I work the tapered end of a tupperware orange peeler under it so I
don't scratch the bars and squirt a little rubbing alcohol in there
with an oral syringe to lubricate and loosen it. Works a charm!
I do it somewhat crudely, but it seems to work without destroying the
grips: stick a long, skinny screwdriver or awl under the end, shove in a
couple of inches, lift slightly, spray in WD40, rotate, and remove.
Reinstall using WD40 -- it will dry after an hour or so leaving the grips
On Sun
I'm planning to switch my bullmoose bars for albatrosses. Need to remove
the ergo bar grips to do this and was wondering if the group had ideas how
to do this without destroying the grips. They are not glued but don't budge
when I try to loosen them. Any ideas would be appreciated. Bill