Surely there are shops much closer to home for small parts? Sorry if
that's a glib answer, but I often talk to local-to-me folks who order
odds and ends online when I have the same items on-hand at a
competitive price within easy bike-range. They are often surprised to
learn that whatever items the
On Tue, 2010-01-05 at 13:52 -0800, Michael_S wrote:
> Isn't the IRD front derailleur designed to work with compact double
> cranksets? That may be the issue. You probably should get a front
> derailleur designed for a triple.
IRD does in fact have a front derailleur designed to work with compact
Very true, Jim. I support RBW to the extent that it's practical, but I agree
with you about the small items available at local shops. It's true, however,
that RBW does carry a bunch of fairly unique stuff, and that requires a trip
over to Walnut Creek (more so to see the bikes!). Locally, I i
Hi Patrick,
If the "twinging" in the knees is not sharp pain (dull pain, aching is
okay) then I would consider it not great for your knees. However, that
is not from seated high torque pedaling per se. I'd bet the seated
high torque pedaling is revealing a weakness/dysfunction elsewhere in
the kin
Thanks for the heads up, Letter sent:
in Ventura workng in LA, but might consider a move to get out of the
car again if LA was a little more like Ventura
On Jan 5, 9:17 pm, cyclotourist wrote:
> Consider taking a few moments to submit support of opening dirt trails
> withing the city to cyc
Yes, I've made my Goals for 2010 official ... or at least I posted
them on our website, which basically means I better follow through
with my plans:
In fact, my goals aren't too different from most ... just that I have
associated a
Interesting link. Makes one wonder what the government is thinking
when it almost approves private development plans that call for
closing public trails. Good to see people fighting that attitude,
even if those people do get to enjoy relatively decent riding weather
while we are freezing and snow
On Jan 5, 2010, at 10:28 PM, LyleBogart{AT} wrote:
I also have a bias against changing more than one variable at a
time since doing so
may make unclear what the most effective strategy is…
What he said.--
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Excellent, Lyle -- you are confirming all my prejudices. The twinges are
dull and don't start until the next day.
Patrick "Mash 'em!" Moore
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 6:57 AM, LyleBogart{AT} <> wrote:
> Hi Patrick,
> If the "twinging" in the knees is not sharp pain (d
On Jan 6, 8:57 am, "LyleBogart{AT}"
> I'd bet the seated
> high torque pedaling is revealing a weakness/dysfunction elsewhere in
> the kinetic chain--weakness or excessive tightness (or a combination
> of the two) at the hips for instance--which yields poor biomechanics
> at the k
Hi All,
I'm looking to buy a medium sized Nitto Big Back Rack to put on my
56cm Atlantis. Please reply off list. Any help would be greatly
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW
Owners Bunch" group.
To post to this group, send
I came across these at the Panaracer website. They're not for me but
maybe someone on this list would be interested to know they're out
there. Now the blue T-Serves... those would look sweet on my orange
I wonder, do colored tires ride differently.
Yea - they have the white 28s in stock at Velo Cult in San Diego.
They look pretty cool.
On Jan 6, 7:38 am, Mike wrote:
> I came across these at the Panaracer website. They're not for me but
> maybe someone on this list would be interested to know they're out
> there. Now the blue T-Serv
Hi Patrick,
I could never tell what which was worse: going down College Street in
Burlington on a fixed gear in the snow & ice or going back up it!
Chondromalacia is a specific pathology in which the articular surface
of the knee cap softens. This problem typically responds well to
Don't know on tires (guessing no diff), but I have an orange vinyl Stones album
and it plays the same as the black color version.
From: Mike
To: RBW Owners Bunch
Sent: Wed, January 6, 2010 9:38:57 AM
Subject: [RBW] White Paselas
I wonder, do colored tires r
No difference in ride, but they look nice and new and then you ride
them for 20 feet and they are dirty.
Not for clean freaks.
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Owners Bunch" group.
To post to this group, send email to rbw-owners-bu...@googlegroups
In a message dated 1/6/2010 10:39:03 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I wonder, do colored tires ride differently. I've only ever used black
It depends on the color. In 2005 the engineering faculty at MIT did an
experiment with mice that were paint
Thanks Rob!
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 6:09 AM, rperks wrote:
> Thanks for the heads up, Letter sent:
> Rob,
> in Ventura workng in LA, but might consider a move to get out of the
> car again if LA was a little more like Ventura
> On Jan 5, 9:17 pm, cyclotourist wrote:
> > Consider taking a few
Government thinking = easiest way to raise short-term $$$.
I hope they open up trails. L.A. HAS to become a more bike-friendly town.
