[RBW] Barry Roubaix Fall Fondo

2017-08-27 Thread Marc Irwin
The Fall Fondo for the Barry Roubaix is scheduled for October 14th. This is the non-competitive event using the race course. There will be a good turnout of vintage steel enthusiasts and it is always a good time. It's a nice ride for any Riv country bikes. Th

[RBW] S24O Report: Avoiding the Toilet-Eating-Bog by Bikepacking to Another

2017-08-27 Thread Deacon Patrick
In which I travel 25 miles round trip, time steak on the barbie perfectly for hail tenderized and cooled t-bone, delight in the morning mists rising from the dew embraced meadow, and successfully evade the construction due to the sinking toilet in the bog. http://thegrid.ai/withabandon/s24o-on-t

[RBW] Re: What do Rivendell Riders use for thumb shifters?

2017-08-27 Thread Kieran J
Agreed. I have two sets of the Deore DX MT60 version, and they are so great. Nice crisp, soft click indexing action. I also wish that Microshift had modelled their thumb shifters on these rather than the kludge of Shimano BE shifters mounted on the Paul units. The ergonomics of this design is f

[RBW] S24O Report: Avoiding the Toilet-Eating-Bog by Bikepacking to Another

2017-08-27 Thread drew
Pretty. What's the elevation gain getting up there? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.com. To post to

[RBW] Re: S24O Report: Avoiding the Toilet-Eating-Bog by Bikepacking to Another

2017-08-27 Thread Deacon Patrick
Pretty mild for around here, Drew. 2,200 feet climbing on way. Though I underestimated the distance, which turns out to be 35-40 round trip. Here's the map and profile, but it doesn't show a lot of the single track. With abandon, Patrick

[RBW] Re: Medium Mountain Mixtes -- coming any day now

2017-08-27 Thread 'Ann L' via RBW Owners Bunch
I will be sad and morose if pictures of the finished bikes are not posted. Please be kind and share the awesomeness. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an

[RBW] Re: S24O Report: Avoiding the Toilet-Eating-Bog by Bikepacking to Another

2017-08-27 Thread Deacon Patrick
Och! Let's try that again. I accidentally added a few miles doubling back, so this is the route one way, minus another few miles of single track after the road ends. So about 30 miles round trip, 2,000 feet climbing one way. With abandon,

[RBW] Re: Custom bike

2017-08-27 Thread lconley
Bombadil - in the books, didn't make the movies. On Saturday, August 26, 2017 at 6:53:13 PM UTC-4, Christopher Murray wrote: > > Legolas, Quickbeam, Baggins (a line of bags), and possibly a few others > are Tolkien names. Someone mentioned that Rivendell doesn't put Rivendell > on the downtube o

Re: [RBW] Re: Custom bike

2017-08-27 Thread Patrick Moore
Legolas and Bombadil. On Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 3:52 PM, John Hawrylak wrote: > I'm confused on the Tolkien discussion. Patrick brought up the > mountaineering company which I remember GP stating. The only Tolkien names > I recall is the Baggins Bags. The Bike names did not seem particularly >

Re: [RBW] Re: Custom bike

2017-08-27 Thread Patrick Moore
Ah, and Quickbeam. On Sun, Aug 27, 2017 at 1:25 PM, Patrick Moore wrote: > Legolas and Bombadil. > > On Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 3:52 PM, John Hawrylak > wrote: > >> I'm confused on the Tolkien discussion. Patrick brought up the >> mountaineering company which I remember GP stating. The only Tol

Re: [RBW] Re: Anyone tried a Copenhagen wheel on their Rivbike??

2017-08-27 Thread Patrick Moore
I take it that the cog supplied is not merely a screw-on, ss freewheel, but rather an integrated part of the hub mechanism? If it were just a ss fw, you could simply replace it with a screw on fixed cog. Too bad about the regen braking -- I'd have considered one with more interest if it could take

Re: [RBW] Re: Anyone tried a Copenhagen wheel on their Rivbike??

2017-08-27 Thread Patrick Moore
'Splain it to me in short words. If I have pedals already forced around by the rear wheel, then adding electric force to the rear wheel shouldn't make any difference except to effort, as long as you are geared high enough that your legs can handle the cadence. Right? On Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 1:00

Re: [RBW] Re: Anyone tried a Copenhagen wheel on their Rivbike??

