[RBW] Re: Fender Installation and Usage Experiences

2023-10-26 Thread DavidP
I recently came across this very detailed and helpful guide to installing metal fenders. I've installed 3-4 sets before this go but this guide gave me the best results yet: https://somervillebikes.wordpress.com/2020/03/01/how-to-install-metal-fenders-part-i-achieving-a-proper-arc-radius/ -Dave

Re: [RBW] Considering trading my Ram for a Lightning Bolt

2023-10-26 Thread DavidP
Max - maybe I'm misunderstanding your intent, but while the Paul site does suggest the Racers are designed for direct mounting (the center mount adapter plate is optional), direct mount centerpulls can't be used on cantilever brake posts. For one the positioning for centerpull brake pivots and

[RBW] Re: Bedrock Mountain Clogs in Stock!

2023-11-07 Thread DavidP
Brent, Steve - appreciate the comparisons to Chacos in terms of arch support. I've been curious about Bedrocks but unsure about the footbed. As someone who manages plantar fasciitis by using SuperFeet insoles in most of my shoes, Chacos are comfortable for me to wear all day and I've come to re

[RBW] Re: Platypus for Clem L?

2023-11-09 Thread DavidP
The Platypus is a shorter bike and will ride a bit zippier due to that. Leah comes to mind as one who has compared the ride between her Platypus and Clem but others may have shared experience as well. In terms of weight - the Clem frame may be a bit heavier but I'd guess not by much. The builds

Re: [RBW] It finally happened re: Clem stock tires

2023-11-10 Thread DavidP
Just echoing Garth's sentiments on some of the hefty Schwalbe tires: I have the little Big Bens (700x38, true to size on ~18mm inner rims) on a single speed bike. Despite the tires weighing over 650g each I enjoy riding this bike both on and off pavement. My townie/errand bike has Big Apple 26x

Re: [RBW] 2.25 Thunder Burt on a Platypus?

2023-11-21 Thread DavidP
Christian, Did you damage a rim or are you switching to a dyno hub? To me there seems to be not much difference between Atlas and Cliffhangers. Both are fairly hefty with the Cliffhangers being wider (25mm vs 20mm internal). For a Platy, the difference in rim width isn't going to make a big im

Re: [RBW] Advantages of triple drivetrains (VO post)

2024-01-09 Thread DavidP
I have a couple of bikes with 46/30 front rings and 11-34 cassettes; I end up mainly using them like a double 1x (no, I don't use the 46x11) and for these bikes I like it fine. In line with Bill's point, pairing a smaller front step with a wider range cassette (but not too crazy) can work well.

[RBW] Re: If you plan to get a Roaduno..,

2024-01-16 Thread DavidP
Keep in mind the Roadunos are 120mm spacing. Any there any 5 or 7-speed coaster hubs that narrow? -Dave On Tuesday, January 16, 2024 at 3:36:55 PM UTC-5 aeroperf wrote: > How about a 7-speed coaster brake? I'm going to want to see the Roaduno, > but... > > I got this for my wife to use for sh

[RBW] Re: Mainstream press article pushing steel bike?

2024-01-29 Thread DavidP
I may have had a similar reaction when the article first came up in my feed but then I saw the byline. This is Eben Weiss, BikeSnobNYC. He's a regular contributor to Outside but he is in no way a mainstream cyclist (more Riv/Bob-ish) and his articles stand out as a bit different to most of what

[RBW] Re: Roaduno and the state of single speed bikes

2024-02-02 Thread DavidP
Hi Edwin, A few more I'm aware of: Crust Florida Man - 130mm spacing, track ends, removable canti-posts, 27.5x2.4 listed max so 55mm tires with a fender should be fine Wabi Thunder - 120mm spacing, track ends, 700x44 (conservative?) max Handsome Devil - 132.5mm spacing, semi-horizonal dropout

Re: [RBW] Re: Roaduno and the state of single speed bikes

2024-02-05 Thread DavidP
A recent Riv newsletter compared the 3x1 to an IGH, saying the 3x1 setup is similar but more mechanically transparent. If you could setup a rear shifted 1x2 or 1x3 with 8-10t jumps between cogs that might be an interesting comparison. (The largest jump on a megarange freewheel is in this range.

[RBW] Re: Updates/Upgrades

2024-02-07 Thread DavidP
A new bike or setup is the easy way to re-engage with riding - "I've done enough of (x) I want to try (y) so I need a ." I have built lots of bikes because my tendency is to want to start with a new canvas and to not give up what I have. I also really enjoy the process of conceptualizing and bu

[RBW] Re: New Platypus

2024-02-10 Thread DavidP
Great looking Platy, Tim. And I'm not just saying that because mine is setup similarly. :) It does have a lovely ride quality to it - easy going yet zippy; ""cruisy zoomy". -Dave On Saturday, February 10, 2024 at 4:31:06 PM UTC-5 Tim Bantham wrote: > Took advantage of the rare warm weather we

Re: [RBW] Re: Who is getting a Platypus?

