I love bike shops like that. We have two here in N. Vt. Smaller, but
similar ambiance. Earlier this summer I went in three times for help with
various projects. Mostly advice. No charge. This week I went back and
spent $200 on sundries. I'd hate to loose my cycologist.
On Sunday,
Yes. That is *exactly* what I remember the LBS's I used to visit looking
like when I first began to get into serious cycling back in the early 70's.
No, they sure don't make them like that any more - now most of 'em look
like boutiques. Thanks for the nostalgia tour!
On Sunday, August 7, 201
Very nice. I would like to be in that shop.
Thank you,
On Sunday, August 7, 2016 at 6:35:56 PM UTC-7, Eric Norris wrote:
> Thought the group might like this photo of Vecchio’s Bicycles in Boulder,
> CO. Great classic shop—they don’t make them like this any more.
> https://flic.kr/p/K