2017-08-27 Thread Patrick Moore
Now *that's* what I need. Good idea. And combine the lighting system with it, too. On Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 11:57 PM, Joe Bernard wrote: > Actually, all you need is a front hub motor. It has no idea what rear > wheel you're using, so the manufacturer wouldn't have to deal with the > liability of

[RBW] Re: What do Rivendell Riders use for thumb shifters?

2017-08-27 Thread R. Alexis
I am using Suntour XC-Pro/Comp/LTD thumbies on several bikes. Using friction Suntour XC thumb shifters on my 1994 Bridgestone MB-1 retro build and Shimano Deore XT/DX thumb shifters on Wilderness Trail Bikes (WTB) shifter mounts on a couple WTB Dirt Drop WTB Phoenix bikes. I like the friction s

[RBW] Re: What do Rivendell riders use for GPS computers?

2017-08-27 Thread R. Alexis
I personally don't use anything at the moment. I haven't even replaced the dead battery in my Cateye wireless or got to the point of mounting on of the Trek Time simple cycle computers on any of my bikes. A friend of mine that I have been riding with lately uses her Apple iWatch along with her

Re: [RBW] Re: What do Rivendell riders use for GPS computers?

2017-08-27 Thread Patrick Moore
That's one reason I bother with a "smart" phone -- it tracks mileage and routes and even elevation, but stays demurely in a rear jersey or side pants pocket, and it basically is one gadget in place of half a dozen -- more if you count computers for each of 4 bikes. ("Smart" phone my ass. Electroni

Re: [RBW] Re: What do Rivendell Riders use for thumb shifters?

2017-08-27 Thread Patrick Moore
Has anyone rigged up thumbshifters to work nicely on a drop bar? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to rbw-owners-bunch+unsubscr...@googlegroups.co

Re: [RBW] Re: [BOB] ISO: 9 cm Ritchey stem (again), black, but this time +/- 17 degrees; wee little container for loose allens

2017-08-27 Thread Patrick Moore
I think I may make simple "fold-over" wallets out of sufficiently stiff leather -- it doesn't have to be very stiff. Anyway, if anyone knows where to find zippered or snap-closure, rectangular coin purses not much bigger than 4 X 3", please lmk. Thanks. On Sat, Aug 26, 2017 at 10:55 AM, Patrick

Re: [RBW] S24O Report: Avoiding the Toilet-Eating-Bog by Bikepacking to Another

2017-08-27 Thread Patrick Moore
Beautiful photos as usual; thanks once again for sharing. As for bogs, have you read about the bogs in Angela's Ashes? On Sun, Aug 27, 2017 at 8:42 AM, Deacon Patrick wrote: > In which I travel 25 miles round trip, time steak on the barbie perfectly > for hail tenderized and cooled t-bone, deli

[RBW] Re: 200 miles on 10 bikes, an essentially pointless self-challenge

2017-08-27 Thread Justin, Oakland
Bill left out the best part: A visit to my porch, pregnant wife and barking beagle to retrieve some purchased handlebars and grips! My wife said he was very nice. -Justin -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe fro

Re: [RBW] S24O Report: Avoiding the Toilet-Eating-Bog by Bikepacking to Another

2017-08-27 Thread Deacon Patrick
I am not as well read as you. I forgot to mention the bugling eld and howling coyotes. Amazing music to lull me to sleep! With abandon, Patrick On Sunday, August 27, 2017 at 4:35:05 PM UTC-6, Patrick Moore wrote: > > > As for bogs, have you read about the bogs in Angela's Ashes? > -- You recei

Re: [RBW] S24O Report: Avoiding the Toilet-Eating-Bog by Bikepacking to Another

2017-08-27 Thread Patrick Moore
Oh, by all means read Angela's Ashes -- poverty we associate with sub-saharan Africa at it's worst in the Republic of Ireland between the Wars. Remarkable! That is: the worst of "3d world" poverty in continually wet and rainy weather and old wool clothing that is never changed, with half your sibl