2022-10-28 Thread DavidP
Well, I just placed an order for a 60cm - my first Riv! Ordered 65cm Toscos with the frame and a Jim 13-34t cassette. I have a bit of a head start on some of the other parts but am still working out some details for the build. Excited to join the Platy bus! (Platy wagon?) -Dave On Saturday, O

Re: [RBW] Perfect tires for Clem?

2022-11-01 Thread DavidP
I'm thinking of a similar setup for my upcoming 700c Platy build but with a 50mm rear (with tread similar to your Gravel King SS) and 55mm Fleecer Ridge up front. A Rose \ Mars combo would certainly be a step towards a more trail oriented setup. I've yet to find any written impressions of the

[RBW] Re: Shimano Altus low range question

2022-11-01 Thread DavidP
In my experience you can usually expect to go a bit above stated max cog. While the RD-M310 is rated to 34t, I would give it a go with a 36t. I have a bike with a Deore M531 (rated to 34t) shifting a 9 speed 40t. That said hangers can vary and if you find it's not quite there then a short hanger

Re: [RBW] Who is getting a Platypus?

2022-11-02 Thread DavidP
An Instagram update from yesterday shows Platypus frames are being packed and shipped! https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckbmiz_S5GB/ Anyone get a shipping notification for theirs yet? -Dave On Friday, October 28, 2022 at 8:50:29 PM UTC-4 John Hawrylak wrote: > Scott > > AFAIK RBW had stated in the

Re: [RBW] Re: Roscoe geo

2022-11-02 Thread DavidP
Garth posted these numbers for the 60cm in another thread : HTA 69.6 STA 72 Effective TT 65.2 centimeters Stack 66.6 Reach 43 Chainstay 54 Rake 6.7 Front-Center 72.6 Drop 8 cm -Dave On Wednesday, November 2, 2022

[RBW] Re: Tires, tubes and Cliffhangers

2022-11-06 Thread DavidP
I have bikes with a variety of wheel sizes and mostly stock up on 27.5 tubes as they work with 26-29" wheels. I try not to stray too much from the tube's recommended tire width though. That said if the smaller 26" tube is preventing the tire beads from fitting into the center of the rim while m

[RBW] Re: How are you building up your Platypus?

2022-11-16 Thread DavidP
Besides looking at photos of built Platys here (this thread ended up collecting quite a few from the last round), I've been looking at instagram photos tagged #rivendellplatypus

Re: [RBW] Has anyone tried this type of brifter-like shifter/brake lever combo as cockpit option?

2022-11-17 Thread DavidP
Regarding having shifters in a location other than the primary grip - I think it comes down to how comfortable you are moving your hands around the bars and riding with them away from the controls (Josiah touched on this in his response). Most MTBs are setup for a single hand position with all

[RBW] Re: Ride Report: Hawksbill Slope cabin overnighter

2022-11-17 Thread DavidP
What a fantastic loop and a great place to overnight. Thanks for sharing! On Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 9:40:38 PM UTC-5 brizbarn wrote: > Great write up! Not sleeping on a bike or hiking trip is the worst, but > the rest sounds dreamy. Love the shot of the sunset with cabin. I've done >

[RBW] Re: Ride Report: Hawksbill Slope cabin overnighter

2022-11-18 Thread DavidP
Eric - You mentioned 26lbs of gear, I'm curious how much of that weight you had up front in the Chest and if there was any noticeable impact on handling? Thanks, -Dave On Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 11:47:57 PM UTC-5 Philip Williamson wrote: > Such a well crafted ride report! Thanks for the

Re: [RBW] Who is getting a Platypus?

2022-11-18 Thread DavidP
An update on my build experience so far - the derailleur hanger on my frame was fine, no adjustment to alignment needed. No chasing needed on the hanger threads either. The bottom bracket threads were also fine and the cups threaded in smoothly. The most time consuming part so far has been chas

[RBW] Re: New Bike Day and first ride

2022-11-25 Thread DavidP
Congrats - love those silver Avid levers! On Friday, November 25, 2022 at 3:52:45 PM UTC-5 Tom Palmer wrote: > Hi all, > I picked a Mermaid Platypus frameset from a very nice local Riv/Crust fan. > Thanks Derek! > Spent a couple of weeks doing a parts bin build. The only things I bought > new we

[RBW] Re: Platypus max tire with fenders?

