[RBW] Looking for a VO Viva Saddlebag Support

2011-08-31 Thread Thomas Lynn Skean
I'm surprised. Are you saying a 5" standoff is just too long? That may be. But I also have an old-style Acorn "Large" saddlebag and am able to use it with a stand-off I made. It might've been 5"; I don't know. But I definitely had my saddle slammed back and am able to use the bag with this stand

[RBW] Looking for a VO Viva Saddlebag Support

2011-08-30 Thread Eric
Anyone have one they're interested in parting with? I have the old "large" Acorn saddlebag on a Brooks Flyer. The bag hangs funny and rests on the springs. It's hangs too far from the seat post to somehow secure it there or to use a stand-off. I need it to stand back from the seat post about 5