Re: [RBW] Re: Tandems & Mixtes and Price Hikes, Oh my!

2011-09-03 Thread cyclotourist
OMG, I soo want a Riv tandem. But I have a Co-Motion collecting dust in the garage right now, so don't know if I'll ever justify it. :-( On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 11:29 PM, Kelly Sleeper wrote: > Well I'll miss out on the riv tandem. Our Bilenky custom lugged is being > built. > > Kelly >

[RBW] Re: So...sick...of...flats....UGH!

2011-09-03 Thread Michael Hechmer
Here in Vermont people are much kinder. For example, after every auto accident some kind soul will sweep the glass out of the middle of the road into the shoulder. michael -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To view this dis

[RBW] Orange Single TT 60 CM Sam HIllborne at RBW, but has paint ding

2011-09-03 Thread Mattt
Hey folks, I was at Rivendell yesterday and was checking out the bikes. They have an orange 60 cm Sam Hillborne with a single top tube for sale for $950. It has a paint ding on top of the top tube and looks like it might have been used a tiny bit. I wanted to get the word out because I know

[RBW] Re: Pictures of Sammy

2011-09-03 Thread danmc
Great looking bike. I have also have 84 PBH but went for the 56cm Sam. I love the bike but it is a large frame. Those sure look like 650B tires so would your bike be a 52cm? Or was there a 54cm at some point in the past? Dan On Sep 1, 3:56 pm, Frank Brose wrote: > Nicely done. I dig the fron

[RBW] Sam Hillborne Build + Reaction

2011-09-03 Thread Aaron Schmidt
Well, I'll heap the usual accolades on my SH. I'm enjoying it! Here are some pics. (You'll notice I hadn't put corks in the bar ends yet.) It is replacing a LHT and I'm really pleased that, with my Thumbies set up

[RBW] WTB: Wheel with freewheel hub, 700c

2011-09-03 Thread dweendaddy
I posted this on iBOB, but haven't gotten any firm leads. I am looking to build up my first steel road bike and am looking for a rear wheel that is: 126mm spacing 700c ideally with 6-7 gears in good shape 36 spokes under $100, as I am on a tight budget! Please contact me at dweendaddy at hotmai

[RBW] Re: Orange Single TT 60 CM Sam HIllborne at RBW, but has paint ding

2011-09-03 Thread eflayer
paint chip or tube dent? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To view this discussion on the web visit To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@googleg

[RBW] Re: Sam Hillborne Build + Reaction

2011-09-03 Thread Earl Grey
Congrats. Looks lovely. I really like the new green. If you need to go cheap on the seatpost, the VO one is very nice. I have misgivings about a lot of VO products, but none about the seatpost. Gernot On Sep 2, 10:31 pm, Aaron Schmidt wrote: > Well, I'll heap the usual accolades on my SH. I'm e

[RBW] Re: Orange Single TT 60 CM Sam HIllborne at RBW, but has paint ding

2011-09-03 Thread jandrews_nyc
Was there a maroon renovelo there as well? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To view this discussion on the web visit To post to this group, send email to rbw-ow

[RBW] Re: Orange Single TT 60 CM Sam HIllborne at RBW, but has paint ding

2011-09-03 Thread EastBayGuy
I was there a few days ago and the Renovelo was still hanging. I think it is a 56 SamI think.. Looks like the original SimpleOne Maroon color. Dustin G Walnut Creek Ca -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To view this discu

Re: [RBW] Re: Interesting refutation of Gary Taubes' obesity ideas

2011-09-03 Thread Anne Paulson
I don't doubt what you say about your colleagues. But it is also true that historically the vast majority of Chinese people couldn't afford meat as a daily diet. They didn't get their calories from meat (too expensive) or vegetables (not many calories). Rather, they got the calories either from

[RBW] Re: TherMohair Socks at the Minnesota State Fair

2011-09-03 Thread Mitch Browne
For the rest of us. Mitch - San Luis Obispo, CA -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To view this discussion on the web visit To post to this

[RBW] Re: Sam Hillborne Build + Reaction

2011-09-03 Thread Zack
looks fantastic! good stuff. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To view this discussion on the web visit To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bunch@go

[RBW] FS: Park Digital Scale DS-1 Brand New

2011-09-03 Thread Johnny Alien
I have a brand new in the box Park digital scale. I have never used it but I did (before listing it here) throw some batteries in to check that it worked. So this is actually better than new as it will include batteries and they normally don't. $43 shipped in the US.

[RBW] Re: Sam Hillborne Build + Reaction

2011-09-03 Thread Garth
FWIW ... I was the opposite about the VO post! LoL. I returned it. I really didn't trust it... as I thought the tiny head, the actual part that clamps on the seat rails .. was just too small. It's much smaller than any post I've seen lately ... it reminded me of posts from the CNC crazed day

[RBW] Re: Sam Hillborne Build + Reaction

2011-09-03 Thread islaysteve
Great looking bike, Aaron, congratulations. I agree with Earl (about the new green), at least i like the way the green looks in your pix better than others that I have seen Enjoy! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To view t

[RBW] Re: FS: Park Digital Scale DS-1 Brand New

2011-09-03 Thread islaysteve
Posting a SCALE on this forum? What are you thinking?? (Just kiddin') Or is this what happens when we renounce our old weight-weeny ways? Note: I still weighed the parts as I was building up my Bleriot. Old habits die hard. Steve -- You received this message because you are subscribed to

[RBW] Re: FS: Park Digital Scale DS-1 Brand New

2011-09-03 Thread Johnny Alien
I laughed about it a little myself. But like I said..I didn't use it. :) I thought maybe someone here would want one and want to save a couple of bucks. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW Owners Bunch" group. To view this discussion on the web vis

[RBW] Re: TherMohair Socks at the Minnesota State Fair

2011-09-03 Thread EricP
I mentioned to the folks there today about the issue of posting shipping costs on the website. They will look into it. One of the employees may also be checking out the list. (She has a friend who works for QBP, in the new 45Nrth department.) Liesl - nice comment on the side of the crate. My w

[RBW] Re: Sam Hillborne Build + Reaction

2011-09-03 Thread EricP
Very nice looking bike build. As one who also has a LHT, yes, the Rivendell is a much more nimble feeling bike. (Although I do prefer the bars way up on mine. Personally have had no problem with the VO seatpost. But am not using it at present. Had it on my LHT but went back to a Nitto. Didn't

[RBW] Bags, bags for sale . . .

2011-09-03 Thread Forrest
I have some very nice and very lightly/barely used bags for sale. There's nothing wrong with these bags. I just have more bags than I need, and I'm sort of an experimenter. These wonderful bags simply don't meet my current needs. Inquiries and offers off-list, please. I take PayPal. Thanks for