2022-11-25 Thread DavidP
Rivendell says "up to 48mm fendered" and I've seen a few Platypus builds with fendered Shikoro's. I have a 700x50 Gravel King on the back of my Platypus and it looks like there's room for a fender. Clearance actually looks tighter at the fork, both vertically to the crown and in width as the di

Re: [RBW] Who is getting a Platypus?

2022-11-26 Thread DavidP
Leah posted it in the "Using Your Rivendell Vs. Being Precious" thread: https://groups.google.com/g/rbw-owners-bunch/c/fBVXpMqGxr8/m/eQx-N_ckBQAJ -Dave On Saturday, November 26, 2022 at 7:48:46 AM UTC-5 rmro...@gmail.com wrote: > I missed it - where can I find this quote? > > Sent from my iPhone

Re: [RBW] Who is getting a Platypus?

2022-11-26 Thread DavidP
Peterson wrote: >> >>  >> >> >> [image: image0.jpeg] >> Sent from my iPhone >> >> On Nov 26, 2022, at 8:58 AM, DavidP wrote: >> >> Leah posted it in the "Using Your Rivendell Vs. Being Precious" thread: >> https://

Re: [RBW] Re: Cockpit Quandaries - Friction bar ends for a new rider

2022-11-26 Thread DavidP
I think for a new / timid rider I'd lean towards indexed over friction, mainly because learning to friction shift requires listening and micro-adjusting vs just clicking and pedaling - it's one more thing to "worry" about. That said a friction front can be simpler and less frustrating to use th

[RBW] Re: What dual short/long pull brake levers are out there?

2022-11-27 Thread DavidP
If a three-finger blade is long enough then the Tektro RT354AG might work for you. (Tektro also has the MT2.1 that is dual pull but it's only a two-finger lever). -Dave On Sunday, November 27, 2022 at 8:04:50 PM UTC-5 Jared Wilson wrote: > Some Origin8

[RBW] Re: SunTour Rachet Bar Ends shifting a Modern RD - Need to Trim??

2022-11-27 Thread DavidP
Hi John, The RD will not eliminate the need to trim - best to think of RDs as "dumb" with any/all indexing done by the shifter. If you switch to friction shifters there is no indexing; the clicking of the ratchet mechanism may coincide with some indexed positions but will usually not be consist

Re: [RBW] First Ride of the Platypus

2022-11-30 Thread DavidP
Where do you live in Mass?The >> riding looks great. -Mike >> >> Sent from my iPhone >> >> On Nov 30, 2022, at 10:27 AM, DavidP wrote: >> >> This morning I squeezed a quick ride in before work - a dangerous thing >> with most any bike but,

[RBW] Re: First Ride of the Platypus

2022-12-01 Thread DavidP
Doug, the Clem L has had my eye for a while and got me looking at Riv step-throughs. It looks like such a luxe-smooth ride! These days I call most any bike that's not specifically a road or mountain bike an "all-rounder" and I have a growing collection of them. Thanks, Mike - I definitely fores

[RBW] Re: First Ride of the Platypus

2022-12-01 Thread DavidP
apture. For me, at least. > > On Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 10:28:38 AM UTC-5 DavidP wrote: > >> Doug, the Clem L has had my eye for a while and got me looking at Riv >> step-throughs. It looks like such a luxe-smooth ride! These days I call >> most any bike th

[RBW] Re: First Ride of the Platypus

2022-12-02 Thread DavidP
ohn Hawrylak > Woodstown NJ > > On Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at 1:27:05 PM UTC-5 DavidP wrote: > >> This morning I squeezed a quick ride in before work - a dangerous thing >> with most any bike but, as I learned, especially so with the Platypus. A >> short ride can fe

Re: [RBW] Re: New Sam Hillbornes

2022-12-07 Thread DavidP
Here's what's left after ~50 minutes: 48cm, 1 silver, 6 olive 51cm, 5 silver, 8 olive 54cm, 1 silver, 5 olive 57cm, 1 silver, 1 olive 60cm, 6 silver, 6 olive Seem to be selling way faster than the Platys (assuming a similar # of frames available, which seems reasonable as I believe they've said t

[RBW] Re: Platypus ride report

2022-12-12 Thread DavidP
Thanks for sharing, Tom. I'm glad to hear you've gotten some nice miles on the new Platypus. It really is "a big floaty couch" with a cruisy zoomy feel. I was interested to read your impressions on the handling change going from a bar bag to a rack bag, even with what sounds like a light load.

[RBW] Re: Nivex on a Rivendell?

