I converted my Bike Friday from 9 to 10 speed. I always do indexed, but on
that bike I was having a lot of issues with the rear shifting being
"imprecise". No amount of adjustment worked.
I kept the 9 speed XT RD and replaced the barends and chain with the
Shimano 10 speed equivalents. Also replac
On 06/20/2016 06:20 PM, Joe Bernard wrote:
As you're looking at the bike from behind, your derailer pulleys are lined up
slightly to the right of the center of each cog. In this position you'll get a
clean shift to the left towards bigger cogs, but as it moves to the right
towards smaller, t
As you're looking at the bike from behind, your derailer pulleys are lined up
slightly to the right of the center of each cog. In this position you'll get a
clean shift to the left towards bigger cogs, but as it moves to the right
towards smaller, the chain wants to skip too far right to the nex
Ok, this is a bit off topic, my apologies, but I am perplexed.
I run 9 speed silver friction shifter on all of my bikes except the tandem,
which has Shimano bar ends. I usually run it in friction, mostly because I
don't have regular experience with indexing and when they need adjustment,
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