not a hipster more concerned about color that ounces. It's the grams that concern me. On Friday, May 29, 2015 at 1:23:24 PM UTC-7, Eric Norris wrote: > > Thought thi

[RBW] Re: Call me an idiot

2015-06-07 Thread Eddie Flayer
Many reasons to change your mind. I have owned 2 orange Rambouillets, a coupled green Rambouillet, and 2 Bleriot. It's ok to move on...or come back. On Sunday, June 7, 2015 at 7:58:37 PM UTC-7, Don Compton wrote: > > I foolishly sold my 60cm Ram. A few years later, I bought a Roadeo from > Grant

[RBW] Re: Loosening Chainring Bolts

2015-08-24 Thread Eddie Flayer
Loctite blue - your application is what it is made for: http://www.loctiteproducts.com/p/t_lkr_blue/overview/Loctite-Threadlocker-Blue-242.htm On Monday, August 24, 2015 at 9:37:21 AM UTC-7, Deacon Patrick wrote: > > Twice this year (since replacing my front chainrings for the first time > since

[RBW] test

2015-08-24 Thread Eddie Flayer
test -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@goo