2022-12-12 Thread DavidP
The "custom Rivendell" part is key as it requires the chainstay braze-on for the RD mount rather than the standard dropout hanger mount. -Dave On Monday, December 12, 2022 at 10:57:26 AM UTC-5 Marty Gierke, Stewartstown PA wrote: > The Nivex is on the market now, and I really like the look of

[RBW] Re: Cockpit Quandaries - Friction bar ends for a new rider

2022-12-16 Thread DavidP
Nice, Paul! Looks great. Let us know how she likes it. On Friday, December 16, 2022 at 12:53:31 PM UTC-5 Paul Clifton wrote: > I thought y'all might like to see how the Clemified Hard Rock came out. I > put Boscos instead of Albatross on because it seemed like it'd work better. > > [image: hard

[RBW] Re: Short trip suggestions?

2022-12-19 Thread DavidP
Hey James, Have you seen Bikepacking.com's map of routes ? The two in VT seem to be right up your alley, geared toward extra-long weekends with the terrain you're looking for: Roundabout Brattleboro

Re: [RBW] FS: Hillborne

2022-12-22 Thread DavidP
For anyone wondering, Cane Creek brake components are made by Tektro. The corresponding Tektro branded V-brake drop bar levers are the RL520, and are functionality identical and much easier to find. -Dave On Thursday, December 22, 2022 at 4:48:33 PM UTC-5 maxcr wrote: > Yeah, I had the same Ca

Re: [RBW] Re: Last ride of 2022

2023-01-02 Thread DavidP
Jan 2, 2023, at 9:47 AM, ascpgh wrote: >> >> No pictures but I rode home after work about 9pm Saturday in the rainy >> 40°s. >> >> >> Andy Cheatham >> Pittsburgh >> >> On Saturday, December 31, 2022 at 4:59:57 PM UTC-5 DavidP wrote: >> >>&g

Re: [RBW] Nitto quill-clamp front brake housing stop

2023-01-06 Thread DavidP
It looks like the Fairweather Nitto cable hanger: https://analogcycles.com/products/fairweather-x-nitto-brake-hanger_193483?variant=43248187506920 Nice looking doohickey. -Dave On Friday, January 6, 2023 at 8:55:42 PM UTC-5 Danny wrote: > Fairweather x Nitto cable hanger > > https://global.blue

[RBW] Re: 22 for 2022

2023-01-08 Thread DavidP
ake some great loops. My 22 were all in Google photos so I made an album there and then took a screen shot (pretty similar to the landing page for Paul's flickr album). -Dave On Sunday, January 8, 2023 at 11:05:57 PM UTC-5 J wrote: > DavidP- your area looks like really great riding.

[RBW] Re: Fendering My Atlantis

2023-01-12 Thread DavidP
That's great info, though too bad the 74s won't fit out of the box. Before giving up on 2.25s and fenders, I'd take some measurements and see if Flat 65s would work in the frame and fork (and chain in low/low). If so you should be able to get them setup with the 2.25s G-ones since they don't re

Re: [RBW] Re: Fendering My Atlantis

2023-01-18 Thread DavidP
he > Atlantis can fit with you all. > > David – I appreciate that suggestion. I’ll throw around the dimensions of > those with the mechanics today and see if they also see that working out. I > feel pretty dedicated to the idea of fenders on this thing and the recent > rai

[RBW] Re: A sub-reddit Rivendell Bicycle group on Reddit

2023-01-20 Thread DavidP
Nice find, Kim. Too bad there doesn't seem to be much activity. I've seen some Rivs on the xbiking sub from time to time. -Dave On Friday, January 20, 2023 at 9:24:06 AM UTC-5 krhe...@gmail.com wrote: > This morning, I found a sub-reddit group on Reddit rega

[RBW] Re: A sub-reddit Rivendell Bicycle group on Reddit

2023-01-20 Thread DavidP
rom three days ago: > > https://www.reddit.com/r/xbiking/comments/10eieo4/snow_ride/ > > Kim Hetzel > Yelm, WA. > > On Friday, January 20, 2023 at 6:26:55 AM UTC-8 DavidP wrote: > >> Nice find, Kim. Too bad there doesn't seem to be much activity. I've seen >&g

[RBW] Re: A sub-reddit Rivendell Bicycle group on Reddit

2023-01-20 Thread DavidP
ago: > > https://www.reddit.com/r/xbiking/comments/10eieo4/snow_ride/ > > Kim Hetzel > Yelm, WA. > > On Friday, January 20, 2023 at 6:26:55 AM UTC-8 DavidP wrote: > >> Nice find, Kim. Too bad there doesn't seem to be much activity. I've seen >> some Rivs on the x

Re: [RBW] Re: Fendering My Atlantis

2023-01-20 Thread DavidP
Thanks for that great example and photos (and nice Appaloosa!). VO lists the 700c fluted fenders as 63mm wide - are yours actually 65mm? -Dave (who's thinking that fluted 63mm fenders could just squeeze into his Platy) On Friday, January 20, 2023 at 3:53:26 PM UTC-5 brizbarn wrote: > > I run v

