It runs counter to the typical Riv advice, but my back pain went away when I
moved my saddle forward a bit. This was recommended during a pro fitting I had
done in preparation for ordering a custom.
The other trick I've tried with some success is more of an attitude/mental
thing--what the club
If you are comfortable and efficient (both together) then you are
fine. I personally find a hugely setback saddle to be both more
comfortable and efficient and this saddle position tends naturally to
a single plane for the back, be my bars 4 cm below saddle (Riv roads)
or 8 cm above (Fargo); but ev
Try yoga it's great for improving posture and alignment. I was having issues
with my back while riding to the point of stop riding or maybe get a
recumbent, I had someone recommend trying yoga...which I did and at this
point 1.5 years later it's not an issue anymore. I can even ride on the
drops fo