I think I lucked out. I picked up this one at Blue Lug in Tokyo. It had a
small bit of damage (just paintwork) so I'm guessing that's why no one
picked it up. I think the sage model is quite a few years old now so it
must of been there a while!
On Mon, 19 Apr 2021, 01:36 Nathan F, wrot
owners club ride in Tokyo. Quite a turn out
>> for the first one!
>> On Tue, 20 Apr 2021, 10:22 Dominic Ryan, wrote:
> @Nathen
>>> I think I lucked out. I picked up this one at Blue Lug in Tokyo. It had
>>> a small bit of damage (just pa
Hi Will,
I was in exactly the same situation as you, 82PBH and I think they stated
83 as the minimum for the 55 Sam (I think the sizing has changed a bit now
so not sure if it will make a difference). I ended up up going with the
larger model (55 over 51), although it does feel a little taller
On Tue, 3 Aug 2021, 09:01 Rick Thompson, wrote:
> Yes, but Bromptons are for shopping!
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/ricks_boats/50409330646/in/album-72157715050533447/lightbox/
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/ricks_boats/50597181768/in/album-72157715050533447/lightbox/
> On Mo
more interesting tire options for Brompton!
On Thu, 5 Aug 2021, 08:13 J L, wrote:
> Dominic,
> Hahaha. These are a high ticket item.
> Is your personal bike? Is the clearance any different than with the
> Brompton plastic ones?
> Jason
> On Aug 4, 2021
They also have their own house brand in
> the same size called TRUBLU.
> Jason
> On Aug 4, 2021, at 6:59 PM, Dominic Ryan
> wrote:
> Hi Jason,
> It is indeed (although I live in Japan so Honjo products are much cheaper
> here).
> There is a tiny amo
used on Bromptons,
>>> including a blog from a store in Japan from a few years back.
>>> Greenspeed is no longer, but you can still get 60tpi or 120tpi scorchers
>>> from a recumbent shop in Australia. They also have their own house brand in