[RBW] Re: Back On A Platypus

2023-01-22 Thread DavidP
Nice! That Platy looks ready for anything. I love the versatility of this bike. -Dave On Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 7:02:45 PM UTC-5 Joe Bernard wrote: > That's a fine bicycle, Jared! I did a 3x1 a few years ago and loved it, it > taught me that I often downshift a rear cassette unnecessarily

Re: [RBW] Re: Fendering My Atlantis

2023-01-23 Thread DavidP
number has changed, I just remembered it wrong. So that means my > 55mm wide tires fit 63mm fenders. And for reference, I have Velocity > Cliffhanger 700c rims. > > Brian > > On Jan 20, 2023, at 2:21 PM, DavidP wrote: > > Thanks for that great example and photos (and

Re: [RBW] Re: WTB: Rosco Platypus 50cm Purple

2023-01-24 Thread DavidP
About $400. (+ what Joe said) I ended up buying a regular/swoopy Platy but it was the Rosco (and its price) that first got me thinking about the possibilities of a Riv step-through. -Dave On Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 5:56:23 PM UTC-5 eliot...@gmail.com wrote: > What’s the diff between the

Re: [RBW] Appaloosa Build Opinions

2023-06-29 Thread DavidP
Albatross bars are pretty versatile with a large range of positions and work well on roadish bikes that see some dirt. I've found that using a stem 30-40mm longer than my drop bar stem puts the grips of the Albatross bar in a more upright position than the tops of the drop bar, and moving my ha

Re: [RBW] Nicest silver Tektro upright canti brake levers?

2023-07-04 Thread DavidP
I also really like the FL540s (I dislike the extended clamp on the FL750s due to hand position interference). Note that they take a road brake cable end, which could prevent keeping the same cable setup. On Tuesday, July 4, 2023 at 9:35:18 AM UTC-4 thetaper...@gmail.com wrote: > I much like the

[RBW] Re: Kucharik wool shorts with real chamois or Andiamos under street shorts

2023-07-08 Thread DavidP
I just received a pair of Andiamos and have had a few rides in them - I think they are fine. For reference, I have a couple of other pairs of liner shorts even though for most rides regular synthetic underwear is all I need, but for some rides they are nice (not to mention on the trainer where

[RBW] Re: Roaduno

2023-07-14 Thread DavidP
Johnny - no tensioner required for single speed; the dropout allows the rear axle to slide to tension the chain. There is also derailleur hanger to support for tensioner for a 2x1 or 3x1 setup. On Friday, July 14, 2023 at 12:11:05 PM UTC-4 Johnny Alien wrote: > My area is way too hilly and I a

[RBW] Re: 2023 Riv Geo Chart

2023-07-15 Thread DavidP
Great resource - nice to have all the numbers in one place. As for stated tire clearances - it may vary from model to model (Roadini's at ~42 sound right) but some look to be pretty conservative. For example, Platys fit 55s without issue; I'm running 50s (measuring a full 2") with fenders. Then

[RBW] Re: Clem: Fleecer Ridge vs Antelope Hill?

2023-07-18 Thread DavidP
Hi Jim, It sounds like your Clem is 700c, but I think you'd find Leah's recent thread on gravel-izing her 650b Clem helpful: https://groups.google.com/g/rbw-owners-bunch/c/f8_g6tiXU7o/m/VJWI0Z36AgAJ Most of the tires mentioned have 700c versions. That thread also covers related questions on the

[RBW] Re: So I tried bike racing...

2023-07-26 Thread DavidP
Clark - congrats on a well ridden race and a fun new experience. The San Jose is a great bike - a single speed/fixed sibling of the slightly more common Volpe. I have a Volpe setup with a flip flop hub and Albatross bars. If you have a photo, I'd be interested in seeing your San Jose. As a gene

Re: [RBW] Single Speed (QB/SO/RU..) Questions

2023-08-24 Thread DavidP
Your Quickbeam is gorgeous. I've been tempted by it since you first listed it - but I can't justify it. It's a premium build and being kind of a niche bike, a high end build will take more time to find the right buyer. I do wonder if any who might normally be in the market for a QB could be hold

[RBW] Re: Ron's Ortho vs. Nitto Albatross

2023-08-25 Thread DavidP
We have two bikes with Albatross bars, a 65cm Tosco on my Platypus, and recently picked up an Ortho bar for another bike. I like the Albatross bars on roadish bikes and wider bars like the Orthos and Toscos on bikes with wider tires that see more dirt. The 69cm Orthos are significantly wider t

