DT shifting is fantastic on a Rambouillet.
Highly recommend.
Silver shifters are long for easy reach, too.
My Ram is rare. Blue with Hilsen lugset and rack braze ons on the seatstays. In
the 1200’s for serial number. Wonder which year that would be.
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My orange Rambo is #RB0068
Purchased the frame and fork via eBay. It's my main rando rig, paint is pretty
beat up, still a beaut.
I'm finally changing out the old crunchy HS for a brand new campy record,
switching from shimano 10spd brifters to old shimano 600 drillium non aeros,
and putting th
Ram numbers are sequential. About 1300 total frames made iirc. cyclofiend has
some numbers and date ranges. Mine is 841 and was bought new in late 2006.
May have been at RBW for a year prior as 52 was not a fast seller. (One 1 run,
the blue, has 50 and 52 frames which use 26" wheels).
Now that we cracked the Waterford codes.
What about Toyo? Woukd be nice to date my Rambouillet as it is a mystery
version with all the green version frame accoutrements yet is blue and the
serial # is sky high fir a Ram . Bought stock in retail store so not a custom
paint job.
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