Re: [RBW] S24O Report: Avoiding the Toilet-Eating-Bog by Bikepacking to Another

2017-08-27 Thread Deacon Patrick
Those bogs are logarithmically exponential and matrix layered compared with my single layered puddle bogs. With abandon, Patrick On Sunday, August 27, 2017 at 6:11:07 PM UTC-6, Patrick Moore wrote: > > Oh, by all means read Angela's Ashes -- poverty we associate with > sub-saharan Africa at it

Re: [RBW] S24O Report: Avoiding the Toilet-Eating-Bog by Bikepacking to Another

2017-08-27 Thread Andrew Letton
Hi Patrick,Thanks for another beautiful ride report.What equipment do you use to capture the photos of you riding and walking?  Tripod? Timer? Remote control?  Well done!cheers,Andrew From: Deacon Patrick To: Rivendell Owners Rivendell Owners Group Sent: Monday, August 28, 2017 12:42

[RBW] FS compass-700c-x-44-snoqualmie-pass/

2017-08-27 Thread Carla Waugh
The Snoqualmie Pass tires are the regular casing and have less than 30 miles on them. I live in Norman Ok. $95.00 for both. I do not use Pay Pal. Thanks -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To unsubscribe from this group and sto

[RBW] Help from coastal riders: how to deal with sand?

2017-08-27 Thread 'Ann L' via RBW Owners Bunch
I recently relocated due to work and now do the majority of my riding by the beach. I love the natural beauty of sand, surf, ospreys, and pelicans but hate what the sand is doing to my gears. A gritty crust rapidly develops on my cassette and chain. I have been cleaning the chain weekly and

[RBW] Re: 200 miles on 10 bikes, an essentially pointless self-challenge

2017-08-27 Thread Bill Lindsay
That trip to Justin's porch doesn't count because I was not on a bike. I drove to pick up handlebars. Maybe that's why your beagle was barking with such righteous disapproval. I beat the heat today by riding at both dawn and dusk but not in between. The dusk ride wrapped up 200 miles for

Re: [RBW] S24O Report: Avoiding the Toilet-Eating-Bog by Bikepacking to Another

2017-08-27 Thread Jay Connolly
Thoroughly enjoyable, as usual. I respect a man who has the sense to escape on a bike ride and leave technical tasks to trained professionals. As I like to say, "I could pay myself to do it twice, but I'd rather save some money and have a pro do it right the first time." By all means, read Ange

[RBW] Re: Help from coastal riders: how to deal with sand?

2017-08-27 Thread Ron Mc
I don't ride the beach, but rI ride a lot of wet grit. I use Wippermann stainless chains and wax lube (Molten Speed Wax, and extend it with White Lightning Clean Ride) - nothing sticks to it. Before I tried the molten wax (6000 mi now), I was using just bottled wax lubes like Clean Ride, and

Re: [RBW] S24O Report: Avoiding the Toilet-Eating-Bog by Bikepacking to Another

2017-08-27 Thread Ed Fausto
Nice story and pictures Deacon! By the way, I cannot see from the pictures what shifters you are using? On Mon, Aug 28, 2017 at 11:08 AM, Jay Connolly wrote: > Thoroughly enjoyable, as usual. I respect a man who has the sense to > escape on a bike ride and leave technical tasks to trained profes

[RBW] Portland to SF?

2017-08-27 Thread Benz, Sunnyvale, CA
Since we're touched upon Rivendell touring setups, can I ask for your experience, hints, and advice doing this ride, southbound, and especially if you started in SF? How did you get to Portland? Amtrak?What routes/places should I try to hit, and what things should I try to do? Conversely, what

[RBW] Re: Portland to SF?

2017-08-27 Thread dougP
Take the Atlantis; that's its mission in life. You've got the most comprehensive resource in Bicycling the Pacific Coast. Hiker / biker camp facilities in Oregon are generally good. Inexpensive & usually hot showers. Some are even in towns so you can walk to meals & still camp out. Plus yo

Re: [RBW] Re: What do Rivendell Riders use for thumb shifters?

2017-08-27 Thread Joe Bernard
Paul used to make a thumbie mount to fit road bars..an old Reader showed them on the tops near the stem. The MicroSHIFT thumbies on my Clem look like they could be dremeled out to do the same thing. I'll bet they would work well mounted Riv-style on the inside of the hoods. -- You received th