[RBW] Re: Ron's Ortho vs. Nitto Albatross

2023-08-25 Thread DavidP
Ch7Y77ruZob/?img_index=1 > > I ride 45 schwalbe marathons, but am up-sizing to 47's shortly. > > I use it for a commuter and touring set up - and ride about about 32 miles > daily on my commute. Have been intrigued by the wider set up. > > On Friday, August 25, 2023 at 1:37

[RBW] Re: Ron's Ortho vs. Nitto Albatross

2023-08-25 Thread DavidP
izing to 47's shortly. >>> >>> I use it for a commuter and touring set up - and ride about about 32 >>> miles daily on my commute. Have been intrigued by the wider set up. >>> >>> On Friday, August 25, 2023 at 1:37:56 PM UTC-6 DavidP wrote: >>&

[RBW] Re: WTB: Tall Stack, Short Reach Threadless Stem

2023-09-05 Thread DavidP
I have that stem on a drop bar MTB - no issues. If it isn't what you are looking for aesthetically, Velo Orange has the Happy Stem and Cigne. -Dave On Saturday, September 2, 2023 at 4:57:24 AM UTC-4 Dave S wrote: > https://tinyurl.com/yff3arxv > > Seems to be the same as the Analog Gnome Hopper

Re: [RBW] Re: 26” MTB Tire Advice

2023-09-07 Thread DavidP
Will - It's a good price, just note that the K-guard version is wired vs the more expensive folding bead version. -Dave On Thursday, September 7, 2023 at 2:04:40 PM UTC-4 wboe...@gmail.com wrote: > This Billy Bonkers >

Re: [RBW] Re: Front basket rack recommendations

2023-09-21 Thread DavidP
Hi Alex, Just double checking - but you mention a Wald 139 basket (the larger one) and the Tunitas 137 tote (the one designed for the Wald 137 basket). If you are looking for the larger basket, then the Pelago Rasket may be worth a look. It's another combo basket and front rack and the basket i

Re: [RBW] Re: Northern Hemisphere Summer Riding Photos 2023

2023-09-23 Thread DavidP
Kim - the stone arch trail is in Westford, MA. -Dave On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 11:54:34 PM UTC-4 Kim H. wrote: > Very cool Dave. > Where is this old rail line trail ? > > Kim Hetzel > Yelm, WA. > > On Friday, September 22, 2023 at 7:00:29 PM UTC-7 DavidP wrote: &g

[RBW] Re: Best mitten design for very cold weather

2023-09-28 Thread DavidP
I've found that barmitts or pogies trap heat and keep the wind off allowing me to ride without gloves around freezing temps, and with thinner gloves as the temps drop lower. The best solution for warmth and dexterity, but they require your shifters, grips, and brake levers to all be in close pr

Re: [RBW] What shoes does your Riv wear?

2023-10-04 Thread DavidP
Matthew - What makes you think you are doing anything wrong (aside from running over glass (which isn't always avoidable)? The Kendas (assuming you had the Kwick 9s, which are Big Ben-ish in design and weight) likely had much thicker tread and casing and that's part of the trade-off with more s

[RBW] Re: What shoes does your Riv wear?

2023-10-05 Thread DavidP
Paul - From https://www.somafab.com/archives/product/supple-vitesse-ex-700c-clincher-tire, original SV sizes were 23, 28, 33, 38, and 42. My interpretation is that Soma is continuing to make the 42mm SV and the statement you quoted should be read as the available sizes are now 28c to 42c, (23c

[RBW] Re: New Riv Day!!

2023-10-06 Thread DavidP
Welcome to the Riv mixte crew, Marc - looking forward to seeing it built up! -Dave (on a Platy near Boston) On Friday, October 6, 2023 at 3:27:13 AM UTC-4 Joe Bernard wrote: > That's a nice frame, Marc. Leah is the Riv mixte whisperer, they find her! > > Joe Bernard > > On Thursday, October 5,

[RBW] Re: is it blasphemous to ask how you think a Roadini would compare to a Crust Malocchio?

2023-10-10 Thread DavidP
Ronnie Romance has some thoughts (including weight) over at ronsbikesblog . I think you've basically summed it up. Though the Malocchio is more road racy when compared to the the Roadini, in the grand scheme it's geometry is still en

[RBW] Re: is it blasphemous to ask how you think a Roadini would compare to a Crust Malocchio?

