Here's what's left:
6. Basket Bag - a simple tote-type bag made to fit a Wald 137 basket -
needs to be used with a net - made of Tan Fairfield WR #8 canvas and brown
split leather - $35 shipped - 2 available -
9. Saddle Wedge - black, Fairfield
Here's what's left:
4. XL Saddle Wedge - a prototype a made and used for a little bit, waxed
tan canvas, mounts to saddle rails, seatpost, and around seatstays - $60
shipped -
6. Basket Bag - a simple tote-type bag made to fit a Wald 137 bask
Thanks to all who bought stuff. Updated list:
2. Nitto B302 Bar Setup - Nitto B302 Bar, Tektro Brake Levers, Grips,
Leather Grips at curves, 12cm Threadless Polished Stem - $45 shipped -
3. Tektro Long Reach Brakes - nutted mounts,