It's ridiculous that such a year round cycling city has so many impediments
to cycling (closed trails, lack of lanes, poor public transit, etc).
Thanks for checkin
I'm not talking about bikes here. We all know that Orange is the
fastest color. But I am curious if the pigment in the tires effects
wear and traction.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW
Owners Bunch" group.
To post to this group, send email to rbw-
But if you played it backwards it said Keith is dead.
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 8:13 AM, Bruce wrote:
> Don't know on tires (guessing no diff), but I have an orange vinyl Stones
> album and it plays the same as the black color version.
> --
> *From:* Mike
> *To:* RBW
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 12:42 PM, wrote:
> It depends on the color. In 2005 the engineering faculty at MIT did an
> experiment with mice that were painted different colors. They, basically,
> were asking the same question that you've asked and it was found that those
> mice that were painte
Very Sharp Steve. As has been stated the sidepulls look great.
Justin I noticed on the Renaissance cycles sites that they got (big
mouth) side pulls to work on a 56cm Sam
so their maybe hope for your Simpleone dreams even if it comes as a
Mankind always benefits when scientific discoveries are disseminated.
In a message dated 1/6/2010 1:42:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Luckily, after reading of the experiment, I was able to snatch up one of
> the last of the orange Quickbeams.
> Bill
> Lou
One goal for 2010: FINALLY put my Bleriot together. Have all the
bits-- now just need the time. I now understand how people end up with
NOS/ NIB components from decades past.
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "RBW
Owners Bunch" group.
To post
My disinterest in threadless stems is on record in this forum.
However, every now and then, even this committed threaded stemaphile
has to admit there are some neat threadless gadgets out there.
And here is one neat gadget:
If you are going to be putt
Very nice, indeed. Wish they made one for standard stems.
― Eric Norris
On Jan 6, 2010, at 2:01 PM, JoelMatthews wrote:
My disinterest in threadless stems is on record in this forum.
However, every now and then, even this committed threaded ste
On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 5:36 AM, Steve Palincsar wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-01-05 at 13:52 -0800, Michael_S wrote:
> > Isn't the IRD front derailleur designed to work with compact double
> > cranksets? That may be the issue. You probably should get a front
> > derailleur designed for a triple.
> I
Hmmm - I've found that I want the light as far out in front of me as
possible, as I can get some nasty glare when I stand and pedal unless the
light is well-shielded from above. I also seem to recall reading that low
mounts are better as it shows road relief closer in than a high-mounted
Looks like Panaracer is following the lead of Vittoria who introduced
a white 700x28c Randonneur last year
Although to Panaracer's credit they are offering a range of colors.
In the wet and rainy NorthWest pimping my
I have one on my big dummy which has on one mary bars with very little
flat area for battery lights. It works well, it is not high enough
compared to a handlebar mount to make any difference. It does sit back
from the bars quite a ways and does lead to a little more light
spillage when out of the s
Howdy folks.
I need to sell my 700C Free Radical to finance some parts to build up my Big
Dummy. It is in good used condition with some scratches and signs of wear
but nothing unattractive and no rust, dents or cracks. This is just the FR
frame, nothing attached to it. It is boxed up and ready
Not mine. Don't know the seller. All that sort o' thing.
Light blue Wilbury frame and fork with painted to match pump
- J
Jim Edgar
Cyclofiend Bicycle Photo Galleries -
Current Classics - Cross Bikes
A few headlight mounting thoughts and considerations..
-a light on the handlebars can easily be adjusted while riding which is
something I do occasionally when there are speed and terrain changes,
-or dimmed or shielded by hand if someone is coming the other way on a bike
trail (a factor with the
> Hmmm - I've found that I want the light as far out in front of me as
> possible, as I can get some nasty glare when I stand and pedal unless the
> light is well-shielded from above. I also seem to recall reading that low
> mounts are better as it shows road relief closer in than a high-mounted
Keith Richards rides an orange Quickbeam? I thought they were dead.
On Jan 6, 1:15 pm, cyclotourist wrote:
> But if you played it backwards it said Keith is dead.
> On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 8:13 AM, Bruce wrote:
> > Don't know on tires (guessing no diff), but I have an orange vinyl Ston
I think you mean Keith Moon. He's dead. I bet Syd Barrett (original
member of Pink Floyd) would like Rivendells. Unfotunately he's dead
On Jan 6, 8:09 pm, R Gonet wrote:
> Keith Richar
During my morning commute this morning I saw another rider on a bike
I'm sure was a Rivendell, although I couldn't quite make out whether
it was a Ram or some other model. It was light blue/gray with black
plastic fenders.
This took place at the stoplight on Lawrence and Walsh.
Was it someone on t
38 matches
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