2023-10-10 Thread DavidP
Yes, much - https://bikeinsights.com/compare?geometries=5bb29e327581960016665a32,6207ee4bee32e9001d9b652c, On Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 4:51:31 PM UTC-4 eddietheflay wrote: > Truth be told I prefer as much stack as possible due to needing bars > significantly above saddle height. I could do

Re: [RBW] Re: Carrying groceries on your bike

2023-10-13 Thread DavidP
I came across this Kickstarter campaign for a rack mounted device designed to securely hold shopping bags and was reminded of this thread. It's interesting if you mostly use these types of reusabl

Re: [RBW] Best way to arrange 2-cog manual shifting for "single speed" disc braked bicycle

2023-10-15 Thread DavidP
Patrick, I hope I am understanding what you are looking for, but the DOS freewheels are still made in the two tooth differential versions; it's only the three tooth differential version (16/19) that was discontinued. I'm not sure if you are looking for DOS freewheels in this situation though as

Re: [RBW] Best way to arrange 2-cog manual shifting for "single speed" disc braked bicycle

2023-10-16 Thread DavidP
Monocog in trade was to have a snow bike. We very rarely get enough snow to > ride in but we do get a few days per year and I like riding in it. A few > years ago I found that wet gummy snow clogged the cassette and rear > derailleur of my Matthews and made the chain skip. Thus the

Re: [RBW] 2.25 Thunder Burt on a Platypus?

2023-10-18 Thread DavidP
I have a bike with a 29x2.25 Thunder Burt on an i29mm rim, on which the casing measures wider than the knobs and is 56mm / 2.2" @ ~20psi. Variances in individual tires aside that should be a good max as the Cliffhangers are i25mm. I'm pretty sure this would work on my Platypus (60cm) if I didn't

Re: [RBW] New bike decision (help!)

2024-02-24 Thread DavidP
As Jim suggests, the Platypus isn't just a pavement bike (it'll actually fit 2.2s; mine has 50s and fenders) but, as Richard says, it's also not a trail bike. It's a good all-rounder and great on mixed surface, gravel-ish rides (and sure, some light singletrack is fair game). But if, as you say,

[RBW] Re: Friction Shifting Issues with my Old Clem

2024-03-19 Thread DavidP
I'm using that $13 derailleur on a couple of bikes that see regular off-road use (including my Platypus) and it just works. I have some bikes with fancier RDs but will continue to use it on future builds where it fits. The symptom of working fine in all but a couple of cogs always makes me thin

Re: [RBW] I have questions

2024-03-20 Thread DavidP
Jumping on the "48s are fine" bandwagon: I have a roadish "gravel" bike with 650x48s (22mm inner width rims, Panaracer Pari-Moto rear, RH Juniper Ridge front) - it's plenty quick on pavement despite not being a dedicated paved road bike. At ~160lbs, I run 30psi. The 650b wheels on the 50cm Plat

Re: [RBW] It's New Bike What?

2024-03-23 Thread DavidP
Corbin, the nice about New Bike What? (as opposed to NBD) is that the bike has some dirt on it! -Dave On Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 3:50:13 PM UTC-4 cz...@sonic.net wrote: > Hi Rich - > > I can't take credit for the build. Mark Abele at Rivendell did it all. > Including getting the frame bu

[RBW] Re: Soliciting opinions: help me pick the right Rivendell

2024-04-06 Thread DavidP
"My ideal bike would be something that could ride 15-20 miles to the trail and then 10-15 more on the trail. And also manage chipotle, beer, and post office runs." That's about 60/40 pavement/trail, add in the errands and other stuff and it's more like 70/30. What tire size is ideal for the tr

[RBW] Re: NBD Leo Roadini

2024-04-06 Thread DavidP
Congrats on the new bike, Scott! Looks like a great build and a wonderful riding location! -Dave On Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 10:20:31 AM UTC-4 R. Scott Lake wrote: > [image: IMG_6743.jpg] > -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" grou

[RBW] Re: Friction 9 V 10 speed

2024-04-15 Thread DavidP
My road bike is friction 2x10 with Riv Silver 2s on barend pods, Campy Veloce FD, Sugino 48/34 crank, Ultegra 11-30 cassette, and Ultegra 10 speed chain. Wonderful shifting. After initial setup I had some occasional slipping on the right shifter, requiring some snugging of the D-ring bolt by ha

[RBW] Re: Gravel Tires for Cheviot

2024-04-16 Thread DavidP
I have the LBB 700x38s on a Sam-ish bike and they do just fine for mixed / gravel use. They are heavy, but can be run at low pressure for a dampened ride. They are true to size and bigger than the undersized 700x38 GravelKing slicks I have on another bike. My Platypus has 700x50 GravelKing SKs

[RBW] Re: Thumb Shifter Advice

2024-04-16 Thread DavidP
Usually when reversing shifters for inside mounting the left is kept as the front shifter and the right as the rear. When you reverse index shifters in this way you are forced to swap the front/rear shifting so that the left shifts the rear. It's not wrong, just unconventional. -Dave On Tuesday

