I part-time down in Lakewood Ranch, but even there I'm on a ti
Serotta. The brevet series up around Gainesville is intriguing, but
let's face it, it's pretty flat, pretty straight, and not much else.
On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 2:46 PM, Scotty wrote:
> As I wait for my bike I cant help but notice th
Bartow, FL convert here
Atlantis on the way, building up a Hilsen frame
Scotty wrote:
>As I wait for my bike I cant help but notice that I have never sever seen a
>Rivendell bike in person. I was wondering if any of the members here are in
>the Tampa area. I do know that the Country bike and T
here's a link to a map of Riv owners. Probably no longer up to date, as
Renaiisance closed at the end of last year, but interesting still. But alas
nobody listed in Tampa Bay area.
From: rbw-owners-bunch@googlegroups.com