[RBW] Re: Sizing question for "in between" PBH measurement

2024-04-18 Thread DavidP
Oooh, a new Sam - exciting! 1) Send Riv an email and get their recommendation, they're great with this stuff. 2) I'm a similar height but have an 87cm PBH. With your torso length I'm guessing you'll want more reach, the concern is the standover on the 54cm Sam if you max out the tires. Either

Re: [RBW] Re: Clem Chainstay Ding Peer Review Request

2024-04-18 Thread DavidP
Chris, thanks for posting the update including photos of the final build. That's great looking Clem and nice touch up work! I love to hear stories of bikes being built around a single part, this may be the first I've heard of a bike being built around a set of tires! Re: comparisons to the Plat

Re: [RBW] Re: Belated Ride Report: Redlands Strada Rossa

2024-04-18 Thread DavidP
Great report, Corwin - and nice to see your new custom back on the dirt. Sounds like you stretched yourself quite a bit on this one and made it through - congrats! -Dave On Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 1:28:42 AM UTC-4 ttoshi wrote: > Wow, adventurous ride! Nice job finishing it. > You’ve motiv

Re: [RBW] Re: Evening Spring Ride on the Clem

2024-04-18 Thread DavidP
ter fettling the new M 1:1 > knobby wheelset and the beater Libertas build" Moore > > > On Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 8:42 AM DavidP wrote: > >> Thanks, Chris - very much enjoyed your ride report and always great to >> see photos! >> >> I also like to bring bino

[RBW] Re: 54.5 Homer: 700c or 650b?

2024-04-23 Thread DavidP
Robert - the geometry comparison highlights the point I was going to make that given your PBH, the 650b will likely have better standover clearance if you want to run tires at the larger end of the Homer's range. My rough stuff road bike has disc brakes so could take either 650b or 700c wheels.

[RBW] Re: Bike build day: Atlantis w/ Bullmoose & '81 Trek 510 Jean-Luc Picard

2024-04-24 Thread DavidP
The Atlantis looks great, but I love that Trek. -Dave On Wednesday, April 24, 2024 at 4:24:18 PM UTC-4 exliontamer wrote: > Put the Bullmoose on the Atlantis & I'm loving them. They really fit my > short torso/long arms on the Atlantis. I have the stem maxed out in the > photo for posterity's

[RBW] Re: Favorite clip-in/flat pedal combo?

2024-04-24 Thread DavidP
John, I use SPD pedals on my "pure" road bike, my most road-ish mixed surface bikes get combo pedals, and everything else gets flat pedals. For combo SPD/flat pedals, I have the VP-R62 on one bike, which seems no longer available. But I have a few pairs of the very similar Venzo dual function p

[RBW] Re: Long wheelbase = long chain

2024-04-25 Thread DavidP
My Platypus requires 116 + 12 links. I use two chains with two quicklinks. I don't bother about spacing the quicklinks equally between two 64 link sections but others may. -Dave On Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 12:51:46 PM UTC-4 Garth wrote: > Ebike chains come in extra long links. Figure out ho

Re: [RBW] Cockpit bag/cup holder

2024-04-29 Thread DavidP
My Platypus has an Outer Shell Stem Caddy , which I've used to carry water bottles (of various shapes and sizes), a camera, binoculars, or my phone. One feature is the webbing that runs along the bottom allowing another strap to be passed underneath if yo

[RBW] Re: Drops vs albatross. Easy to swap or do I need two bikes?

2024-05-01 Thread DavidP
While it's possible to swap back and forth between Albatross bars and drop bars, and there are some setup tricks that could facilitate this, I would not be eager to do it regularly. As Mathias demonstrated you'd need a much longer stem on the Albatross bike (30-40mm longer) to have similar posi

[RBW] Re: Bar Tape and/or Grips on an Albatross Bar

2024-05-08 Thread DavidP
I'd imagine you'd want to slice the grips anyway to provide a channel for the shift cables to run through, so slicing then wrapping should be fine. You could also twine along with bar tape. Here are a few variations on that: https://bluelug.com/bike-catalog/16815/ https://bluelug.com/bike-cata

Re: [RBW] Re: Upright / Relaxed / Swept-Back - Style of Riding

2024-05-09 Thread DavidP
If you don't have a cruiser-y / townie type bike for more laid back or utilitarian rides, and you have the space and ability to have another bike then I'd definitely recommend an additional bike for this. Though if you have a couple of aggressive drop bar bikes it's certainly possible to conver

Re: [RBW] Cameras On Bikes

2024-05-15 Thread DavidP
Another Ricoh GR user - my 1st gen is still going strong nearly after 10 years. Still love the image quality. Almost upgraded to a GRIII last year (mostly for IS), but decided to stick with the one I have. I bought the GR after my RX100 failed (stuck lens mechanism) because I wasn't careful abo

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